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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. Hell of a deal buddy all the way from Paradise..200 bucks shipping in?..crazy deal for sho
  2. ok..#1..sorry to hear of your busted pelvis .. nasty #2..cut back the dose on the Oxycontin .. to tell ya the truth .. ever since i was a young boy I believed in Sasquatch, though over the years it's harder and harder to believe, with the level of activity in the wilderness, .. no solid footage, no bodies/bones/fur, no old shelters, although a part of me still believes, i now prefer to look to the skies for my superunknown ..
  3. Yeah totally, Birch hit 'er on the head .. if we could have a fantasy place .. pass w/o the wind
  4. Yeah my pics are trash too
  5. fingernails would make sense i guess, my biggest threat to line is the fact that i don't pay attention to where im stripping it and it ends up between rocks or under my feet
  6. Thanks for posting this Neil,Dunno how everbody (including myself) missed this. I read your article and seems to me a good idea at first but kinda scares me when you think this maybe the early beginnings of the same situation they have in the UK, pay to fish on private beats. Check it out - Neils Article
  7. I find it boring to tie a dozen extra flies, that and it irritates me to be "particular" about my flies. I participated the cross pond swap 'cause it interested me and i got to tie what i wanted to tie.. perhaps the biggest thing, the more time i spend at the vice, the more i want to go fishing and it aggravates me to my limits when i can't
  8. HMMMMMM.....fly fisherman conspiracy ??
  9. could it be alot of the population here at FFC feel more comfortable talking about something they can have a voice in? the Auction thread clearly shows people do care about the fishery, habitat and other environmental issues .. people here are much more inclined to step up and support a good cause directly rather than take chances with government my 0.02
  10. well thats good news .. considering .. friggin crackheads
  11. uh - oh ... Leave me otta this one cause I'm gonna claim maritime dual citizenship .. I was born on the banks of the Miramichi in Newcastle NB .. but my folks moved back to the rock when i was just a 20"er my dad was in the military and we moved around lots until he got out in the early 80's
  12. ya know t'was bad when dad would make you go bring in the shovel ..
  13. Hmmmmmm.....Kayak it is then ..
  14. Jeez Brian, Thats like selling crack at rehab .. good idea
  15. well back in the day when it was "cool" (i grew up in small town Newfoundland) to have a CB in your car ..LOL.LOL.. I was the ICEMAN
  16. .. was in the Colorado rockies this past weekend, and they had to close I-70 at the pass due to bad weather and half our party was delayed by a day, they would agree, although I don't think there was much censorship going on in the Jeep at the time ...
  17. I'd say a kayak would be perfect for transportation on the Bow, however fishing while floating maybe asking for trouble as you have no way to control the vessel other than constant paddling .. I suppose its not to dangerous if you consider other places
  18. That sucks dude, I'll lone you a set up to keep you fishing until you can replace yours if you want
  19. I just repeat what the weather network tells me .. whatever it is, I know it creates more trouble for CENTRAL Canada than it does Alberta, Detroit is hardly East .. either way, Alberta has been home for the last 10 years and I plan to keep it my home. I like the people, I like the mountains, and I LOVE the weather
  20. They are the best, IMO .. tough to find, try small ma and pa drug/grocery stores or someplace who is more likely to carry "out of date" stock
  21. I'll take it any day over Newfoundland weather, the Alberta Clipper is a joke ..
  22. now that says " I love me"
  23. my old campfire special, dip fish in beaten eggs (season eggs however, i just use S&P), cover in cracker crumbs, fry in butter .. mmmmmmm (hmm .. i wonder if there's any fish in the freezer)
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