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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. All the best Lynn, wishing you a speedy recovery
  2. I bought one in a two piece in the Spring...It's the cats ass B
  3. What a trip..thats the route when the 649 hits boys
  4. Agree, IP phone is the way to go, cheap, eliminates long distance..won't be long before Telus drops the land lines IMO..
  5. Hey what ever it takes, I know a few kids (both young and old) that are hopelessly addicted to that World Of Warcraft stuff.. It's worst than Crack, Crystal Meth, and Fly Fishing put together...
  6. If you boys like the Vanish, you should check out the Maxima 100% Flourocarbon..I used vanish for a bit and went on to Maxima. about the same price.
  7. Waste of time..not really(when is fishing ever a waste of time?), worth it..not really..the main reasons night fishing is so hot in the summer is because of the huge hatches / temperature change..with little hatching right now and the drop in temperature in the evening..it makes for less than prime conditions. I find late morning to early afternoon the best this time of year, thats not to say you won't go out at 7 am or 7pm and get into fish. Soon when all the fish are in the winter runs, all you'll have to do is find one and worry about ice free water.. You gotta consider risk vs. reward to buddy, do you want to be stumbling around icy rocks in the dark, freezing cold..? I'd stick to the afternoons on the weekends if thats all you can manage..
  8. Ah...Salmon...find one ya find 'em all..grew up fishing similar crowds back east, some places so bad, fisherman would have to cast in unison as not to cross lines..we call one pool.. 1-2-3 cast
  9. I'd have to go to bat for my Bare Blackwaters, 3 seasons I'd say +/- 350 days in them (wade, float)..had to dip in to the Aquaseal this year to do a few seams though...tough waders, comfortable..aside from the patch in the knee from a nasty piece of Bow River rebar..clean 'em up and they look brand new...
  10. I love that picture Clive, makes me giggle when i see it...your pictures alway look so....real Don't have any real gooders..(my rod usually ends up on the bank or in the river, hey its got warrenty right..)
  11. I bought a pair of Korkers Streamborn this spring, they are great for support, lightweight, easy in/out..only complaint i have is I went through 4 pair of laces this year (don't even say it cause that Boa system wouldn't last me 2 outings) I'm tough on gear, I'm a big boy and I go hard..I'd imagine i will get another season from them though.. as for the soles...I had the felt come unattached from the sole on one pair (replaced free of charge ) and my first outing in the spiked soles last week..the plastic part of the sole split in several places in the cold...(also replaced free of charge).. for anybody getting replacement soles for Korkers, I'd suggest getting a size larger, they fit better after the boot has been broken in..13 soles for my 13's were a little on the small side...14's fit snug..
  12. yep..they'll hold a few rods at a buck forty heading down 22..lol they give you sort of an uneasy feeling though..watching your rod outside as you motor down the highway..
  13. nice rig for sure dude..congrats
  14. I use to be a "no difference" kind o guy..but after trying a few different Flouros I stuck with Maxima 100% Flouro, Its pretty cheap too..13 buck for 200 yards (i got mine off the net) Its harder to see than mono and its more dense so it sinks better for nymphing. only down side i can see is it has way less shock absorption (stretch) .. and this maybe an upside to some fisherman..
  15. LMAO...I was looking at that rod last night..did'nt look at the bidders though....thats awesome .. way to bust him Weedy
  16. refrigerators work on a basic system of compression(heating)/expansion(cooling), if the temperature outside of the refrigerator is too cold, it won't work properly..I'd imagine it would cause the compressor to run continually if the coils on the back were cooled to quickly.
  17. same here, hard to find decent ones when you find them at all in the color you need..picked up some in the US couple weeks ago..they seem to have no shortage down there, wonder if it's supply problem of sorts..
  18. He's 29, maybe 30..pretty sure i caught the same fish thihs summer..lol
  19. Pattern # 3 Hook : Daiichi # 2441 size 2/0 Thread : Hot Pink
  20. 18.5..on the best of days
  21. I just bought a set of snow tires in Montana for 300vs.600+ up here..
  22. Birchy Birchy Birchy...for a man born and raised on the east coast...thats the best fishing song you could find?... ....{hangs head in shame}....
  23. I wish you the time and fish of your life...nail a big Kiwi Brown for me
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