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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. Memories indeed, grandpa still has a cabinet full of those old boxes....nice post
  2. I Have a pair of streamborns..I like 'em .. went through a couple pairs of laces this season tho
  3. yep..ridin helps...need a winter trip to cure the blues.. mine this year, Breckenridge Colorado 7-11 feb check it out - www.breckhaven.com 8 dudes from all over, Newfoundland, Ontario, North Carolina, California, Alberta
  4. yep an effective Atlantic pattern for sure....nice
  5. ...I was kinda thinking the same thing Don, pass me a drumstick...
  6. no thing as a silly question....? not in this case....of course they work .. it's "flies like that" which paved the way for fly fishing..I've hooked trout out of the bow on highlanders, blue charms, thunder and lightnings, black sliver tips .. if you fish it they will come .. try a big wet in lieu of your worm ..
  7. wadda you got against cheese? :angry: :angry:
  8. Plastic beer bottles? hhmm .. I've brewed beer, never tried 'em..what type of cap goes on them?
  9. Geez...only 10 hour days, 6 days a week...hmmm..sign me up...
  10. Jim Henson would be proud..nice tie
  11. It arrived today, 14 days from auction to my door (best yet, from the UK anyway) Spring Creek 10ft 7/8 3pc, looks sharp, nice case and sock, casts great in the back yard, hopefully i'm still off when it warms up next week..my new big stick...
  12. psstt..Lynn have i got a deal for you .. pm sent..j/k
  13. he he he ..
  14. you won't be dissapointed with it..green is nicer than that gay blue as well...
  15. I'm working on my duckling pattern over the winter....
  16. I've pounded a bunch of nice Trout outta the Bow on the mouse, Usually after dark tho, so they may have hit anything...I've casted to hogs close to the banks in the daylight and got some good looks, but never a hit in broad daylight..pike on the other hand...lol...they like mice...
  17. That'll get ya trout...practice practice practice..good job hey did you ever find a 2 man toon?
  18. LOL...wicked Birchy...gonna have to make you an honorary Newfie...long may yer big jib draw..although your already pretty close..a Caper is only a Newf who missed the boat.. LS..you wishes you 'ad a newfie fella ta rub yer feet and take ya fishin, don't ya now? to answer your question, Louis St. Laurent (PM Canada) let the Newfie's in The oldest settlements in North America yet the youngest province...I'd of voted responsible government if it were up to me...a mere 1400 votes and she would have went the other way... all in all the island is home, but Alberta is my home
  19. LOL....looks good Dave
  20. One I tied w/ Caribou, csn pack it real tight, but its short so your limited to "baby" mice..
  21. your fullness will come from how tight you pack it, I use the middle/lower section of the hairs as they are more ridged, pack tight & start trimming, you'll be suprised on how dense you can get that mouse, it'll float like wood..
  22. I have a 8lb hammer that will have that baby back in focus in no time..sorry Lynn..look at the bright side, you get to go shopping.
  23. It ain't about how bad The Leafs, Flames or whoever sucks .. it's about what has happened to hockey .. the greed the money the power "the salary cap to make it all better" lets change this & that, we'll get more scoring .. BS to it all, we have more Canadian boys winning the cup down south than ever..sick (and not the good sick either) no Canadian team has won in 15 years .. so I guess.. The Habs suck, The Sens suck, The Leafs suck, The Flames suck, The Oilers suck & the Canuks suck .. oh yeah and if I hook you with my stick .. GROW UP ITS FRIGGIN' HOCKEY .. habs rock
  24. Well if were gonna do this thing...
  25. If your doing it right, the first thing that will come to mind is...what a friggin waste of hair...spinin' Caribou for Bombers was my first disipline for tying..not as tricky as some stuff..but, the shaping can be less forgiving..take your time with the sissors...
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