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Everything posted by Taco

  1. T'aint that crazy, August long weekend in about 1975 I ran a 25 head pack string over Mystic Pass in BNP through 4 feet or more of fresh overnight snow. Snow was up to my boot tops while I was sittin' on a 17 hand horse. Mid August 1993 this area got 30-40 cm of snow, flattened the still growing crop and we lost all 2500 acres we had planted.
  2. I'd give serious consideration to one of these http://www.springcreekprams.com/
  3. Besides I get a woody everytime I think about shitty dizzily snowy falls days, damn few people, 6 hr bwo hatches and a river just boilin' with fish.....
  4. If ya didn't like the cake and pie comments you ain't gonna like this'n... I suppose you could always replenish them via hatchery trucks... the same way they got there in the first place. They really are no different than ringneck pheasants or grey partridges. Manage them for those who want to target them for their enjoyment but if they can't handle the conditions of a changing environment then I guess there will be an empty niche for some other species to occupy, hopefully a native one.
  5. Taco

    Fishpond Vest

    I've got the discontinued Tundra last winter/spring, bigassed puppy but I like it. I think the new one ain't quite as big
  6. I'd count the line down and play with my retrieve with irregular 3"-4" strips
  7. Obviously obnoxious ogling and groping..... Sheesh! I gotta 'splain everythang
  8. Heard some good reports about the Butter Sticks and most seem to rate it as a medium in fiberglass. I've never cast one, only a quick waggle but some rate the Kenneys as a bit slower.
  9. Y'all got good equipment Doc and my 2 bits on 4wt rods... a 794 or 824 L Kenney but your gonna have to wait a yr after orderin'... I just ordered my third Kenney
  10. I suppose... some people prefer masturbation as well
  11. When I go fissin', I turn the gawdamned phone off before I step into my truck leavin' the house.....
  12. One hybrid or rainbow shows up in a population pure cutthroat those cutthroat are no longer classed as pure
  13. Had a little 13"-14" bow t'other day come 2'-3' up and 5'-6' laterally and land splot in the bank mud, skidded him back into the water and then the little bugger had the nerve to break me off.
  14. Well that'll be interestin'. One of my son just moved into the northern 'bou and I had plans.........
  15. And try to not look too silly when climbin' in the left side door and then realizin' all the essential go Vroom! Vroom! stuff is over there on the right side..... don't ask.....
  16. Fer cry's sake they're cutthroat 1. Adams #12 2. Klinkhammer #12 3. Adams #14 4. Klinkhammer #14 5. Adams #16 6. Klinkhammer #16 7. Adams #18 8. Klinkhammer #10 9. Parachute Adams #14 10. Joe's Hopper
  17. Jesus!.. Al's damn near as old as me, a cougar to him would be out and out spooky... no matter the venue
  18. I still have most of a small pump bottle Deep Woods 100% Deet tucked in my pack. Couple short pumps will keep a 30' circle skeeter free seems like. Works on horseflies, deerflies, blackflies and no-see-ums too
  19. The only thing that makes bobbers and a 20' leader easier to throw is a 25 foot rod............
  20. My rough rule of thumb ; Look for a furled leader about 1 1/2'-2' shorter than the length of the rod then add tippet to get the total length of leader you want to fling but I don't find furled leader length to be hyper critical for the the way I fish. I buy mine from a guy in Texas for about 8 bucks apiece, double for fluorocarbon.
  21. Deet on skin is still preferable to a west nile bout, watched it, ain't pretty and 4 yrs later the guy can still barely walk to end of the block.
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