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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Dream fishin' trip? I looked outta the window this mornin' and thought, Ah ****! I just wanna go fishin'
  2. I had a TFO once, 7-10 yrs ago, whatever their upper end was, 6 wt, seemed like decent rod for the money, good thing about the warranty because I broke it 3 times fishing and up till then I never broke rods that way. Sold it and I haven't broke a rod fishing since. Maybe they've updated their scrim technology nowadays.
  3. Took a certain stream down here 7-8 yrs to restart restocking itself after the drought of '03 killed off 90+% of the trout. I had great hopes of a newly resurrected cutthroat stream until the goddamned rainbows showed up a couple yrs ago.
  4. Watch them old hippies! They ply you with beer and pry secret fishin' holes outta ya, devious buggers that way!
  5. Sorry diddy, I was bein' a smartass as in " Stay away so I can fish in peace" Although permanently changed by old Mom Nature about the only thing that can "destroy" a stream is mankind himself. It'll take a few yrs to recover not decades. Guess I coulda used j/k insteada tic "tongue in cheek"
  6. The flood nuked it, it's done as a decent fishin' stream for at least 25-30 yrs, not worth the longassed drive from Kalgree anymore. tic
  7. Glad we weren't talkin' about cluster midge flies......
  8. Took your smartassed pills today I see.
  9. I bow to the experience, I guess I hafta run a bugger/muddler tag team and see what happens Believe it or not for some odd reason I've seldom ever fished a bugger
  10. swangin' muddlers caught me a bajillon water rats
  11. See ya this summer at your new digs Al but I still ain't joinin' friggin' facebook
  12. Oops I meant "The Hut"... don't need to offend the beer comptroller
  13. I found an old King Eddie hippie hangin' around "The Shack"
  14. At your age wouldn't that you a dirty old man? I suppose it would be OK if you could keep it confined to an inner leer..
  15. Cripes another one I'll never catch up to. The upside to 65? The government buys you a set of cheap ill fittin' dentures every 5 yrs. The downside?? The hot chicks look at you with pity and hold the doors for you.. Happy Burfday Lornce
  16. Taco

    3Wt Reel?

    I got tired of throwin' out junk "inexpensive" reels. That's why I buy used quality reels in the secondary market, they're likely to be still worth what I paid for them 10 yrs down the road.
  17. Taco

    3Wt Reel?

    http://www.tackledirect.com/islanderir.html Here's an new IR1 for around $300CDN. The 1s have been discontinued.
  18. Taco

    3Wt Reel?

    Extremely subjective but a lined IR2 should put the balance point about mid grip. Personally I prefer that point to be just forward of my index finger but I've been told I'm an anal summbitch. Typically with the sightly heavier fiberglass you can upsize the reel a tad than you would with a comparable graphite.
  19. Taco

    3Wt Reel?

    How long and heavy is the rod and where do you like your balance point?
  20. Taco

    3Wt Reel?

    Islander IRs rock in click/pawls
  21. Christ I can't even win a donut @ rollup the rim
  22. I've always thought they should equip the Canadian Army with Fords... that way you'll know they will be good'n pissed off when they finally do make it to the fight. Ford does have some thoughtful options though, they came out with heated tailgates for their pickups so your hands won't get cold pushin' them into the shop.
  23. I'd think you'd easily get your build costs and add-ons out of it Mike. I don't know exactly what I want but I'll be in market for something like that in 3-4 yrs.
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