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I'd like to shake this guide's hand and buy him a beer. Society works when we hold each other accountable for our actions. By all accounts a few people gave Mr. Lincoln the chance to act like a reasonable, rational human being and instead of showing some humility and admitting his mistake he decided to be a douche and he got called on it. Simple as that.

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  On 9/18/2013 at 11:26 PM, dutchie said:

who cares really , if he was from red deer , edmonton or even calgary ,


that shouldn't matter at all , what does matter is what he was that morning


he was a mouthy D bag and tried to be a big bully to a bunch of other fly fisherman who where minding there own and some waiting in line to launch ,


i'm sure this will smart'n him up , he was nothing but a little dog with a big bark and he barked at the wrong guide ,



now for our visiting soft loveable huggable texan Rickr

your giving me a good laugh with your BS posts


if this happen down in your state, someone would of got shot as you texan's love your guns , ;mornCoffee:

Launches are much busier places where I'm from than they are here, the one I went to the most was a big triple launch. If you got there late, there might be 20 vehicles in front of you. Seen many arguments, been involved in one myself. No fist fights or guns so far though. But with soft lovable guys such as us, it's no wonder. Sorry for the BS, I'll try to do better. As an aside, if my count is correct, I've fished with 12 people who've posted on this thread. I don't think the terms they would use to describe me would be "soft and lovable." Well, maybe bobloblaw would, but he's too busy looking at flowers to really notice.

  • Like 3
  On 9/19/2013 at 2:23 PM, rickr said:

Launches are much busier places where I'm from than they are here, the one I went to the most was a big triple launch. If you got there late, there might be 20 vehicles in front of you. Seen many arguments, been involved in one myself. No fist fights or guns so far though. But with soft lovable guys such as us, it's no wonder. Sorry for the BS, I'll try to do better. As an aside, if my count is correct, I've fished with 12 people who've posted on this thread. I don't think the terms they would use to describe me would be "soft and lovable." Well, maybe bobloblaw would, but he's too busy looking at flowers to really notice.

Hmmm words to describe Rick, Soft and loveable... nope doesn't sound right.


Ok ok.. now this is getting stupid.. and I've seen enough.. lol


Here's what happened.. like it or not these ARE the facts... step by step.. as was proven on the video... Also which NONE of you have any business seeing unless you pay me ppv.. $130 million made last weekend on boxing fights... just pay me 1/10th of that you can see it. I had no idea was being made as was a shtstorm and hornets nest i stepped into early on a beautiful saturday morning at the gd boat launch. Quit being nosey rubbernecking gossiping old hags lol... or near the same.... jesus tupperware party at my place this saturday.... like you've never heard of a tuning before.. ffs.. its not the first time, and at my age i hope to fk it's the last! If you want to condemn me for defending myself, pretending that you wouldn't have ... you go ahead.. but you would have been the one in the hospital! .. And yeah.... it was in front of clients.. I WASN'T GIVEN THE CHOICE!!! And I'd f'king do it again!!!! Now to shut ya all the fk up here's EXACTLY what happened! Anyone else that was there will be able to attest to it I'm sure..


1. arrived at boat launch.. tied up in area to do so ..


2. as there were several vehicles parked where they shouldn't have been along with one boat getting ready to launch .. IN the "turn around/ backing area".. I chose to turn around outside the grassy bottleneck and wait.. no problem at all.. merely an extra 15m in reverse.. I turned around and waited.


3. The guys with the boat getting ready to launch waved me in as i was all set.. and they were great about it, totally cool.. so i proceeded to reverse into the launch area.


4. As I was reversing into the water i noticed a "Big Reddish almost Burgundy truck" crowding my from in front of me.. and following me into the launch he was coming in nose to nose, as i was reversing. So I waved him off.. as it was too crowded and proceeded to launch. And that was it. I continued launching.


5. Paying attention to where my clients were standing on the bank... and the ordeal of getting boat off trailer, into the water and anchored in a safe, place away from the actual launch area.. I was beginning to walk down the bank after an " I'll be right back" to my clients. So I could go park.


6.yep im doing the number thing.... disregard the first #6.

6. Oblivious to anything already happening.. I was walking the bank above the black matt type of ledge.. back to my Jeep. And was to walk around the front, rather than back into the water , around the back of the trailer then up the driver side.. So as i was walking towards my Jeep, I walk into earshot of what sounded like loud voices.. What that was... was.... the guides and fly fishers already at the boat launch prepping to launch who waved me in... looked like they were giving him shyt for butting in front and then i notice I'm blocked from being able to leave and go park.. as he apparently pulled in instead of stopping at my wave off.. when i was reversing.. and did a big wrap around my jeep on the outside, and between the other truck already in the water launching as i was pulling in.Get it?!


7. So now I'm ready to go park... And as he was arguing totally telling the other guys off.. I mentioned... "Do you mind backing up so I can leave ...Dude you're blocking me!"


8. He rotates his feet and is now facing me as I'm now walking in front of my jeep, to go between his truck and my Jeep.. proceeding to my driver side door.. so right now I'm still in front of my Jeep asking hime to move.. he spun and started telling me to "f off.. and that i should learn how to drive" Only problem was he blocked my in and i couldn't drive the jeep up over the ledge.. its a patriot... not a wrangler lol... anyhow he's telling me to fk off and giving me a what for" ... for asking him to back up. Totally spittle flying and frothing..


9. As I'm in awe and hes approaching me.. I'm now between his truck passenger door and my Jeep's front 1/4 panel light section.. and watching this fella loosing it.. All of a sudden a huge lab comes flying out his passenger window... well halfway out and was totally Cujo'ing me about a foot from my face.. HOLY FIK the dogs teeth are in my face and he meant it... So the dog scared the shyt out of me, and when i noticed it was a Lab.. (I grew up with Lab's, best dog ever imo).. I thought oh hey crazy boy....and pointed at him... still a little pissed from whackjob master in front of the truck and him (the dog) scaring the bejeezus out of me.. I pointed at him and said firmly 'SHUT UP'...


10. So the idiot in front of the truck telling me off the whole time (and the other guides too) starts to yell at me " NO YO SHUT UP.... YOU SHUT THE F UP!" bla bla bla and is rushing towards me getting in my face.. as i see this... i think hmmm.. fkers lucky i have clients or i would've dropped him earlier for being a mouth.. but he's rushing up on me... and i decided oh yeah...?!! not me no .. and his mouth going like a machine so I chose with body language to meet him in the middle.... you don't rush up on me! You may mouth me off in front of clients but you don't physically get away with anything around me... thats the line!!


There is ALWAYS a line!!


11. As I was meeting him in the middle he spun and went to his driver's door, got in and started up... so let him him flee... was kind of funny... mouthy goof.. and that was it.. so now I'm in front of his truck.. and he's revving his engine and I'm like ....what? .... what are you going to do? And he takes off....... I jumped to my right/ his left(of the truck) and as he's going past where i was just standing he hit the brakes and decides to mouth off more... well ..... Now Im pissed.. i look to see where my clients are.. they're still near the boat about 45 50m away.. upstream in the back eddy.


12. So now I'm near mad... I rush up and shove my head in his driver side door and tell him he's lucky i have clients... you piece of sh*t!! and then he starts to lunge at me..


13. So i back out of his radius .. and he's still frothing at the mouth.. lunging at me enough to make me react like wince... does it ( i say to myself.. next time) .. does it twice ( i again said to myself .. next time... Jonny your clients are over there).. third time... I'm restraining) .... fourth time... I snapped his lips in a beautiful shower of crimson, if only to get his attention..


14. So he's reeling.. and comes flying out of his truck leaving the door open, launching lefts and rights at MY head and I'm back pedalling and blocking everyone of them... was great... fking awesome.... not my first dance!! but he was throwing haymakers.. and i was back pedalling .. I had a "fat ugly blonde" coming at me from the water side who i had to fend off..(on my right)..... fkface coming at me from centre field throwing bombs, a big/taller black fella coming at me from my left.... and a Labrador retriever biting my ass... simultaneously..


15. So i knew i had to even the ratio.. and i threw a left at fknutz... deleted that threat..


Then the BS after he woke up began, that i'm "A f'ing pussy! For snapping him in while he was in his truck" (yet is fine with hime trying to run me over)While i was on the phone with the head guide trying to sort and explain what happened. Again he approached and asked if i saw or was the guy who dropped him... i said nope!!


The RCMP came had me in the back of the car.. due to me telling the truth... and they're need to "detain" me for it.. as they did an investigation. Only problem was i forgot to mention that he tried vehicular murder/assault .. with his truck and only noticed that I had a dog bit on my rear leg as i was sitting in the car waiting.. they came and said.. " he's claiming he was in fear, due to your assault, just so happens your client has it on video, with her phone.. and clearly shows him being the aggressor, including after he woke up.. he continued to instigate yelling across the parking lot.. and approaching me. An you trying to avoid", " So Jon.. take your clients and go fishing".


As they let me out of the car and shook my hand.. looking over to where jerkoffs truck and and company where.. we could see him collapse on the ground.. and curl up, jerking and shaking..... I said to the officer... "Is he ok? what's going on with him?" he said they "see this all the time" lol " we're not going to let him launch, we're going to make him pull his boat out" and they did


and that was it... due to fear of vandalism of my vehicle, i chose not to float. My clients were a little surprised by the ordeal.. but still wanted to go.... with me.. But i requested from the head guide out of respect for that company.. that he get someone else to do it.. i didn't feel right on the water that day after that.. although the officer did mention to me... " after something like this, a good way to get over it is.... fishing!"


So the guy mouthed off.. big deal.. total fking idiot... no biggie... tried to hit me with his truck... yup... game changer! Anyone wants to condemn me for that!!


Kindly Go Fk yourself!



Do i wish it didn't happen? Absolutely!


Also turns out.. I'll never be invited out to do floats for the company again.. Oh well, you win some and you lose some.


Even if it is self defence!


Hopefully no one will have the same trouble again, on any launch.


And I have never met, nor seen that guy before... never heard of him.. until now.. nothing but negative crap about him.. anyway.. none of my business..


So now you know the whole story...


GoldgloveJonny lol

  • Like 7

But Johnny how am I supposed to speculate now?


Thanks for the full story, I can't believe the dude ran at you with is truck.


The fight scene sounds like something out of a movie.


Thanks for all the detail, that is one crazy story.


I do like the cops comment about the best way to get over it is a good day of fishing.


My Pappy said:


"Son, your gonna drive me to drinkin' if you don't stop driving that darned red Lincoln"


Have you heard the story of the drift boat race,


Where the Clackas and Hydes were settin' the pace?


Well, the sad story is true I'm here to say,


I was really in the way, on that sunny day.


That Lincoln's got a chip and a can, it's really souped up,


That Hyde towing behind makes it look like a pup.


It's got eight rod holders and I use 'em all


I rig 'em in the launch, and to hell with you all.


Pulled into Police one morning, parking was tight,


The sun and sky shining bright.


Drove my rig down that hill,


Passing Clackas and GMC's, like they were standing still.


Now the fella's ribbed me for they were now behind,


I'm in the launch area, no hurry to unwind.


Now one guide thought I'd lost my sense,


slipped by me, slick as a new fence.


Can't have that boys, I got in his face,


Next thing I know things are blurry, I'm in the wrong place.


Next time I'll know,


Don't pick a fight with a man who lives to row.


Got home early, with a black eye,


Momma thought for sure, I'd been into the rye.


All Pappy said:


"Son your gonna drive me to drinkin' if you don't stop driving that darned....red.....Lincoln

  • Like 5
  On 9/19/2013 at 4:25 PM, aaa said:

My Pappy said:


"Son, your gonna drive me to drinkin' if you don't stop driving that darned red Lincoln"


Have you heard the story of the drift boat race,


Where the Clackas and Hydes were settin' the pace?


Well, the sad story is true I'm here to say,


I was really in the way, on that sunny day.


That Lincoln's got a chip and a can, it's really souped up,


That Hyde towing behind makes it look like a pup.


It's got eight rod holders and I use 'em all


I rig 'em in the launch, and to hell with you all.


Pulled into Police one morning, parking was tight,


The sun and sky shinging bright.


Drove my rig down that hill,


Passing Clackas and GMC's, like they were standing still.


Now the fella's ribbed me for they were now behind,


I'm in the launch area, no hurry to unwind.


Now one guide thought I'd lost my sense,


slipped by me, slick as a new fence.


Can't have that boy's, I got in his face,


Next thing I know things are blurry, I'm in the wrong place.


Next time I'll know,


Don't pick a fight with a man who lives to row.


Got home early, with a black eye,


Momma thought for sure, I'd been into the rye.


All Pappy said:


"Son your gonna drive me to drinkin' if you don't stop driving that darned....red.....Lincoln

Corb? Is that you?

  • Like 3

Hey CJ,


I am shocked with what you had to deal with.


Glad your ok, I think in the future your company and clients will some back.


I'd float with you anytime.....

  • Like 2

Thanks for clarify CJ. Sorry to hear about you bad timing with this dude. Sounds like you were more than patient in this situation, and worked real hard at avoiding the incident altogether. It is really a sad day when people disrespect each other especially in the fishing world. I have always recommended to been non confrontational, however, in this case, your actions sounds like they were more than warranted.


Really sorry to hear about losing the clients and such, but you sure as hell didn't lose the battle, and it sounds like your clients were very understanding of the situation.


Please pm me so I can hire you as my guide for a day of fishing, if not this year, let me book next year. I look forward to it. Seriously.





Ralph aka Cgyguy

  • Like 2
  On 9/19/2013 at 5:04 PM, aaa said:

Hey CJ,


I am shocked with what you had to deal with.


Glad your ok, I think in the future your company and clients will some back.


I'd float with you anytime.....

I agree I would float with you anytime.

  • Like 1
  On 9/19/2013 at 4:01 PM, CopperJonny said:




2. as there were several vehicles parked where they shouldn't have been along with one boat getting ready to launch .. IN the "turn around/ backing area".. I chose to turn around outside the grassy bottleneck and wait.. no problem at all.. merely an extra 15m in reverse.. I turned around and waited.


Apparently it is good at backing or he CopperJohnny is a master backer.


I mean an extra 15m with a small trailer doesn't sound like a good time.


Copper did you remember to honk twice before backing up? It is a safety thing.

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He did deserve it for many reasons. After having the pleasure of meeting you, it does not surprise me you could knock him out with one. Just be careful out there. If any one asks me about a guide, you will be the first I mention. I would like to think another shop will hire you. Regards

  • Like 1

Johnny Sorry that you had to go through this. The real kicker is Sir "Punching Bag" was once a guide on our beloved Bow River and he should have known better himself. Next time you are around, lets go for a coffee.

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