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Everything posted by eagleflyfisher

  1. Checked police an hour ago, rip rap wall is still there but barely visible . An unbelievable pile of trees, junk everywhere . The road into the parking lot has about 40' of it left, no hope for it anymore . Lets hope once we get through this mr. Cohos is in a good mood & sees fit to look at another launch in a more suitable area. The main road @ the bottom is plowed out getting people back to there homes, the river has receded a small amount but still huge. I was surprised that 150 yds up the road it's untouched by the flood simply because its a straight part of the river. Checking several vantage points from police to carsland you guys aren't going to believe the new paths the river has taken.
  2. Anyone out there know of a decent editing program for the camera. Have a ton of footage that I want to condense down & throw away the rest. BTW how's the bow looking guy's ? Not much info since I left a week ago for a pike adventure up north. If I can get it together I'll post some footage from the trip. Thanks .
  3. Sounds like a lot of factors combined have achieved the perfect storm resulting in the bacteria etc.. I heard a comment today that the spray lakes turbine repair 2 years ago that resulted in high water for 2 months really polluted the river bottom with silt. The slit was still in the river last year & gave the bacteria a good substrate to bond too & grow. This is a theory but sounds like a likely contributor . I saw the amounts of silt first hand & noticed the lack of bugs as a result . There was nil for mayflies pretty much all season. Not sure if this also explains more didymo ? Low water, high bacteria , fish pushed together, high stress, fish handling & on & on. Hopefully good news though, the rains, high water, cleaning of the river should help controll & clean out the bacteria.
  4. I've been keeping a keen eye on the waters by me downstream of police since last fall after seeing on one occasion 9 infected browns on one night, 5 dead ones in a backwater another. After that always 1 or more until late sept. I listened how this was attributed to handling issues, low water etc... I struck me as a contagious disease spreading fish to fish. I only saw browns, where a few had spotted some rainbows. All browns were large. Typically through the winter on some chinooky days around Xmas I'll wander down and usually pick up some good browns and bows. I have seen zero browns since at least last fall. I don't limit myself to fishing close to the house but check out lots of other water as well. Striking out there as well. So I'm thinking to myself this is a problem, I hear other anglers say they have seen this over the years. Not me, I've got quite a few years under my belt and never come across this that I can remember. I went and had a peek for an hour tonight, cloudy, cool, lots of bugs caddis & mostly blue wings . Saw one corpse trout swim away from shore & other than that nothing. Took a quick look in a backwater that's full now as the river came up a good foot since the other day. In it were a total of 8 whitefish, 6 had sapro on there faces, one good & one big dead one with the sapro. I guess I'm adding to the so called hype someone stated earlier, but I'm saying BS to that one. However it all started its certainly contagious as I witnessed tonight. I'm sure this batch of whites weren't handled but maybe the low water gave it to them. I have my doubts.
  5. No Rumour, Its opening in the mall by dalhousie station. Its Mikey from the old Troutfitters. Best of luck Mike, you'll run a great shop. I think North is the way to go, good traffic up there as well.
  6. Put together a bunch of longer synthetic fur lengths of dubbing brushes. They are working well for some streamers im trying. About 3 streamers per length. The cdc one im trying are another story, trying very fine wire and about 30-40 feathers to make one brush, time consuming and not worth the effort. Something about putting that much wire into my littje dries doesn't seem right to me. We all use dubbing loops but I thought this might be interesting being that you can add as many colors, flash fur whatever and mix it up a bit and now have it in a decent lenght to crank out a few.
  7. Anyone used one ? I'm making some nice brushes but really want to make some from CDC . I built a couple tonight that were ok but allot of work and not to mention feathers. I used extra fine wire but would like to maybe try a thread. I'm worried the wire will be heavy for little dries. So has anybody had any luck & maybe give a few pointers. If you want to look up what the heck im talking about its called the Jade river turbo dubbing block. Kinda cool, been making some decent streamers etc.. Tx Dave
  8. Dumb question, do all generators run at full throttle all the time or do they idle down when not much current is being drawn. Mines always wide open. It's loud .
  9. I've bought many new canopies before, usually raider, usually from truck outfitters on Blackfoot . Generally around the 2 k mark. I started buying used canopies from that outfit just before red deer, close to innisfail, get it painted and save about half. They have a good selection.
  10. Maybe get a hold of Peter Morrison who is the islander rep for Canada . His outfit is called leader sales out of abbots ford bc. If the reel has premature wear then I'm sure he would want to know about it. Dave
  11. Not saying its right or wrong but i almost never carry a net. Unless its some nasty drop off bank and deep to the edge or high water conditions I seem to make do just fine with no net. Head up, skid em in, quick grab , pop the hook and done. And i have no clue how to attach a net to a fanny pack.\ Good description on the bungee head trauma taco, I can just see myself coming too after a hook stretch snap crack to the noggin.
  12. Well.... I like to dry fly fish quite a bit so, I have a caddis box, a box with bwo's, pmd's, spents, cripples, small mayfly types, cdcetc... If I'm going for a quick fix, it's a few spools of tippet @ chosen dry box & thats it. I have a hopper box, stonefly dry box.Each one carried depending on whats needed. Now were nymphing so I usually rob out of several nymph boxes put in a smaller box to get me by for the day. Streamer fishing, maxima & a good choice of streamers to keep me going. Time for lake fishing, I'll need about 3 or 4 boxes of flies and of this use maybe 20 flies. lol. I have so many boxes and flies I could outfit a small army. Bottom line you can't carry everything so I take what I need and that's it. In my boat that's another matter, flies for me, flies for my friends and on & on. If I have a problem of running out of a certain hot fly that usually means it's been a great day. I do also use a size lg Cliff box that carries a smattering of everything needed for anything encountered that works well for the boat.
  13. contact one of the birds, chris bird should be easy to find. get approved , pay your dough & bingo you are a sponsor.
  14. Just curious if all 2 strokes fall under this label. On the back of my 2012 evinrude is a couple of stickers, one being a 4 star rating, highest being 5, the other stating ultra low emisions. Sounds like they have come a long way.
  15. It seems that when you fish the same section of line, over and over you will eventually get line cracks. If you nymph allot you tend to work a 20ft section more than if your were dragging around a line trolling from your pontoon. I don't think I have ever cleaned my line after every outing, once the dirt anchors in the line coating no matter how much you lube or clean it will show ageing. I would expect 3-5 years out of a good line depending on use. Every now and then i would pull the line into a sink of hot soapy water just to remove the scum then line dress after. Then maintain after that.
  16. Volos would be my choice, get the little John it's darn awesome. They are back side of Marda loop 26th or 33 ave. Western in Cranston is doing a good job. How about a T-rex sized monster from Verns. Weighs in about 5lbs. Much meat, triple bypass thankyou.
  17. Okay these are some rules I try to follow to try my best at not bothering anyone or creating conflict. #1 , DON'T put your jet in the river on the weekends during the day during busy season, to crowded with drift boats & pontoons and walk & waders. Usually okay later in the day as most of the boats are deep to Mackinnons or coming into Police. #2 , For the most part keep to the middle of the river when running. #3, Stay on plane when going by , slowing down creates a 6 foot wake and helps no one. The sooner you are by the better. #4 Try to use the jet as transportation for the most part,get to your bank or run and get your fat ass out and walk, don't float a run over & over & over. #4 If you come upon a pod of drift boats give them a wide berth going by, I usually kill the motor and row through. Maybe 10% of the time you will get a nod of thanks but that doesn't matter you are doing the right thing. #5, If you see drift boats coming from upstraem & you are parked, wait for then to float by then fire up and go by. # 6 Don't use your jet to LOW HOLE anyone. These are some personal rules I try to follow, you may not agree but have worked for the most part well for me since ,95. I WANT ZERO CONFLICT with anyone, this is my time out there for relaxing and having fun and keeping a low profile. It usually isn't recieved well but I have made a few polite suggestions to new guy's out there trying to get them to understand how important it keep jets as low impact as possible, you may own a boat but not know the first thing about how to use it. dave
  18. Hey nice ties, like the midge, do you think the ant will float?
  19. Or fishing in the fishbowl at the mouth of the highwood.
  20. Funny, have had a few axle dealings with standons & yes they don't reccomend the buddies, I had a blown apart bearing this spring on my boat trailer that had some newer bearings and grease n them. No buddies installed. Definitly our trailers in and out of the water need to be checked min 1-2 times a year. The one blown had brown water damaged grease and the other looked new & blue. Is it not a drag to check your bearings with the buddies installed ?
  21. I have the same motor you are looking at since 98, great motor, loud but reliable. I always put motor in neutral before starting but can start in drive. Flat out you are looking at 40 min run time per tank o fuel so a bit thirsty carry 2 fuel cells. Generally a small pebble will jam the impeller but usually you can see it. In a rare occurance a rock can fid its way from the top side of impeller, in this instance you will need to remove and dislodge. ALLWAYS carry a spare keyway and sleeve in your tool kit with this motor, if and when this sheers you are not going anywhere. Hope this helps
  22. Hey there, we have sold a few at the shop, pretty basic design, light, large arbour, drag knob is a bit big, great price with the spools, metal gears inside. I believe it is a cast frame. I think we have one of the 500 in the shop if you want to hold one otherwise some arriving in a couple of weeks. Dave SouthBow. 403 873 0744
  23. Nice pics Max, What was that wood boat thingy in one of the pictures, my boy found one after the 05 flood. I think they sent a few hundred down the river as a promotional drive or something. Dave
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