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Everything posted by trailhead

  1. Thanks I will try again
  2. I have a some pictures that I would like to post but it is so onerous that after about an hour I give up!
  3. Hey Y'all thas my cuzzin Bubba He's rippin it up reel good! F#+*kin moron!
  4. Oh by the way there is a nice post in the BC reports about fishing on the island.
  5. Nice shots, but that's my spot, now everyone knows about it
  6. I was on the Crow yesterday and after the torrential downpour the water temperature was 10.
  7. That's old news, they starting filling up Ghost & Bearspaw last week, when the levels on the Bow went down.
  8. Was on it yesterday, it's better than I remember it from before the flood. They are hauling logs on it at this time though. So take care.
  9. Maybe, maybe not. Depends on who's asking
  10. I didn't know it was the first of April.
  11. Thanks for the post and pics. No matter what you are fishing for, it still requires strategy and skill. I bet your grandson remembers your outing for a long time.
  12. I'm not sure about the stonefly species, but I have also had very poor results with fishing the Bow this spring. My theory is that it's the residual effect from the 2013 flood. The river got scrubbed out and the fish are behaving differently as a result. I have seen big fish, have hooked and landed very few fish and the predictability has changed. One thing is that I haven't seen any smaller sized fish, so that might be an effect too. It is a different river now as far as I am concerned.
  13. I've had two close calls with bears. Once a young Grizzly charged me and then veered off and split. The other was a black and he was stalking me. Way more scared with the black than the grizzly, then there was my buddy who was chased around a tree for what he said was forever. Only thing that made the black bear leave was anther couple of hikers that the bear went after, they had bear spray and got the bear to leave. The bear was put down a week or so later, a healthy male black bear in his prime. Kind of like to one that killed the guy sleeping by his fire a couple of weeks ago in BC.
  14. Managed to get a look at a few of the flowing waters in the foothills this weekend. The Red Deer basin is low and clear. The Highwood is a bit high and quite dirty, the Elbow is a bit murky and the smaller streams are all low and clear. A few weeks to the opening and who knows what the conditions will be like then.
  15. I always think it's funny that people think Grizzly's are more dangerous than Blacks. Yet more people are killed by Blacks every year than Grizzly's. Then there are the Polar Bears, the Inuit have a saying that when a human and a bear meet there will be a death.
  16. I thought I'd let you all know that there will be a bike ride on Saturday on Highway 22 starting at the Bar U Ranch going 50 Km south then turning around and coming back. So there will be bicyclists on both sides of the highway from 9:00 AM to about 2:00 PM be careful at the turnaround points which will be particularly congested. One at the 30 Km point about 3 Km north of the Chain Lakes Campground and the other at the end, which will be about 3 Km north of the Claresholm intersection in the Porcupine Hills. .Plus the northbound cyclists will be turning left into the ranch site at the end of the ride at that intersection.
  17. Depending on the lake, but if it was recently stocked the fish could be on the smaller side, you could try going smaller on the hook size.
  18. Yes Happy Mothers Day to all. Appreciate all they have done for you and speaking from experience, remember they won't always be around to appreciate.
  19. That's a good article, no emotional outpouring, just some good science.
  20. Ah that's just making the wait better. Thanks for the post.
  21. A true icon of the Alberta fly fishing community, I pass on my sympathies to all close to him and we are all left a little better by his legacy.
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