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Everything posted by lonefisher

  1. Well this thread is all greek to me...... anybody know how one would begin to learn how the stock market works? But no dummies guide to investing...... I feel anyone who markets to self proclaimed dummies can't be legit....... Maybe I should just not bother learning and just send my money to weedy.......yeah that sounds best. Weedy both my pennies will be coming in the mail as soon as I can save up enough for a stamp.
  2. I buy a rediculous amount of flies off Glen great prices for quality flies..... however(sarcasm)He made the mistake of letting me start a running tab last spring I finally had to sell a kidney to pay him off. (sarcasm)
  3. The trick is to cast so as the hook flies away from the body rather then into it.
  4. I wanna know how you make home made kaluha
  5. Lets play poker for flies "I'll see your 2 nymphs and raise you 2 bull trout streamers" Its easier to drink beer while playing poker then to do it while tying flies
  6. By slightly raising or lowering the hook in the jaws you should be able to find a point were there is basically no up and down movement. However I have not used that vise and really have no idea
  7. Nice someone else who listens to Rautavaara, His 7th is definately moving work. I going to see "A Tapestry of Life" while I'm in new Zealand this winter
  8. I have 2 10ft rods that I use exclusively (3wt and a 6wt) even on smaller stuff. I haven't fished them on extremely tight bushy water and I could see an issue there. However otherwise I don't see any disadvantages..... Even weight wise I have found them to be no more tiring then 9ft rods with regular casting..... highsticking my arm gets tired regardless of the rod length after time and maybe a tiny bit faster with a 10ft...... but I like that extra foot for high sticking as well so thats a tradeoff. I find they roll, and spey better and generally just love the length. I will think way harder about ever buying a 9ft again then about buying more 10's. 9ft is a great all around length for a first rod but I now find that I would either prefer shorter on the super tight creeks or longer for the rest..... but thats just my opinion. Good luck and test drive the G loomis stream dance HLS/MLS for your nymphing and streamering ect. Another great bargain the GL Eastfork in the 10' 6wt. Really nice casting rod...... But thats kinda my loomis bias. Lotsa great rods out there. (Dan craft FT in a 10ft)((had Cdone make me a 10ft 3wt FT and its something else))
  9. I'm just gonna say one thing on "that" topic. Some people seem to think Glen was being misleading. I really don't think he was he may not have shown the complete picture but he is not obligated to. Fact is he and some others have gotten tired of the shoot from the hip mentality thats seems to be overrunning a lot of the threads these days. In that post he presented as much as he needed to/felt like. In what was posted there was no evidence of fish mistreatment, no evidence of fishing at all(nor any real claim of fishing), No evidence of fishing in an unlawful manner. So what is left to rightfully blast him for....... nothing until people start making assumptions. Is it not strange how nobody took the time to ask any polite(or even hard and straight) questions about, what, were, how, or why? Instead it was the shoot from the hip as usual. Glen was testing the water for sure and as usual a some people couldn't be responsible enough to get the answers before jumping to conclusions. Shoot first and ask questions later is for old western movies, this is the real world. Anyways I've hardly posted in months either and I am not overly concerned but one thing I wanna make clear is, Calm down a bit everyone, were all just idiots behind keyboards.
  10. Great pics Glen. Oh and as usually Tako your totally clueless
  11. Just be carefull shooting fireworks into the bush thats a good way to start a fire. Also if you shoot one over a bears shoulder and it blows up behind him its very possible it will push him towards you. They reccomend with bear bangers to just shoot em straight up and let the bang hopefully scare em off
  12. Snagged a fallen tree in the flood plain last night and turned around to discover a Griz on her hind legs bout 40 yards behind me. Saw what appeared to be 2 cubs in the edge of the bush..... elevated heart rate...... better believe it. I was right on a corner and a little trapped. She knew I was around but I didn't think she had seen me yet so I managed to remain behind cover and slowly retreated across the river (over waist deep but a slow current luckily) I didn't run but I didn't see any point in standing ground in this situation...... if she had seen me it woulda been a different story. I have run into a good number of bears over the years and anyone who can say that they know exactly what to do before hand likely hasn't run into many...... Situations are always different and bears are all different..... Not every charge is gonna be a bluff. Bears attack or charge for a variety of different reasons and you need to be able to recognize situations for what they are and react accordingly...... 99% of the time you don't wanna run but I can think of one situation atleast where you would. Oh..... and to hypothesis about how this guy is wounded and how that shows that he ran or behaved incorrectly is just a little bit retarded. He mighta behaved correctly and simply turned at the last moment when he discovered it wasn't a bluff charge. Bears are wild animals and therefore not 100% predictable and that might be one of the most important things anyone with an overly cocky attitude towards bears should remember.
  13. I gotta say most of the largest/longterm random camps usually seem to be older folk. Young people work and usually only have the big camping trips over long weekends..... they still leave a ton of crap around when they do go out but the people living out there all summer usually seem to me to be older(then me). One funny thing I have noticed, which could be the solution to the hordes of people random camping, is the number of RV's I bet they outnumber tents 25-1....... Ban RV's outside of actual campgrounds and these areas's would be empty and the long term campers would be non existant.... I don't know if thats reasonable but I have kinda stopped worrying about whats reasonable these days as it seems no one else worries much about it either.
  14. Been in the office everyday for like 4 months..... Hopefully the end IS near. I hear you ladystrange the end of the world would really fix that mound of paperwork that is now my desk..... Its gotten so big I think theres a polar bear hiding behind it for camouflage...........
  15. You guys you just need to know how to get ther goose when you go down there..... Drive down in a big work truck with some kinda "oilfield" business decal (you know someone whos got one i'm sure) Walk in with a few buddies ask for what you want and 6 days worth of it toss down a wad of thick 100 bills with some strategically placed Alberta Oil on over it (don't forget to smile) also try and casually throw in a comment along the lines of "best half an hours worth of work I ever spent" All of a sudden that 20 bucks won't feel like a a victory to anyone. I'm just kidding though In all seriousness though I really don't care I just pay and fish...... no point in B&C'ing about it I figure. Whats it gonna solve anyways?
  16. Down in Waterton right now and man is it ever been raining. One of our hotels is already getting a bit of water in the basement, the lakes are swollen right full and are up on the grass in a couple places, Waterton river is swollen pretty crazy and every other stream I have seen is high and super super muddy..... they say its gonna be a couple more days of this as well. I like it to tell the truth everything has gone from winter dead to lush and green really quick because of it..... however I get the impression its not having much of an effect on the snow pack as everytime the clouds lift up a bit you can see fresh snow up top that wasn't there a week ago.
  17. Ahhh thanks you guys I had a good birthday managed to get outta work after being completely embarrassed by my staff who hired a musician to come in and sing to me. Decided to make my way to Police and hooked a good number of small rainbows. Days off are tough to find right now so that was a nice treat. Capt Rob My job makes it tough to have guaranteed days off right now but I am usually gonna try and take wednesday off. I hope your not serious about sending me a present as I'll be quite content if ya just head down for a fish sometime. Finding some sweet water down here around Waterton just gotta wait till some of it opens for fishing. PS to any who don't have my new number its 403 627 8116. Service is sketchy down in this neck of the wood though so if you don't get an answer try again later
  18. Now I understand the tone of this tread and topic and I do see the things that inspired it. But I figure that some people aim to make a bit of money off of flyfishing...... and from Sage down to some of the small scale tyers out there they all have to market some way...... Now if no one had any desire to make money off of flyfishing, tying ect we would all be stuck tying our own flies, using garbage bag waders, slipping around in rivers in our feltless running shoes, and building our own rods (which would all have to be cane rods as no one would be selling blanks). Oh and you would likely all have to hunt and clean a lot of your own tying material creatures cause no one would be selling tying stuff....... Our flyfishing lifestyle is in no small way built around the "industry" of flyfishing..... I have seen people trying to sell their products on this site and others and I say fine...... if I don't feel that their advice is sound or reinforced by other reviewers and sources I weigh it accordingly. I also have to say that some of this has been helpful I have taken a chance on a few things I have seen on this forum and have not yet been disapointed.
  19. I took advantage of that sale as well...... only ordered 21 dozen this time though. Glen has great products and he doesn't sell any bum looking flies. I buy from him regularly as its just too easy to do but that sale was a great opportunity to save even more. Outta the ~ 100 dozen I have bought from him I have had only one with a closed eye and he insisted on replacing it....... He was however fishing right next to me. Now I figure for my hassle he could have replaced it with a beer glass then again I think he bought he beer that day as well so I should really not complain to loudly
  20. Finally got set up down in Waterton National Park but have been incredibly busy. Should have the internet connection sorted out now (fingers crossed). Was gonna make a post about the news as soon as I got settled and had some free time at work. To everyone who has PM'd and emailed I will get back to you ASAP and I appologize for not getting back to you sooner. Capt Rob you back in Banff yet or still on route from Jamaica Mon?
  21. yeah I stopped by police yesterday theres a fair bit of open water..... however I didn't fish it. Checked out a lot of waters over the past few days but I will try and make a thread rather then poaching this one.
  22. happy b day man. hope you were fishing and not workin
  23. got my dozen from hydro and man are they killer flies.... Already catching fish as well. Also a few more then a dozen but trust me I am not complaining. I will contact flytyer about my other auction in a couple weeks as I am just currently in a bit of a move so I want to get to my new place before they get sent. Hope thats ok
  24. Have fun on your trip Dave, make sure to pack lots of timmies cups and coffee. Gotta show the Mexicans how the one handed timmies technique is done. Capt Rob have fun down in Jamaica, Not positive on my plan but drop me a PM when you get back from Jamaica
  25. Hey Brent what are the headwaters boots like? They look great for wet wading. You guys have them at the shop?
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