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Everything posted by lonefisher

  1. I will try and poke in here more often..... But I don't have the office job anymore (thats a good thing) so I spend a lot less time on the comp. Bloom will PM you this week sometime it would definately be great to hook up.
  2. Thanks guys! Glenbow and I did get out fishing and had a blast fishin some bc lakes. Got some massive rainbows for my birthday. Gotta say it sure beats working on your birthday. Thanks again Chris
  3. lonefisher


    My condolences to you and your family Gary
  4. it holds the odd fish. At times you can even find the odd pod of whities. But the creek doesn't really flow enough to have many fish in it except at certain times generaly when you can't fish it. They did some mitigation work to add a couple of wintering holes (I imagine to increase the population) I have yet to see a fish in one.
  5. OK someones gotta stick up for paint. Totally poaching this thread I know...... But it has to be done I've played with both, though not as much with airsoft and I like both. I still prefer paintball. Here are some relevant numbers Paintballs 17.5~17.7 mm at ~ 3.6 grams @ max 300 fps (you can get more its just usually illegal) VS Common Airsoft pellet 4.5 mm at .12 grams @ 300-700 fps Disclaimer --I am to dumb to actually calculate this stuff so I stole it all for the interweb and these would be at muzzle velocity and do not take into consideration a number of things-- Anyways your looking at about ~ 9.5 ftlbs of impact force for a paintball VS .5 ftlbs @ 300 fps for the airsoft .12, 2.00 Ftlbs at 700 fps However Airsoft are made up to a .45 SO a .45 1.38 Ftlbs at 300 fps BUT at 700 FPS you are looking 7.5 ftlbs (now your talking) I do really appologize if at any point my mathematics misrepresents anything With a fully auto Pball gun which last I heard max out at approx 28 bps you are looking at 100.8 grams of projectile in a 1 sec burst With a .12 at 30 BPS you are looking at 3.6 grams in a 1 sec burst (hey thats the weight of 1 paintball) Anyways paintball is not for pussies...... neither is airsoft...... Lets not talk about laser tag Airsoft rocks scenario games Paintball rocks small course high intensity games Paintball and airsoft are not the same thing at all I will say for airsoft the impact is gonna carry more of its energy into you due to the fact the pellets don't disintegrate and they are impacting on a smaller area. The .45 airsoft at 700 fps is gonna hurt good....... please don't shoot my grandmother with it.
  6. Thanks for the tips guys. SD I kinda enjoy tying I stages especially when I am making up flies..... sometimes you get that lightbulb going off and then you put the ideas together when you get back to the bench. AS to th expense..... well atleast I'm not on drugs
  7. Down in this southwest corner of Alberta Telus is the only one with any coverage so I had to get one of them for work.... Haven't had any trouble with them myself..... the sales lady even gives me recipes for mexican food
  8. I have the olympus its a good camera..... but I have seen pics from the pentax and they seem to be better. Could be my settings I dunno but the Pentax pics seem to have richer colours.
  9. I have been tying spey/dees lately...... nothing I am proud enough of to take the time to photograph and post but I have been getting really frustrated with em lately..... still haven't gotten the bronze mallard winging mastered. Last night I spent nearly 3 hours placing 1 (yeah 1) set of wings and DESTROYED a full pack of bronze mallard....(I now need to find more bronze mallard) I think I may be trying to tie on too small a hooks for Bronze mallard. size 2's usually and not 2/0 but just size 2s I think. So with the wing in the proper dimensions they are less then an inch long and it seems to be tough to find suitably short decent wings on the mallard I got. Its funny though I tied one last week and took 1 shot at the wings on a lunch break and got it just right first shot in about 1 minute...... I also haven't been able to find my book on tying em for 6 months and I think maybe I have forgotten some tricks over the summer. SD where do you order your winging materials. I want to switch to fully dressed for a while and have a good selection of GP crests, and floss in assorted colours. However I have nothing of good enough quality or any nice matched feathers for the wings. Got some swan in black and pinky purple but they are not very high quality and they have been picked over pretty good. Oh and if you could have one book on tying Fully dressed flies what would it be?
  10. I have to say the canmore/ k country enforcement appears to me very diligent in checking people. I have been checked atleast a dozen times in this area over the last few years. This year I never saw a C/O on the river (closest would have been Harps who I met one day) and I would be willing to bet that very very few C/Os saw me. But luckily I can't remember seeing a minnow container or blatant poacher all year either. This tells me that they stick to the places were the poachers/offenders actually are, which are the high traffic big name places.
  11. I can't say how suspicious the damage looks. But From your description of the "accident" I would not even say that the driver of the green vehicle was responsible...... I hope she didn't accept responsibility..... if she did I would make sure to explain to the insurance companies that she was accepting the the fact that she was backing up to take another go at the corner...... Like Sundance fisher said most parking lot accidents go 50/50 and backing up in a parking lot is a very normal thing to do and may not even put her at fault. Its a rear ender collision and in such cases the person in the back is almost always at fault. Its like when you are at a stop sign on a hill and buddy pulls up 3 inchs behind you in your manual transmission if you roll a bit and he gets hit its his fault for not leaving sufficient space. Some people don't understand this and assume its their fault for rolling back. Funny story this is the only "accident" i have ever been in where I was driving. I once was fishing the Maligne river and was driving to the next spot on the river. I was going a couple KMs under the speed limit as I came up to the parking lot I wanted to pull into. I had my eyes fixated on the glimpses of river that I could get so I wasn't paying much attention behind me. I flipped on my signal light and proceeded to turn left into the parking lot. Unknown to me the guy behind me decided to pass about the same time I decided to turn and runs into the side of my preciously fragile 1982 Ford truck with a relatively good impact. Stopped blocking basically the whole road he gets out of his subaru with it still pinning my doors shut. So I am forced to go out the passenger side door. The driver starts yelling at me in Korean and the passenger (the owner of the car) starts yelling at me in English about how he wants to call the cops and "why did I turn in front of him". I'm pretty young and thinking this is my fault oh *hit. Finally I talk the guy into pulling back and letting us both get out of the middle of the road as we are basically blocking traffic. His subaru is crunched up good while my ford literally got a thin foot long scratch and a dent that I popped right back out. He proceeds to berate me and threaten me with injuries and lawsuits and all that jazz. I have a 6 pack of beer behind the seat and I'm paranoid and I don't want the cops to show up. SO I tell him yeah I turned in front of you I'll give you all my info and write out a statement saying that I made a left hand turn in front of you as you were passing me and got hit. Obviously we both figured that this situation was clearly my fault as he says OK my insurance company will be contacting yours for the damages ect. We swap info and both sign my statement. I called my Insurance company to tell them they would likely be recieving a claim soon but didn't really get into the details as I had this faint hope that the guy might not make a claim. So I spend the next couple weeks on edge as I really couldn't afford a huge increase in my insurance. Finally my insurance agency calls me and says this guy turned in my statement to his insurance and they are willing to pay my damages ect. Turns out it was all his fault and his signing my statement was the kicker. I was so relieved that I told my insurance company that there was really no damage and I didn't need anything fixed. My insurance agent says "what?" And I say "oh theres no damage"..... She pauses and says "his cars got $5000 worth of damage"..... "you sure there was no damage to yours?" "Nope" "no injuries?" "nope" "Ok then..... his insurance agency will be glad to hear that......" "Ok perfect..... so this won't cost me anything?" "No Not at all" "Oh thats great I was so worried" I had just automatically assumed that this was my fault because I didn't see him coming. But in retrospect the accident was clearly his fault. Thats why they always say to never accept responsibilty..... you let the insurance companies decide that.
  12. well I for one don't care what it is..... anything that can't be whittled out of wood ain't worth using
  13. It was fishing good today. Hardly any wind and pretty warm. The river was wide open with just a light rim of ice around the sides through that stretch. Anything can happen with the cold snap coming up though. I'll be there unless its a blizzard and the roads are crap.
  14. I don't care how cold it is I just hope the winds not blowing..... Its damn windy down here
  15. Can't say I have used exactly what you have described there but 2 techniques that are very similar. What I do I would not really associate with fishing nymphs UNDER an indicator....more like fishing nymphs adjacent to an indi. Kinda more like fishing a tight line... but with the tight line between the indi and the flies not all the way from fly to your hands..... Its not a technique I like/use on all waters but I do really like it in certain situations and currents...... Tough to explain that but i'll try. When fishing a slow hole it can leave to much slack..... when fishing picky trout its not a great dead drift...... when fishing a major current seam or eddy the fly and the indi are rarely going to drift in a complimentary manner...... BUT when fishing a fast rocky bottomed run especially one that curves around you creating slightly slower current closer to you it can work pretty well. Its kinda like active nymphing in the fact that there is tension on the leader...... (there kinda has to be as otherwise you would not detect the hits due to slack in the long leader) but its not totally like active nymphing as you are not always trying to impart extra movement on the flie's. There is one prime place on the bow where I often use this kinda setup. Its a nice fast curve that transistions from a couple feet deep on the inside of the curve (where I am) to several feet deep out farther into the faster part of the curve. The bottom has a lot of large bouldery rocks that create nice lies for the trout well out into the fast water which warrants fishing a relatively large area as opposed to just the inside seam. This typa rig lets you rig once and fish the entire corner. To fish it in this place I cast up and accross immediatley mend downstream (somewhat counter intuitive) the mend establishes the tension in the leader. This tension keeps the flies and weight from really settling down into the rocks and snagging but the long leader and abundance of weight does keep it deep. The indi is led somewhat faster then the current around it because of the downstream mend and for most of the drift leads the flies thus retaining the tension. The curve of the rivers flow in this case masks the un-natural tension . The flys which are farther out in the fast current are partly being led by the indi while at the same time swinging around it. The tension in the leader makes the hits immediately noticable. The fast water also gives the fish less time to be picky which I think helps and the indi is far from being directly above the flies so is less likely to spook the fish...... In this spot and others where I use it there are times when this seems to be superior and times where in the same spot a more normal nymphing setup works better. I'm not really sure whether this is much like the article you read or not but it might be similar and like any technique used in the right spots at the right times it can be deadly.
  16. Lets Bomb that damn beautiful country
  17. I'm sorry but I have to admit I giggled at this reel heated discussion I have a G loomis Current 3/4. When the drag is set tight its super tight so I would imagine that in a larger weight it would be even stronger. But truth be told its a pretty flash reel and may not be the reel of choice for a spey reel...... I'd half to check the specs but even on the larger sizes I think you might have capacity concerns when setting up a spey rig. But thats all just speculation.
  18. The force is weak with Maxwell he dips all his worms in pigs blood I saw him do it
  19. Dave only claims to have mastered the THNT that one pic of him showing the technique was actually Bono..... It was photoshoped to look like Dave
  20. CAKE SUCKS!!!! Calgary is full of cromagnum illiterate apes!!!!! I love bow river brown trout! (marinated in lemon juice) Global warming is caused by fishing San Juan Worms and finally I gave the Russian fish killer's identity to the CIA and had him shot PS I facebooked your mom
  21. I have to say I agree with bowbonehead........ Some of the best fishermen I know don't make a cent off of fishing and its usually by choice. I personally don't see fishing as something I want to make money off of anymore...... For me it kinda taints fishing. Thats a personal view of myself not of others though so no offence is intended to anyone who does. I have also met a lot of guides who are site specific "pros" and when taken away from their comfort zone are just regular fishermen who have to figure it out as they go like everyone else. Anyways whatever the definition is of a Profesional fisherman I like the way this section of the forum works. People ask questions and recieve answers from people who have an insight on the topic...... As far as I am concerned the people answering don't need to be paid professionals for their opinions to have merit. As an example if I had questions about flats fishing off the Texas coast I would hope for answers from Rickr (who as far as I know does not make money off of fishing(cause he had a way cooler job hunting Commies)). Some of the Alberta trout guides would have insights to the topic but would likely not really be what one call an expert in that area.
  22. Luckily the bow has basically the highest number of fish per mile in Alberta (they say 2000 fish per mile). It gets fished hard but theres a lot of fish to catch. Having fished a lot of rivers in Alberta I can tell you it can be the hardest river to figure out, some days downright frustrating, but it has the highest payoff. Even in fish creek park you can literally fish right beside the parking lot and follow 4 other people up the river and still catch (big) fish. But you gotta get the river dialed in..... Do some serious reading on technique and practice the fundamentals and you'll start hooking up. Presentation is pretty key on the bow and the guys who can fish where the fish are with good presentation can have repeated bumper days on the bow. Maxwell likely offers the best deal that can be had for bow river tutoring but if thats not what you want you just gotta learn it. Pick a 100 yard stretch of water fish it from bank to a full cast out with all the different techniques. Sometimes it seems the fish are literally on the banks, sometimes they are in the pools, sometimes you don't seem to find a fish outside of the riffles, sometimes they're lined up on the shallow smooth flats pickin BWO's..... And it can change from day to day. But once you start to find fish in a particular type of hold you usually find more in similar holds.
  23. Happy Birthday TM Keep on stickin em'
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