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Everything posted by lonefisher

  1. I don't mind picking up drunk 1st year college girls can I come hang out at this bar? Whats a good "sexy" major I can BS about....... HMMMMM maybe something like "I'm here for my degree in boxer modeling" or "I have a major in in quantum engineering and a minor in foreplay and female satisfaction" or maybe just the exceptionally clever "I just work here I run the computer database that reports everyones grades, How are you doing in in that chem class? You wanna buy me a drink?" Yes BBB I am probably just like a lot of those pathetic guys you see there...... However you should note the worst pickup line in the world just happens to be "I'm actually a big fly fisherman" I think girls just take it wrong...... I could see someone who has no idea what fly fishing is as taking that as meaning "i'm gay" just think about it for a couple seconds.......
  2. Rickr i already have a 10 ft 6 wt and its the cats ass as far as I am concerned. Doesn't even feel any longer after casting with it for a while and it works for everything even tiny creeks..... though it is more powerful then is needed for the small stuff. I think you are gonna love that rod. I will have to try to meet up with you sometime to give it a try if you don't mind. Also just wait till you see how that rod will roll a rig way out there without breaking a sweat. Plus it will make a sick bulltrout rod.......
  3. looks sick man maybe a bit longer on the tail and maybe try some with a red glass bead and some lead on the front third of the hook for weight. the lead will hide pretty easy under the dubbing. I do some with 1 layer of lead and some with 2 I usually find the heavier ones have a nicer action and produce better.
  4. I have never seen a rod broken doing this but the physics do make sense. I have done it on occasion with smaller fish but I have always been somewhat consious of this possibilty with bigger fish so when handing them I usually won't even try it.
  5. pssssst someone find out if Rickr has a pickup truck. I think he's one of em!
  6. WOW I just spent like an hour on the bigfoot forum...... I feel like my life has lost all sense of meaning...... Most of those guys agree that its been 40 years since any decent evidence has been produced and it wasn't so great...... I say BS till I meet one in person.....
  7. really..... crap and I went to macs for coffee this morning..... what was I thinking.....
  8. yeah being a poacher has nothing to do with race, or place of origin..... assholes come from/are already everywhere. However a lot of places around the world look at fishing much differently then we do..... even tons of people here. They see releasing a fish as being stupid, maybe even a waste...... but usually it is because of poor education on the subject..... the ones who are not educated on our regulations and the reasons for them are possibly fixable as they will often respond to proper education. The people that are the problem are the ones who have the me, me, me, mine, mine, mine ideolodgy so ingrained that they don't care either way..... educate all you want they won't give a hoot. Now there may be certain demographic factors that do play a part in the development of this way of thinking but it MUST also stem from many other factors. And location of origin will NEVER be the only factor...... I think on this site we have guys of basically every origin who have not developed this way of thinking and understand the need for conservation. That right there is a prime example.
  9. man your rock fish smash's the record Glen landed..... he's got some catching up to do...... Great pics looks like it was a nice trip in anyrate.
  10. Alphonse Delucci from Lone Fisher and Ralphie Crackhead from my real name
  11. LMAO RKNB's you read my mind but I wasn't going to say it LOL
  12. WOW what an a$$h0le....... I am really glad to see them issue a fine of that size...... $4500 is a pretty good deterent. But the big question is how did this prick get off the lake, outta alberta, through 2 provinces to get caught by the ontario police? Seems to me this is in more ways then one another failure of Alberta enforcement...... edit in sorry I don't realy mean to rag on albertas enforcement but this guys should have been caught right at the lake imho
  13. Went out with Glen the other day and he brought the dog along. He actually behaved pretty well for his first time out fishing...... definately likes water...... and ducks LOL I wonder if any lab in history has actually caught a live duck....... they love to try but those ducks aren't stupid. Started off kinda wild but was surprised how quickly he responded to Glens scolding and was suprising well behaved...... Doesn't seem much more then mildly interested in the fish though..... Seems to take a quick look at the fish and says to himself with a hint of disdane "what are you doing? Thats the dumbest looking duck I ever saw..... You wanna a duck? Let me go catch that green headed out there in the middle of the river " He was fun but it became very obvious quite quickly that he has no instinct to not step on rod tips.......No breaks so far but I am gonna have to remember that......
  14. I wish my mother named me Taco....... some guys have all the luck
  15. I am gonna print that out I hope you don't mind..... Yeah that makes sense completely what you just said..... And I would agree with you..... just wasn't sure if I was wrong to be spey casting a longer head or a double taper sometimes. But you are right about LOOP lines the loop opti line that I have used is a kick ass line..... haven't tried the creek or stream but I would imagine they are both really good lines as well. And they are really accurate. Thanks for the explanation.
  16. Gotta love the streamdance........ I have the 10 ft 6wt glx..... definately my favorite all around rod..... does it all.
  17. No rush Whistler I'm at work and i'm not going anywhere for a while. I appreciate your taking the time to explain.
  18. Whistler I am a little confused by your last post........... And I don't mean to be arguementative as I am just a rank beginner to the whole spey thing...... I just thought that the intended use played as big a part as the length of the rod when choosing fly line/head length but that there was limitations.......... So can anyone go over the 3x skagit line 5x traditional line guidelines for me again...... maybe I have something mixed up...... But I thought a general rule was for a skagit line to be approx 3x the rod length so for a 9 foot rod 27 feet...... And I thought that for more traditional long belly style lines it was approx 5 x the rod length.... so approx 45 feet...... I had kinda looked at fly lines in a similar light as spey lines and found that this rule was to a certain extent transferable to spey casting with single hand rods and lines..... In practice I have found that this seems to work atleast for me and that you can easily push this guideline by several more feet due to the fact that with single hand spey casting its very easy to incorporate a haul or 2 (or 3) into your casts....... I also found that despite the fact that I could shoot more line with a short head I could still cast farther easier, and smoother with a long head...... So I have kinda looked more at the fishing range (distance) when deciding which line to use. I also consider the presentation as some times you might want to strip a ton of line back in to your short head and other times you don't ....... For most situations I find the shorter head very versatile and the most useful..... But in some situations when I am consistently fishing at a longer distance especially with a static presentation the longer head seems to be the way to go...... But I have always been a bit weird and maybe I am backasswards in this....... like I said I am certainly not a pro or anything like it so maybe you can explain this to me..... PS I just googled loop opti tapers and the compleat angler site I posted was the first one I found...... I figured there taper info was fairly accurate.
  19. Now you just need a sidecar for your motorcycle and some old time aviator goggles for the pooch. That would be classic
  20. Sounds like a good choice for the majority of casting...... You may someday want to look at a line with a longer head for certain spey casting situations but that line looks like a really good choice. Very versatile.
  21. I honestly do not have time occaisionally I get a few hours to tie but not enough for me to make the commitment to a swap...... My poor excuse is work..... I have spent the last 6 months perpetually on call and whenever I try to sit down and tie it seems to be 2 wraps of thread and ring ring someone needs me to hold their hand at work...... And thats just my superiors....... It really sucks to train your new boss who has no experience and just happens to be someones brother........ Some people don't quite get that you can't teach years of experience. (I better not even get started on my staff) Sorry about the rant but lack of tying time, let alone quiet time, quality time, and fishing time has become a really touchy subject for me as of late..... however after March the 8th this just might not be a problem anymore......
  22. wow talk about a wierd coincidence eh? 2 stolen fly fishermans cars within a month captured in canmore...... I may have to stop feeling so safe out here.
  23. Looking at the taper info the rio gold should be a nice line. I would not think that the rear taper is going to have much effect on overhand casting but I haven't cast that line. Seems to me that it depends on the casts you wanna make. Just like with 2 hand spey casting there are lines for different uses.... everyone will have favorites. My favorite for the majority of this kinda casting is simply the DT trout taper from SA it has no head (double taper) so that means that it will perform much like a long belly spey line..... you don't have to strip in as much line before you cast I find that you can cast with a ton of line out and launch some real bombs.... Best is how well a DT line will mend regardless of how much line is out. But this line I find is best when I am not overly limited in the size of loop I can throw behind me...... Also casts great overhand. My second favorite is the Loop opti stillwater...... (stream and creek both look great but I couldn't find one) the opti stillwater has the color change and that does really highlight the sweet spot which is nice...... Thinnish running line shoots well but mends not so great. As its a shorter head I guess it could sorta be looked at as a short-mid length head spey line. I really like this line for fishing stillwaters where currents are not an issue...... I also know that I will like it on smaller streams as it presents well, loads nice, is very visible and will shoot a nice far cast when I want it to....... But I think the opti stream (creek is only made up to 4 wt right) might be a better choice for streams..... If you want a line that is somewhere in the middle head length then the rio gold is gonna be in that area......Sounds like some really good lines have been suggested..... however I wouldn't even include the opti stream~27feet and rio gold~47feet in the same catagory..... Head length on the rio gold is nearly 20 feet longer I think thats gonna make the 2 lines very very different. But to then compare the snowbee xs ED is again an unfair comparison the snowbee ED is gonna come in at an amazing ~60 foot head..... this line is a monster but must launch total bombs if you can cast it........ So I think the bigger question needs to be what sort of casting do you want to do? I thought about it and thats why I like my double taper its cheap and it seems very versatile to me...... But I really really would like to cast the snowbee ed for distance and the loop opti stream for smaller river tighter casting situations...... http://www.compleatangler.biz/Loop/Lines/OptiLines.htm http://www.fly-fishing-tackle.co.uk/acatal...BEE_XS_EDF.html http://www.rioproducts.com/product.php?fmCategory=3
  24. I love labs.... Congrats Glen..... Do I still get to go fishing with you now that you have a new fishing buddy...... Hope so cause as smart as they are I bet that dog can't net a fish..... if he can..... we'll thats about all I got going for me over the dog so heres hoping he can't
  25. Those granite etchings from Glenbow are some seriously nice pieces of work. And a great classy addition to any fly fishermans home check out the slideshow at http://www.glenbowflyfishing.com/slides/gr...out/default.htm They honestly don't do the granites justice but aren't fish in pics always like that? Glenbow will correct me if I am wrong I hope but these thing are laser etched and have a high level of detail...... Measure about 12" by 12" (approx glen would know exact)
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