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Everything posted by lonefisher

  1. Weedy1....... I think we are in agreement
  2. true enough weedy and with rules like immediately release it seems to me that depending on what your idea of immediately means we could argue that a lot of us are breaking the rules...... seems to me people make there own beliefs on whats acceptable by how they can bend or stretch the rules to apply to the way they want to fish and behave. Anyhow this is not the first time this discussion has come up and it won't be the last. The rules are kinda vague so this grey area will always be debated.......
  3. thats a very good post toolman the only problem is how we and others and the enforcement officers define proper care and handling hope my post does not seem condone this video or these guys.....but though I have never seen these guys live I have seen worse then what i just saw in that video. I just feel that blasting them on internet forums is not gonna help the situation...... Even on this site we blast each other on things like on the ground pics, removing fish from the water at all, handling a fish long enough to take a picture, using nets, not using nets, multi hook rigs that can snag/foul hook fish, trailer hooks ect ect..... anyways this is another conversation that, without a detailed legal definition of proper fish handling, will only spin in circles fueled by, emotion, gut reactions, egos, personal opinions, and ideologies. Seems to me the letters should not go to reporting these guys but instead should be requesting a proper set of definitive rules and guidelines.... The way things stand at the moment I don't believe that the actions I have seen in this guys movies could, in court, be proven to be illegal. Also one needs to realize that if they ever created a set of definitive rules and guidelines some of us may be disapointed depending on who's ideology they were to base it on.... Could be they decide no fish that is to be released can not leave the water....... would mean no more trophy pics, could be they decide that you must immediately cut your line when you realize a fish is foul hooked..... might mean a lotta sacrificed rigs..... So with your letters make sure you include your ideology.
  4. Just a personal opinion but I prefer a strip set when fishing a tight line. However a strip and set is another creature entirely..... handy when fishing a line with a lotta slack...... anyways heres how I look at hooksets.... kinda.... a rod lift hookset- is just a lift of the rod tip line hand plays no factor---- I basically don't use this cept on short line nymphing..... sometimes regular hooket- lift of the rod tip coupled with a strong pull (or strip if you prefer) with the line hand..... happens simultaneously, what I use most of the time Stripset- a pull of the fly line..... Rod may be lifted during or just after but not really violently- fished on a tight line only for me. Strip and set- A strong pull or strip of the fly line immediately prior to the regular hookset which usually consists of another pull...... I use this one when fishing the slackest presentations like when battleing multiple currents and stuff
  5. I think rickrs got it..... everyone piss's downhill..... and rickrs scale is basically just how it works. Anyways this whole arguement of how cruel is cool when fishing is hypocritical. I draw my own line but I don't feel the need to try and justify it compared to others by how much better it is......
  6. what if I want a cinnamon bun? I really like other peoples macs that I have tried but I have a dell..... its good but like all PC's it has issues
  7. 10 ft 6 wt is a deadly hook setter Hawgs got that right. I also subscribe to the set fairly hard theory but you gotta know when to stop the hookset. Either because something is there or nothing is there. I find that with a bit of experience you can feel in your rod hand when you have set hard enough and at that point it is simply a matter of stopping the hookset and maintaining that pressure if a fish is on. I wish I could explain the smash n sweep that i use to keep the flies outta the bush on missed hooksets but it is not an exact science and occaisionally ends up in tangles of another kind..... Looks pretty ugly I bet but if it keeps me outta the bush...... Its kinda like throwing a late snake roll into the hookset when you realize that you have set to hard and the flies are about to pass over your head...... when it works it can set you right into a roll cast. When it goes horribly wrong....... you grab your nippers LOL PS not a pro (unless we are talkin bullshit artist)
  8. edit in- Flytyer it has no name...... I suppose I could make up a name for it but..... I haven't so far.... as I mentioned it kinda breaks rules as its a floss body and is not quite a dee or spey fly..... really like this fly though. Have to say bronze mallard is kinda pain to work with but I like the end result edit again- also if I remember correctly it has 7 ribs if you include the purple floss and 8 if you include the spey hackle.
  9. I have been playing around with it a bit myself but I hate being a stickler to genre's or styles so I kinda like a bit of a freestyle edge to my flies..... plus saying that means I don't have to follow the rules. Speys and dees are a focus right now but my favorite part of salmon flies is the floss work which is not usually part of spey/dee flies...... wings are all well and good but bloody expensive imho..... when I get a chance I like to start one and work on it bit by bit...... Just wish i had a bigger selection of materials as I got several floss bodies packed away that need completion but I have no good winging materials or colors to finish em with. Finished a pretty funky one a couple weeks back before I packed up my tying station and gave it to Glenbow...... shoulda snapped a pic now that I think about it.
  10. lonefisher


    just got off the water and have now discovered my brand new waders are already leaking as well..... definately gonna have to get all stoned up on aquaseal and have a patch party.......
  11. happy birthday Birchy, hope you can get out a bit today!
  12. lonefisher


    this might be a dumb question but do the waders need to (or can the waders) be dry for this to work..... I got a pair of simms that have gotten pretty leaky of late and I can't seem to find the spot..... they are bone dry and packed away and replaced but I would really like to get em back workin as a backup pair......
  13. totally missed this post rickr. thats a crazy story thanks for sharing it. Must have been an surreal feeling back in that time especially considering communication of the incident would have been extremely slow compared to todays standards...... Would have been pretty damn scary for adults let alone young children..... Don't know if you heard about the halifax explosion in 1917 but up here there was a short historical re inactment thing that used to be played on a regular basis on TV when I was young..... even then it seemed quite scary...... heres the link to that story sounds like there is some eerily similar factors http://www.cbc.ca/halifaxexplosion/ check it out..... makes me glad safety standards do a pretty good job of making sure these things don't happen much anymore.... knock on wood
  14. I think we have simply had a warm winter or atleast the past couple months have been pretty nice most of the time...... nice weather means more people fishing. In about a month numerous other waters are gonna open up and the pressure on the bow will go down a bit...... right now popular opinion would say that theres 2 pieces of river in the province that are fishable..... a chunk of the lower bow and a chunk of the crow...... come spring this will go up by 10x and summer 100x if not more....... everybody just needs to relax fish what they can for now and once summer comes everyone can spread out and have some more space...... people are also talkin about fishing "spots" or "pools"........ in my minimal experience on the lower bow in the winter (specially the late winter) you can fish some of the water in between the wintering holes and runs in fact quite a bit...... I rarely walk past these intermediate waters i will usually drift a few casts through as I work down or up looking for the really productive looking water...... I don't fish the lower as much as many of you but I often find that the average size of the fish I catch in these mediocre looking stretchs is larger then from the established pools. Everytime I hit fish creek I catch fish in places everyone else I see just ignores....... I may not catch as many as someone who lives on a uber productive run or hole but I fish them as well if they are not occupied and usually do pretty well....... I think theres lots of water out there and and if a persons willing to properly work the entire river and cover a bit of ground they will catch fish regardless of the number of people fishing "the good spots". I am not being critical I will sit and fish a productive hole if its empty as well but if its not keep working the other water you may not tag as many but is it really a numbers game?
  15. No problem Don I have a special price for just the M.S.B reduction tool. Buy now for the low low price of 225$ plus the tax and the cost of shipping and you get 2 weeks supply. Thats right thats 14 grapefruits!!!!!!! In fact buy now and I will even include this free stainless steel melon baller!!!!!
  16. hmmm. I got horse tranks......
  17. looks sweet could try some with peacock herl with a lime spot in the middle sorta like a lime coachman trude
  18. Sorry brent nothin can make the Ducks lose
  19. Pacres if you have 700.83 in canadian tire money I'll take it.
  20. Cash is fine. C.O.D I'll hand deliver your case of bee- I mean cure.
  21. Please read these articles and see if you have this disorder! Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression, is a mood disorder. Most SAD sufferers experience normal mental health throughout most of the year, but experience depressive symptoms in the winter. When the depressive symptoms occur in summer rather than winter, the condition is often referred to as reverse seasonal affective disorder (RSAD) and can include heightened anxiety.[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seasonal_affective_disorder http://thequietpool.blogspot.com/2008/01/cabin-fever.html IS this YOU? If so I can help...... No I don't have a miracle machine that can produce sunlight NOR can I take you out fishing on all your favorite sumnmer streams and fish dry flies to rising trout BUT contrary to popular opinion these are not the only CURES for the shack nasties........ A while ago one cold crappy winter I became unemployed (actually next Sunday) In the resulting depression I decided to FIGHT back Through intensive research me and my team of highly trained PROFESSIONALS Found the ANSWER. NO its not spending the winter in New Zealand NO its not taking a warm vacation to the Bahamas to fish for bones and tarpon NO its not sitting in the basement repeatedly bashing you head on your computer monitor wishing all the other affected individuals in the world would see YOUR point of view Even though these may be momentarily or temporarily effective they are simply PLACEBO's, quick fixes, GYPSY CURES!!!! They do not improve the long term survival rate of this DISEASE! I alone have the answer! I alone (and my highly paid team of profesionals) have cracked this mystery! WE can help YOU I am offering you a reduced price on this new treatment! Now for just $599.99 per week plus 17% taxes you can be shack nastie free for life! Laugh off those catch and release discussions! Have a little giggle at those Jetboat videos! Lose that tight feeling in your chest you get looking at the brute fish that those other guys are catching! Its not you thats really sick its them! They are suffering as well! By helping yourself you can help towards really helping others as well by sharing your experience! The best thing? Results are GUARANTIED! Oh wait I can see you asking yourself "OK whats the CATCH" THERE IS NO CATCH!!!!!! In fact buy now and I will include the new M.S.B reduction tool FREE OF CHARGE!!!!! Recently featured in the HIT movie "Good Luck Chuck" This machine which bears a startling RESEMBLANCE to a grapefruit can help remove the second biggest stress causing factor among Flyfisherman polled this winter! Imagine Yesterday...... Maybe even this morning you were hurting, you were blue........ WELL NOT TOMMORROW MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!! Simply email your credit card info and beer brand of choice!!!!! and in 24 short hours you will have a whole new outlook on life!!!! warning shipping may take longer then 24 hours but less then 27 years results not guaranteed. Grapefruits may not be fresh. Grapefuits may cause chafing or irritation lastly this is totally bogus so no-one send me your credit card numbers and yes I do have too much time on my hands tonight
  22. happy birthday man. thanks for all the great posts.
  23. LOL your probably right brownee, also, I'm sure the student loan that comes with the major in nuclear engineering is pretty big as well.......
  24. Love em they look awesome. Those flies are gonna produce for sure.
  25. your wrong Brownee..... major in quantum engineering must mean a bigger paycheque. Its all about priorities
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