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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. I'm no expert; in fact this thread is the first I've heard of this "downlooking vs. centered pupils" thingy. Is it possible it just has to do with where the fish is looking? Too simple an explanation, or so simple it's brilliant? Hmmmm...
  2. You wanna see production values? Check out NFLD Outdoors, with Lloyd Colbourne & his sidekick/flunky/cook, Bryce. I'm sure da b'ys from da Rock on here remember Lloyd & Bryce from back in the day (80's?). No mikes at all, dubbed everything in later- even the sound of the beans & baloney cooking over an open fire. Mucho cheeso!!
  3. "they're all over 24" too" Sure they are, Dave.... if you measure up one side, then down the other!
  4. Hey there, esleech! It's all about balance; this day will be balanced out by one where you just can't miss....and it may be tomorrow.
  5. Man, we really need that "B.S. CHECK" feature on this forum! Dave's outta control!!!!!
  6. So now when I'm fishing, I should keep one eye out for periscopes? Like I don't have enough missed strikes already!
  7. Do you NEED a 3wt? No. Do you really, really, really want a 3wt? Oh, yeah...you know you want it! I dig my TFO 3wt a bunch- love my 2wt as well. Of course, I love small creeks. You gotta find what works for you. Hope you enjoy that new 3wt!
  8. Geez, Rick, you must be tired; you accidentally added the word "up" at the end of your post! Happy 4th, spawn of the "Great Satan"! JK, some Canadians like your Bush. LOL
  9. Sob!Waaaaaaah! My poor,poor Poochiekins!! Where did you find him, Weedy? I'd recognize that face anywhere! That's the exact same expression he had the day he bit my left man-onion. I've always wondered how far he flew when I punted him.
  10. Thanks, Weedy! Very helpful; found a bunch of links for some fun activities for the family from this link. Much appreciated! Steve M.
  11. Thanks muchly, MTB! You're a righteous dude & your help is very much appreciated. We will absolutely check out the spots you recommend; I'm sure I can talk the 3 ladies into at least a little fishin'. Many thanks, Steve
  12. Frankly, DBT, I'm a tad disappointed in you. You could have at least busted the broad in the noggin with the jar of marshmallows! After all, she started chuckin' rocks. Would've served her right!
  13. "...did not get the satisfaction of hitting the spot." We've all been there, Rick. Don't let it get you down, bro'! Now,enough dirty talk, back to fishing.HAW-HAW-HAW!!! Seriously, Rick, great post. Thanks for your unique saltwater fishin', Southern US of A slant on this topic. Let's hear more from y'all out there. -Bob Loblaw-
  14. Yo, PeteZahut! Great story, mang! Never apologize for a long, detailed fish story, brother! Keep'em coming, I say. I'm sure I'm not the only one who actually enjoys reading a good yarn. As much as I like trout porn, I prefer a well thought out narrative to,"Here's some pics from yesterday",with attached photos. Don't get me wrong- love the pics as well. But, if we were all sitting around a campfire, what would go over better- a photo album or a couple of guys who can tell a great story? I'll take the story.
  15. Just wanted to bump this back to the top so y'all are more apt to see it. Does anyone have any thoughts? Anyone?.....Anyone?.....Bueller?.....
  16. Thanks, pacres! My browser is so refreshed- like a summer's eve! Bob Loblaw
  17. Forget curious- colour me confused! Everything appears to be back to "normal" again. Go on about your business; nothing to see here-this topic NEVER HAPPENED!
  18. Noticed that Central & Edmonton subforums seem to have disappeared. Assume they were just removed due to lack of interest; if that's the case, that's too bad. Would rather have seen more postings on there- never know when one might get an opportunity to fish those areas, and a little help from this forum could be just the ticket to great fishing. Colour me curious, Bob Loblaw
  19. Hey, y'all! Headin' out to Revelstoke in a couple of weeks with the wife, 10yr old daughter & 10yr old niece. Thinking of trying to squeeze in a little fishing while we're there; any ideas? Not fussy-can be trout,bass,perch, even squawfish- anything easily accessible that will keep the kids interested long enough for me to get a fishing fix. Really appreciate any help from my FFC brothers & sisters. Thanxalot in advance, Bob Loblaw(AKA Steve M.)
  20. Then,once in a while, there's sweet revenge. One day, while fishing the Oldman, my brother got overexuberant on a hookset & left his hopper in a trout. Two hours later, he fished the same run on the way back downriver; he hooked up again, and brought to hand a beautiful rainbow- wouldn't ya know it,there in the corner of that 'bow's yap was my bro's hopper. I'll bet that trout told that story for years!
  21. I've had fishing buddies who get super pissed when they lose a fish; they're usually the same guys who are always trying to stay ahead of you on the creek so they can hit the best spots first. Those guys also get upset when you catch bigger fish than they do, because you slow down and fish the little pockets- spots that they pass up on their way to the next corner pool. Life's too short to dance with ugly women, or fish with guys like that. Am I right, people? That's why I prefer to fish with guys like my brother; if one of us is having a better day than the other, we'll start leaving the best spots for the other guy. Like Chidders said, watching your pal catch a big'un is a blast. Thanks for your thoughts on this topic, guys. Dryfly, you hit the nail on the head in regards to keeping count. I fish one creek in particular where 100-200 trout is not uncommon. I've tried to keep count, lose track very quickly(Was that #11 or #12? Better say 11 so I don't overcount.). Soon give up & just enjoy each fish; much better!
  22. Personally, I NEVER get upset at losing a fish that I've hooked up, however brief that hookup may have been. I have been known to give myself a good talking to when I miss a hookset due to inattention; yes, sometimes my mind wanders and I'm a tad slow on the draw. Shite happens, right? Usually checking out the scenery, picking out the spot for my next cast before the drift is complete,or(and I HATE when this happens) thinking of something other than fishing, when fishing's slow. Inexcusable,that last one!! Once I've actually gotten my fly into a fish, it's like 'A River Runs Through It" meets "The Matrix". So much happens so fast, yet it feels like time stands still from the time of the rise (or twitch of the strike indicator) to the eventual conclusion. With the right attitude, you can enjoy the experience,whatever the outcome may be. So many different scenarios to consider: If I'm nymphing, get a hit, but it quickly comes "unbuttoned", I can be confident that I'm using the right fly and getting into the right zone. Plus, I just got to experience that magic moment where I lift the rod to feel that living creature at the other end of my line- not just another rock, stick, or piece of vegetation. To me, that split-second is sublime. The same scenario while drifting a dry is that much better; all of the above, plus the visual aspect of a rise to a dry- priceless! If that fish stays attached a little longer, so much the better. Now comes the question,"Wee'un or big'un?" What a rush when that initial hit becomes a "HOLY CRAP!" moment; that's when you feel the headshakes of a PO'd hawg, see your fly line peeling off your reel, or see that 20"+ Bow River bullet come flying out of the water, desperately trying to shake your hook from the corner of it's kyped jaw! Man, that's better than sex! Well, better than run-of-the-mill sex; not better than really good sex- let's not get carried away here! Anyhoo, back to our topic: if I lose this fish at this point, I'm still feeling pretty dang stoked about what just transpired. I got to enjoy the hookset & the fight of a hawgdaddy fish, why not just soak in the moment? Sometimes you can do everything right and still not land the fish; remember, you're a long ways from your fly and the trout was trying to eat that tiny fly in moving water-there's a very good chance that little hook didn't get into a good solid spot in the mouth. It's not always your fault. That being said, sometimes it IS my fault when I fail to land a fish. One of the first big fish I connected with on the Bow was a big, thick 2ft broonie that slammed my nymph practically at my feet, then immediately erupted out of the water to my eye-level three times in rapid succession. So enthralled was I with the air show, I briefly became a spectator more than a fisherman; that brown didn't get that big by being dumb- he was gone before I got my head back in the game. Probably gave him a little slack while I was hootin' & hollerin' with that big shite-eating grin on my face- but that grin was still there long after that trout spit my nymph- and it still comes back when I think about that day. Those few seconds are stored in my memory; the outcome is secondary to the sheer enjoyment of that moment. To sum up, I guess my point is this: If I should ever get to the point where I always do everything right when I hook a fish, then maybe it's time to quit fishing; because I'd prefer to (every now & then) get so excited that I screw something up and let the trout win once in a while. And when that happens, I'll just tip my hat to that fish, save it in my memory banks,and tell ya'll about the big one that got away. And I'll be smilin' as I'm telling that fish story! That's how Bob Loblaw sees it. What do YOU think? -Bob Loblaw-
  23. I'm confused, SJW. Is the before & after "Clean Dave/Dirty Dave" or "Pristine River/Mudhole"? I kid!! I know you're a responsible tree-huggin' biker!
  24. New Flyfisher- Totally agree, Dave. Although, I fell asleep watching it once, & I dreamt that I learned sumthin'! Mark Krupa- Great show, kinda artsy at times, but it really works. As for Krupa, he's a strange cat; he should annoy the crap outta me, but his schtick works for him. Like it a lot. -Bob Loblaw-
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