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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Thanks, Toolman; one guy on there described me to a tee- " a lifetime novice"! How true 'tis!
  2. 20" with the feet squeezed together- that's how these mainlanders measure, Brownstone! Congratz, chidders! Don't worry about missing out on fishing, man; between you & me, time spent with the family is WAY more important, WAY more gratifying. Steve M.
  3. Suweet! Nice pics, bro'! That's a chunky cutt; good on ya!
  4. Some places I wear my breathables just 'cuz I don't really care to wet wade thru all that cow crap; fo shizzle, can't they be doin' they bidness someplace else?
  5. Would you take that bear before or after you pissed your pants? ( Apologies to Hawgstoppah )
  6. This should be an interesting thread; besides bows, browns & rockies, I've caught suckers, minnows, pike & a small bull right under Calfrobe Bridge. Sorry, no pics. Looking forward to seeing this thread progress. Beeeyyaaaaahhhh!
  7. A guy at work told me he took a rod with a broken tip to Wholesale Sports; George fixed it,no charge. So he spent the money he saved on flies- good deal for both, I figure!
  8. "Just Broke 300 Posts" WTF? Didja drive thru a fence, mang?
  9. I guess there's always the possibility the big fish was after the other fly in the cast; first time was on a 2-nymph rig, second time the brown I was landing was on a wet fly trailed behind a streamer. Sure looked as though he was trying to eat that other fish, though.
  10. Sweet smallie! It's kinda funny how big some "ponds" are down East; we have ponds on Da Rock that you could fit 4 Alberta "lakes" in! Looks like an interesting trip.
  11. That IS a kewl looking damsel; I've never seen one with such dark wings- wicked awesome!
  12. On Friday I fished a creek down south; fishing was slow, so I drove to another section of the same creek to try my luck. Caught a few bows & a couple cutts & cuttbows- very slow for this creek. Almost gave up, but decided to fish one more stretch; had fished this area once last year with no luck at all. Landed a couple nice cutts in the first couple pools, decided to walk to one more; I remembered that it had a tiny creek dumping in there- might be worth a shot. That pool made my day, & then some! First cast, a fish slammed my nymph- a 14" cutt. As I was playing this fish, I saw a MUCH bigger fish trying very hard to eat the cutty! Pulse started pounding as I envisioned catching a big bull trout. I released the cutt & grabbed my other rod, already rigged with a smallish streamer with a wet fly tied behind it- this was my 2WT, but I had 8lb tippet on it. Figured I might miss my shot at a biggun if I took the time to retie on my other rod, so what the hey? First cast, another nice cutt on the wet. Next cast, a 15-16" brown with that big hawg trying to steal him off my line; I assumed it was a bull because that's the only fish I've seen (besides pike) exhibit this aggressive behaviour. I caught about 14-15 trout from that pool, all hooked in about a 10ft square area, lost a couple more that went aerial(cuttbows?), & missed several more hooksets. Twice I thought I had the big one; first one turned out to be a 17" brown, hooked in the arsehole (OW!), the next was a beautiful 19" brown. Most were caught on the wet fly; then I switched back to a two-nymph rig on my 3WT. Caught a few more browns & bows before hooking the fish of the day. This fish was powerful and stayed deep at first; he tore up, down, & across the pool several times before erupting from the water in front of me. This was a brown that made my 19"er look small; at least several inches longer, & way thicker. I was still grinning from ear to ear a minute later when my tippet parted between my two flies, leaving that monster brown with a San Juan Worm in his yap, & me with my GRHE & a great memory of one that got away. After a few more casts with no hits, I headed back to the car with a smile on my face; that pool had turned a pretty slow day into one that I won't soon forget. The picture of that big brown exploding out of the water is burned into my brain. Now, back to the topic: have any of y'all ever had a brown chase down a fish you were landing? I never got a good look at the one chasing my fish because the water was very off-colour, but I assumed it was a bull. After hooking that big broonie, I started to wonder if browns ever did that. I've never seen or heard of it, but maybe in that stained water they get a little braver (dumber?). What do y'all think? Steve M (Bob Loblaw)
  13. Try punching it in it's big, stupid head!
  14. 635 members on this forum- no reason you shouldn't get 635 signatures; it's pretty painless! So sign already!
  15. Yeah, I watched the whole thing, too. I was waiting for Ricky, Julian, & Bubbles to show up; fo sho that's Randy, the cheeseburger eatin' mofo from Trailer Park Boys, yo!
  16. Just checked posting stats for the day- 15 posts for Mr. Birch, but no reports of any fish. Whazzup wit dat?
  17. 2 questions: 1. What's the pay? 2. "virginianus"- Is this some sort of foreshadowing as to what's gonna happen?
  18. You're right, Rick, this thread should be all about Birchy... poor,poor Birchy with his aching teeth out there in Castlegar- probably fishing for bigass 'bows as we speak! Poor ole Birchy, indeed. Hope he has some fish stories to tell to make up for the dental discomfort, at least.
  19. Just turn in a couple more poachers- reward money= new camera!
  20. Guess it's time for a little research; get back to us when you've decided which is "better"! LOL!
  21. That's OK, Cdock, your cheesy 2-liner bumps this thread up where others might notice it and post more stories. Anyone else got something to share with the class? Anyone?...Anyone?...Bueller?
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