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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Am I the only one who thought, "There goes Rickr!" when the guy tumbled down the hill on the way to the lake???
  2. SteveM


    That'll do...
  3. Kinda sorta like the way any Canadian (even you) is considered an Albertan when it comes to buying an Alberta fishing license??? Don't worry, though; you should actually see the number of Albertans fishing in B.C. decrease this year. We're all too danged busy competing in these gigantic Bassmaster type fishing tournaments on the Bow...
  4. Cool story, Kevin; well done! That, right there, is what it's all about. :bow: :bow:
  5. Long time, no see, Wetduck; great shot of a sweet brown!
  6. Really looking forward to some awesome reports as this league progresses; should be lotsa fun! bbt
  7. Hey, Jonny; I use an Olympus Stylus 850SW. It's a shockproof, waterproof p & s.
  8. Thanks, Brian! I think it's 'cuz Chris has such pretty hands... That pic doesn't even do that trout justice. It was a perfect specimen; deep & thick & flawless. Gorgeous!
  9. Nice 'bows, Jeremie. Good on ya! WTH are you doing checking text messages while fishing? Shame-shame, young man! You go fishing to get away from that stuff...
  10. Sucks gettin' old, don't it, Tex? Be thankful you didn't have to work the 3-11pm shift, like me... I only managed this 18"er after y'all left... ...then I fished my way up to the car(no luck) & headed to another spot. After a bunch of fly changes (many of which were forced by the sacrifice of nymph rigs to the fish gods-GRRR!), I finally started hooking up on a tiny olive Tungstud. First fish I hooked was a 20"+ brown that went airborne 3 times; got him right to the net a couple times before the hook pulled out. Sure put on a show & fought hard with several big runs; of course, I didn't get a pic, so Canadensest won't believe this. LDR'ed a decent rainbow & one more fish that I never saw( pretty sure it was over 30", though). Wink-wink
  11. Well, BigBowtrout may not be classy, but he does have a classy-lookin' reel... ...'twas nice fishin' with ya, Chris!
  12. Wow, Weedy; you're so smrt!
  13. Great pics, Jonny; them fishes ain't half bad, either! Nice!
  14. That water is sho'nuff flat! Looks like you could play some pond hockey on there; were you icefishing? Nice trout, BTW...
  15. My longest brown...25"... Landed a 24" brown that was significantly heavier than this one; sadly, no pic. Biggest Bow River rainbow was also 25"; again, no pic. Here's a beautiful 23" hen... Biggest (only) Bow River cutthroat/cuttbow...15"... Biggest (again, only) Bow River bull trout...about 12"...
  16. Sounds like an amazing day. That is one spectacular 'bow, bro!
  17. Sweet! Looks like the Easter bunny brought you some nice 'uns!
  18. Now, Brad, you know that kinda talk is frowned upon on this PG rated forum! So, let's keep our fishin' & flower-picture-taking plans in pm's, um-kay???
  19. Space age materials, my friend. Works best if you tie it on with a riffle hitch & skate it across the current...
  20. Yeah, I'm not quite sure what it means when the first flower of spring has a coating of frost on it! They wear that fuzzy coat for a reason, I reckon. It was a tad nippy @ first light. At one point, I stepped out of the water to change flies; I must have stood still for too long, 'cuz my felt sole froze onto a rock. Dang near ripped the bottom off my boot trying to get that sucker off!
  21. South of Calgary... Note the frost; she was a tad nippy Thursday morn... Got a few of these... But, was kinda surprised to catch this one... First cutt (cuttbow???) on the Bow for me...
  22. She's sweet, James; I don't blame you at all for keeping her!
  23. One time I was casting a 10" rabbit strip streamer with my 6ft 2wt. I became one with the motion & was really starting to fire it out there; didn't realize just how far I was shooting it until it was too late. The knot that held my backing to the reel broke & I watched my flyline + 100 yds of backing sail off into the depths of a remote river in Russia. Just then, the biggest Taimen I'd ever seen swam leisurely past me; could've sworn he was smiling... Then, my wife elbowed me in the ribs, really hard, & said,"Why the heck are you swearing in your sleep, ya idjit!!!" Sigh...
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