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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. That's OK, Dale. I'll send you some Christmas cheer, anyway- you don't even have to earn it!
  2. What???? But then I would actually have to go fishing...touch smelly fish...etc. !!! Thanks, but no thanks.
  3. Welcome, Badcaster! Coincidentally, pretty much every one I've ever fished with has suggested that I use that moniker as a forum nickname... Regarding your final query: Don't wait for spring, dude; the Bow's a year round fishery. Dress warm & have at 'er! C ya 'round!
  4. Yeah, it looks like folks are icefishing all over. PM me when yer planning a trip...
  5. I suppose it's possible; but, it's a pretty big gash & there was a second one close to the tail???
  6. Fake??? We catch lots of fatties like that in "Photoshop Creek"!!!
  7. Hit the Bow a couple times after work last week. Got lots of these... Only one of these...(I did hook a +20"er on my fifth cast on Wednesday; he jumped, fought for a minute or two, then LDR'ed) Saw lots of this... Caused by these... It was definitely worth it to fish 'til after dark! Worm was king!
  8. The last high country trip in October... The cutties were really fattening up for the winter... Gorgeous colors... The leaves were sporting their fall colors, too... Not sure what tried to eat this guy; he had a couple of these partially healed gashes... (More to come...)
  9. Great pics, Jeff! Didja really hafta mention driving lessons, though? I don't even want to think about it...
  10. The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day, the kids came back and, one by one, began to tell their stories. There were all the regular types of stuff: spilled milk and pennies saved. But then the teacher realized, much to her dismay, that only little Taco was left. Little Taco was big trouble. "Taco, do you have a story to share?",she asked with great trepidation. ''Yes ma'am. My Mom told me a story about my Daddy.He was a pilot in WW2, and his plane got hit. He had to bail out over enemy territory, and all he had was a flask of whiskey, a pistol, and a survival knife. He drank the whiskey on the way down so the bottle wouldn't break, and then his parachute landed him right in the middle of 20 Nazi troops. He shot 15 of them with the pistol, until he ran out of bullets, killed four more with the knife, till the blade broke, and then he killed the last Kraut with his bare hands. ''Good Heavens,' said the horrified teacher. 'What did your Mommy tell you was the moral to this horrible story? "Stay the hell away from Daddy when he's been drinking!!!"
  11. Actress Ellie Kemper; she plays Erin (the receptionist) on 'The Office'(the American version).
  12. So, this one was over at post #22????
  13. SteveM

    Friday Dawn

    Nice view, indeed! Well done!
  14. Dang, Jeff, I near shat when I saw that first brookie pic! What a football! Absolutely gorgeous, dude.
  15. SteveM

    Friday Dawn

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  16. SteveM

    Friday Dawn

    Beauty shot, ya bird murderin' purist!
  17. Real nice, Frank. Sure glad the music got better after the first minute...
  18. Keep talkin' like that & we'll have to change yer nickname from "Eye candy" to "I, Ghandi"... I do agree with ya, BTW...
  19. Dang, those are some right purty 'bows! Nice!!!
  20. Yeah, that thing's a monster! How about a full-size pic?
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