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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Dang, those are some sweet pics, Ayr!!! Those perch are ree-dick-ya-less!!! As we say back in Newfoundland,"It wouldn't take many of those to make a dozen!"
  2. Lucky little bugger, eh?
  3. Why would y'all be planning a Cup parade??? I mean, it's very obvious that the Tronna Make-believes are gonna win the Cup this year!!!
  4. If you're only gonna get one, it might as well be big & beautiful, right? Nice 'bow! Looks like a pretty chunky grayling, as well.
  5. Well done, Dick... Yeah, you should definitely do it again tomorrow!
  6. Good luck finding an Oiler fan who's smart enough to moderate a fishing forum...
  7. Nice! Looks like some good browns, Vic. Glad you had a good summer; here's hoping for a stellar winter...
  8. Is Ben taking a fishing course at U of A? One month in & he's schooling the old man! Nice!
  9. SteveM


    Nice, Jeremy; very healthy looking 'bows!
  10. Well, I may be too far gone to convert... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...but, you could try, anyhoo!!!
  11. "MOD ON CRACK EDIT FISH ON ROCKS BBT whistle.gif " :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  12. Well that rule was kinda not applicable in this case. Really, what would be the point of another lobotomy???
  13. A few more... Thanks again, Chris; my favorite day on the water this year!
  14. One of my better ones; he took a wet fly in tight against a bank... MOD ON CRACK EDIT FISH ON ROCKS BBT I don't care what Monger (the purist) says, I will use a SJW on cutts; especially if it produces fish like these...
  15. Seriously, Chris is a heckuva good dude... He was nice enough to invite me along to share some of his favorite cutty water on Sunday; I can certainly see why he loves this water. Here's Chris with one of his many cutts on the day... At the first pool we fished, I tied on a fly that Chris suggested. It wasn't long before I had my first cutthroat of the day, and a couple more soon after... Lots of bent rods & gorgeous cutties for the rest of the afternoon... Fish on!!! One of Chris's pet fish... (More to come...)
  16. Yeah, I feel kinda bad about that; I know you look forward to those pretty flower pics. I'm going fishin' with BigBowTrout tomorrow; I'll snap a few shots of him frolicking in a field of wildflowers, just for you...
  17. Unreal! Love the shots of the Aurora Borealis. Particularly like the first one with the gate/antlers in the foreground; sweet shot! Is that streak on the right a shooting star? I made a wish on it, just in case...
  18. The fall colors create such a stunning backdrop for those magnificent animals; fantastic!
  19. Incredible pics, Frank. Such a unique part of the country; looks like you went at the right time of year to get the best colors. Thanks so much for sharing with us. BTW, the 10 pic limit is per post, not per topic. If you want to keep all your pics in the same topic/thread, just click on the "add reply" icon at the bottom of your original post; now, you can add 10 more pics, and so on, and so on...
  20. Me neither. It was someone who ties for Wholesale Sports, & he/she was probably drunk on fermented elephant urine at the time! It worked pretty well, though...
  21. I guess you could do all that...in one day; but, I didn't. Looking back at my original post: starting with a sunrise pic & ending with a sunset pic could give that impression. No, they were a bunch of separate trips. I kinda posted in a hurry & didn't add much detail; sorry for the confusion...
  22. Yep, it sure is; them cutties really liked it!
  23. I don't use one; never had a bite off, so far. Walleye don't tend to get hooked deep, in my experience.
  24. Saw a few of these... And lots of these... Crawling Valley Reservoir... Did a little creek fishin'... Since I started with a sunrise, I'll end with a sunset: My buddy hikes back to the car after a fun evening on the creek... Until next time, my friends!
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