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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Nice fish, great pics. Well done!
  2. Nice! Too bad the wife couldn't get a decent size one, though...
  3. You ain't kiddin' when you say that water is gin-clear. Wow! Was kinda hoping to see a big-arse bull ambush that gorgeous cutty, though...y'know, just for laffs...
  4. Nice! Look over your shoulder much while you're fishing down there?
  5. Wow...just...WOW!!! I mean, I've heard lots of jokes about guys & sheep(I am from Newfoundland, after all), but you're the first person I know who will just come out & admit to it. Bravo, Dave. Bravo...
  6. Well done; sounds & looks like a fun day. Them little 'bows look pretty fat; they're eating well...
  7. SteveM

    This & That

    Someday, if I take enough pics, I will get the ultimate fish pic by which all other fish pics will be judged. If a few hundred bull trout have to be sacrificed in the process...; well, you know what they say about having to break eggs to make an omelet...
  8. SteveM

    Hike In

    Nice; glad it worked out for ya, Dustin. That second brookie is spectacular; gorgeous fish!
  9. SteveM

    This & That

    My buddy had been there with his kids a couple days earlier & was getting lots of hits on his indy. He tied on a small indy with a hook and a small weight so his kid could cast it with a spincast outfit. She caught a bunch of small cutties & one that he described as a 5 lb'er. Gotta give them fishies what they want...
  10. Yep, that'll do nicely; beautiful brown!
  11. Nice pics, dude. Beauty brown; looks good & thick! Well done!
  12. SteveM

    This & That

    Cutty on soft hackle wetfly... Up close... Releasing a nice brown... Pretty fish... Hoary marmots... Barn swallows... Artsy-fartsy moss & water shot... That is all.
  13. SteveM

    This & That

    Fish food... I may have taken a wee bit too long getting a pic of this bull trout before I released it; I think he was OK, though... For some reason, coffee tastes better in this mug... Wee creek-caught brown on Green Drake... Tiny 'bow on ant pattern... My bro' takes a break for lunch in a purty spot... I watched this whitefish come up & eat this big foam fly about 5 feet from me; not sure how he fit it in that little mouth, but he got it first try... This brookie ate the same fly; seems to have a deformed gill plate... (still more coming...)
  14. SteveM

    This & That

    Some recent pics... Now that's indicator fishing! My buddy told me the trout at Upper K were hitting his indy more than his fly. So, I treated an egg fly with floatant & used it as an indy with a nymph underneath; couldn't keep them stocked cutties of it! Upper K resident mooch... Staying close to Mom... Yep, flowers... And bugs... (more to come...)
  15. Those are real nice pics of some gorgeous fish! Looks like a great day, dude; nicely done!
  16. Sweet brown, Soggy! After that start, maybe you should quit whilst you're ahead... Well done!
  17. Not bad, I guess... I mean, y'know, iffen yer into crisp, clear photos of absolutely gorgeous brown trout. I suppose some people are into that kinda stuff; y'know, like me... Awesome fish & wicked cool pics! Thanks!
  18. Wow! Great story & pics; thanks for taking the time to share such a detailed trip report. The rest of us can use this as a template for how to share a special fishing experience with our fellow forum members. Kudos! I wonder how long it would have been 'til you found out y'all were at the wrong lake iffen the dude hadn't come back????
  19. Sweet trouts, dude! Well done!
  20. Works for me, man! Some nice shots of some purty little invasives... Looks like a fun day!
  21. That brown surely is big & pretty! Noice!
  22. Nice! Didja use a little cuttie for bait???
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