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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. I don't think that was the sky exploding. It was my head, from trying to figger out what them thar persnickity trout wanted to eat! At least we fooled enough of 'em to keep it interesting. BTW, I thought the highlight was that nice brown you got on your "Anorexic Beetle". Or, maybe it was you putting on that "catching minnows on dry flies" clinic. Either way, it was a fun evening! I don't know if we found the perfect flower, but that Horsemint was pretty kewl; sure had an interesting flavor. Stolen from the interwebs: "Some of horsemint’s uses are the same as peppermint and spearmint and other herbs in the mint family. All of its above ground parts can be used and made into an infusion. This herb tea can be drunk for a variety of digestive disorders including PMS cramps, stomach ache, flatulence, bloating, and indigestion and so on. It is also a carminative which means it either prevents formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract or facilitates the expulsion of any gas in your system. Used in a pot of beans you can combat the effects of the beans on your stomach from making gas." I told my wife about the anti-flatulence properties of Horsemint. She took GPS coordinates for the area & left; said she's picking it all!!! Guess I'll be having Horsemint in EVERYTHING from now on... (I'll add a few pics when I get time...)
  2. Nice fish, nice photos. Looks like you & your buds are having a pretty good year, Mitchell. It's nice to see the young fellas out there slammin' fish on the fly. Well done! BTW, a couple of those rainbow pics have shown me that I should really fish the damsel patterns that I carry & have never used... Thanks!
  3. Thanks for the comments, guys; I appreciate 'em all, especially regarding Bear. "The one best place to bury a good dog is in the heart of his master." Ben Hur Lampman
  4. Not a bad way to start. Nice cutty. Congratz to the wife, Gary.
  5. Bear was 30lbs of unconditional love, with most of that love being reserved for my wife & kid... Becca took this pic of herself & Bear just a few days before he left us... Becca chose Bear from the litter because he fell asleep in her arms. Ten years later, in a vet's office, he fell asleep in my arms; the house seems kinda empty without him. I'm not saying that Bear was the best dog ever. But, my wife says we'll never get another; it wouldn't be fair to expect a new dog to live up to the standard that Bear set. I think she's right. "Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." - Roger Caras
  6. As you may have noticed from my new signature(at the bottom of my posts), my little family recently had to say goodbye to our beloved dog, Bear. I was very sad to hold him in my arms as he passed peacefully in the vet's office. It was very sudden & shocking for myself, my wife & daughter. Bear was only 10 years old; thought we'd get another 5 years or so with him. Unfortunately, we don't get to make those decisions. This is Bear... One of our first pics of our new puppy. My daughter, Becca, named him Bear, 'cuz she said he looked like a baby polar bear... He became Becca's alarm clock; an alarm clock that tried to lick her face off every morning! He loved his toys... But, hated bugs! He's barking at a gray drake on my thumb... Bear loved to dress up(not really)... And, he loved to fight with his stuffed toys. Sometimes he won... Donkey had his number, though... Bear could sleep anywhere, but he especially loved our new furniture. He sleep-tested every inch of it in the few months that we've had it. His favorite spot, though, was always the one that someone had just vacated; he just lived to steal our seats! He's been gone 3 weeks, and I still return to the living room half expecting him to be in my chair... (cont.)
  7. I thought this was pretty cool... Love the colors in this log... (almost done...)
  8. My daughter took this pic. Near Golden, B.C., along the Kickinghorse river. From the safety of the car, of course. Across the highway. Across the river... A few from a rainy morning on the crick... Serendipity Nymph was money; fished it like a dry... Royal Wulff did OK, too... Of course I have more flower pics, Marc; thanks for asking! (etc.)
  9. More... More pics from the last few weeks: Fish food... Close enough? Close enough for this guy! I got this 5am brown on the 3wt... See ya! Rick with another early morning brown that ate a stone fly dry... Same morning; also on a dry... Even when I'm at home, I get little visitors that remind me that I should be fishing... (continued...)
  10. Hit the Bow Saturday morning with our favorite Texican. As rickr mentioned in the Bow River Reports section, we got whities, 'bows & browns on CJ's, Hare's Ears, caddis, & stones. Didn't take many pics. Here's a brown... And, here's some fish food... Fished for a couple hours. Rick went home to do chores. I went south for some crick fishin'. Got some little 'bows... Saw some flowers... I realized some one was there before me. Someone with big-arse claws... Looked over my shoulder a lot after that. Kept fishing, though, & got a bunch of trout on my 2 wt. Most were on an Elkhair Caddis, with a few cutties taking the big ole beetle in the pics... (more to come...)
  11. SteveM

    Bow Brown

    Yup... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...it's just you! Looks like the real deal to me.
  12. Thanks for the 411, Pete. Can I borrow yours? I promise I'll get it back to you by November. December at the latest...
  13. Only if your wife lets you take them out of her purse for the day...
  14. SteveM

    Bow Brown

    Festus, that brown trout is dang near as purty as Miss Kitty & looks about as tough as Marshall Dillon!
  15. Hope you have a great birthday, dude! Your profile says you're 11 years old today. Time to start wearing 'big boy pants', I reckon! Have a fantastic long birthday weekend, my friend!
  16. :bow: :bow: :bow: Well played, BBT. Well played.
  17. SteveM


    Nice cutties! The second from last pic is pretty sweet!
  18. Thanks for that! Great post, dude! I must admit I was a little concerned when I read this... "She is an amazingly warm person and everything I've ever looked for in a potential partner. Unfortunately, she has been hurt in the past, badly, and is scared to open herself up again." ...then, I scrolled down to a pic of a canine!!! I was relieved to see a pic of your lady friend further down in the post. Good luck with all that!
  19. Dry fly or nymph? Oh, I forgot... :laugh: I gotta get me a sturgeon, someday soon...
  20. SteveM


    Nice brown, Jeremy.
  21. Looks like y'all had a great weekend. Please send GPS coordinates...
  22. Fantastic! Pretty water & prettier fish; well done!
  23. Well done, Jeremy; may you be rewarded with Karma & cashola...
  24. I would pay to see either of those options, Taco! BTW, in keeping with the topic ( "Why Do People Feel Like They Have To Argue?"), I completely disagree..........with everything!
  25. The flower pics are great, Brian; thanks for sharing. I do have a concern about one of your pics, though; namely, the "corksucker". Why??? As a perfeshional guide, it's one of your duties to prevent people from pulling those kinda shenanigans in photos. Remember: only YOU can prevent corksucking!
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