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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Crawling Valley walleye... My best of the day... Walleye parts... Lots of these guys at Crawling Valley... (Still more to come...)
  2. "Red sky at morning, sailors take warning..." Turned out to be a gorgeous day at Upper Kananaskis Lake; my bro' fishes near the inlet... We caught lots of these... Meanwhile, this guy went into my bro's backpack & helped himself... Took the fly rod to Pine Coulee Reservoir to chase walleye... Got a few on a stripped streamer, but really slew 'em on this little jig under an indicator... Went to Crawling Valley in search of bigger 'eyes. I like this shot of my bro' in his Fishcat tube... Found some 'eyes... (More to come...)
  3. Nice pics, Rob. Any camera is only as good as the person behind it. If these pics are any indication, I think we can look forward to lots of good ones from you in the future. I really like the 3rd shot; very kewl!
  4. I wear mine on a lanyard around my neck; it's always ready...
  5. That right there is one sweet cutthroat trout. Yessirree... Nice!
  6. "Ooooooh, I like Turtles..." Nice pic of some cool critters, Terry. How was the fishin'?
  7. Looks like a fun trip, Chris; some gorgeous water. Did the Texican take any unplanned swims?
  8. Better luck next time! On the bright side, you...umm....well, I guess...ummm.... Naw, I got nuttin'! Oh, hang on; I got it: You got some cool pics! Yeah, that's the bright side- some cool pics...
  9. If she ever grows into that eye, she'll be HUGE!
  10. Gorgeous brown; love the kype & the blue/green cheeks. Well-done!
  11. Them there cutts are extremely not skinny! WOW!
  12. I think those are great pics. However, I'm getting old & my eyesight is failing. Can you post bigger pics, please?
  13. Ayup, that's a beaut, fer shore! Didn't I tell you that this was gonna be your "summer of the dry fly"? Great story, BTW. Your prose is 'bout as flowery as my pictures...
  14. Note to self: Never, ever tag along with Hiketofish. Bro', you is a krazy mofo! Thanks for sharing the crazy with us sane folks.
  15. That's a little bit of alright! Congratz!
  16. Now that takes skill! Any maroon can catch trout... Is that a Northern Pike Minnow in the 2nd pic?
  17. "If you kids don't behave, I'll give you such a crack!!!!"
  18. Pretty lady! Nice shot!
  19. Two fat piggies at a time??? That's just showing off! Saweeeet!
  20. Awesome; just...awesome!!! Way better story than,"Hiked to the lake, caught lots of Goldens, etc., blah, blah, blah...".
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