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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. SteveM

    Change Of Pace

    Dang, that's a lot of spots! Beauty, eh!
  2. SteveM

    My Yearly Teaser

    Good start, Jeremy. Looking forward to the rest of your pics & trip report; unless, of course, there are a lot of pics of people with rods in their mouths. Seriously. Don't be that guy...
  3. SteveM

    Bull Trout

    Does that bull have undersized gill plates? Or does it just appear that way in the photos? Nice fish, BTW. How big???
  4. Moderators, please remove the pics in the original post. Thanks. This is, after all, FLY FISH Calgary, not SPIN FISH Calgary. Those of us who are elitist, holier-than-thou fly fishermen are appalled at the thought of "conventional tackle"! Shame on you for going to the dark side! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Okay, I'm just jealous... Beautiful walter, dude!
  5. SteveM

    August Long...

    Nice water, sweet fish. Good on ya, dude! (Note to self: Go cutty fissin'!)
  6. Thanks, y'all! Taco, I did some fissin', I don't drink, & I'll probably fall asleep halfway thru gettin' lucky; I was awake @ 5am to go harass some trouts.
  7. SteveM

    Westslopes ;)

    Nicely done, Jeremy; some big cutties ya got there!
  8. Great pics! "Too many flower shots, though,"said the pot to the kettle.
  9. Hey, HopperDropper; sounds like you had a good weekend. Wish I could see all the pics. Here's a helpful hint: when you upload to Imageshack, choose "resize image?" & pick this option- "640X480(for message boards)". Then you won't get that "17% of original size" tag at the top of your pics, and my 'puter won't get bored & quit loading pics halfway through; most of the pics, I only see the top half or less. Please do this in the future; after all, it IS all about me, right???
  10. 48??? Yeah, in dog years, maybe; y'know, multiply by 7.... Hope it's a good one, Al; go catch a birthday fish!
  11. SteveM

    Flats Fishing

    Now, that's sumthin' ya don't see everyday on FFC! Nice!
  12. Nice browns! That is a mouth made for eating big prey!
  13. Hope you have better luck than I had yesterday on this creek. Blue skies & bright sun give the fishies lockjaw; only picked up a few littl'uns. Nice day with good company, though...
  14. I feel sorry for 2 guys I know from Jasper. They started a 3 day float-n-camp on the Bow today. Yuck!
  15. Thanks, but no, thanks...
  16. Concrete, maybe... I've seen a lot of weeds busting up through paved bike paths!
  17. I think u got yer Mojo back on the Crow; all fish should beware!!!
  18. Ain't got yer digits, Pete'o!! (Psst! Check yer PM's & call me...)
  19. I didn't throw it, Oiler fan!!! If Hall wins rookie of the year, maybe I'll take u there...
  20. Switched to a big dry with a worm dropper. Picked up the only cuttie of the day on the dry; he was shy, didn't want his pic taken. Then, picked up this 'bow on the worm... Up close... Buh-bye... Saw this family on my way home; my Olympus takes crappy lowlight pics... Fun day, lots of little guys; loved it!
  21. Got out & fished my 2wt last weekend... Ya know there's gonna be at least one flower pic; let's get it out of the way early... Had some dry fly action... Tiny 'bow on ant pattern... Another on a parachute somethin'-or-other... Only brookie of the day... Lots of this size...
  22. Anytime, tough guy! I ain't askeered of you! I see you getting your butt kicked by a fat trout in the 3rd pic in the original post; you don't look too tough!
  23. Holy crap! Sounds & looks like an EPIC day, you guys! Spectacular brown; and, that rainbow is pretty sweet, too. You ain't kidding about 'em being fat! Good on ya, guys!
  24. I know, it's hard to believe a man can be that danged homely & still be allowed out in public, ain't it??? BTW, my daughter took that pic; she is super-pissed that you questioned her artistic integrity. She wants to know where you live...
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