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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Whatta ya call that one? Hay'zeus?
  2. I'd love to say "we softened them up for ya" ... but.... I know. I did too. It's brutal. A lot of people say "stop complaining".. but I seriously believe that they need to get rid of "the good ol' boys ex-Oilers club" that is managing that team.
  3. I've never had a dog of my own.. do cats count?
  4. I think I should have a say on this topic.. seeing as I can say with a good amount of confidence that I probably have the biggest hands of anybody on here.. I agree.. I struggle with it alot and because of that, like Jayhad, I use my hemostats to get them in and out. Which is of course.. a band-aid fix. Also, I love my new Blackberry Bold 9000! Bigger keyboard for bigger fingers..
  5. Cool.. cause I don't have a card.
  6. I'm very serious. Numbers don't lie. On another note.. I agree, Phaneuf getting ejected last night was complete crap.
  7. Have you ever heard of the 'Flying Dutchman'?! Cause I can give that a new meaning for ya.. PS - have people forgotten the title of this thread or what?
  8. Kiprusoff is a terrible goalie. Easy to see why he was a 3rd stringer in San Jose back in the day.
  9. Still unimpressed with Kiprusoff guys. Seriously. 29th in GAA and 32nd in PCT among qualifying goaltenders as of today. Leading the league in Wins, but also leading the league in Games Played. Roloson's doing quite a bit better in both those stats (23rd and 19th), but I highly doubt many people would say Roloson is the better goalie this year. Why is that? Then again.. TSN's power rankings have Roli at 10 and Kipper at 11. Interesting..
  10. The ideal situation right now would be for Hemsky to fire MacT.
  11. Funny.. I was just looking for the same thing yesterday and today. Mike's Auto Service in Marda Loop seems to have a great reputation as well: http://www.members.shaw.ca/mikesautoservice/ http://calgary.bbb.org/WWWRoot/Report.aspx...&firm=32530
  12. Got a phone call that they'll be here in ~90 minutes. So i'm not AS annoyed now.. But.. it's been off since noon-ish. I called 311 and they told me it is illegal to "tamper with city property". I said, "well, it's Enmax's screw up, you guys know that. Tell them to hurry up and get here or else i'm going to turn it on myself." I also said, "I'm sure that if there was some crazy leak out there that was threatening to flood the houses on the street, and a random person ran out there and shut it off, that the city would have no problem with THAT."
  13. haha. No. The water was shut off JUST to OUR place, not the street.
  14. Long story short.. Enmax turned off the water to our house today IN ERROR. Property Management company figured it out (we're renters), called the city and it's all straightened out. They understand that it was a screw up.. and "are aware of the urgency of this", but have no ETA. "Hopefully soon" is what they keep saying. Now we're just sitting here waiting for the "after-hours crew" to show up and turn it back on. I see the damn valve on the street.. is it illegal for me just to turn it on myself?
  15. It's worked fine for me the times I've used it.
  16. Does anyone have any insights into the 'etiquette' around taking someone's vehicle for an inspection before you buy it? Does the person come with you? If they don't, do you leave them some sort of deposit in trust? If you do leave a deposit, how can you make sure they return it if you don't buy? I suppose they could always just report it stolen if you didn't come back.. I've heard of people purchasing vehicles "subject to it passing an inspection". How does that work? You pay for it, but then bring it back and get your money back if it fails?
  17. Hey guys, Can someone tell me how I 'register' for the warranty on my new Sage?
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