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Everything posted by birchy

  1. ggp/crogg/tgo - Excellent! I'm looking forward to getting out there with it! Silverdoctor - ha! maybe I can rig up just the tip section somehow! SJW - Sounds like the voice of experience there? Toolman - Some day.. some day. and surprisingly enough.. he's got all dad's looks, and all mom's personality!
  2. BFR Dragonfly 355 with WF6F SA Sharkskin.. I'll most likely replace the BFR with a Pflueger Trion 1956 in the summer.
  3. Wife picked me up today at the Heritage Dr. C-Train station.. she made the mistake of pulling in to the "buses only" section. So she stops and we quickly switch spots.. meanwhile this bus driver comes driving in, blares the horn at us, and then proceeds to angle the bus across in front of us. Every time I tried to drive around, she drove forward a bit so I couldn't. For shite sakes woman! The wife made a mistake! Is it really necessary to proceed to block us so we can't get out of there?! Especially while there's customers standing there in a frickin blizzard waiting for you to come pick them up? What a childish display! I wanted to talk to her but my wife wouldn't let me...
  4. Probably pulling people over for doing u-turns when there's no traffic in sight.
  5. Agreed. Same thing happened for you guys with Roman Turek if I remember correctly...
  6. Life has been just TOO crazy busy.. and with no end in sight, I've decided to give up this wonderful sport that I've just recently come to love so much! ... ... Okay, I'm kidding. It's not THAT day. But THIS day.. I was told by a fellow FFC member that I shouldn't feel like a hyprocrite, because it's a natural progression we all go through. My new Bow River Rod (I just couldn't pass up those sales!): And by the looks of things.. it's soon going to be getting a whole lot more expensive! Now if you'll excuse me.. I have to go look into buying "a honda".
  7. Holy crap! It's HARD to find good help these days! ... ... Especially in Calgary! Or maybe I should say.. "especially in the big city". Seems like good customer service can only be found in the small towns these days. When I was in Castlegar this past weekend.. went through the drive thru at Timmy's and after they tell me my total, I always say "thank you", and then drive ahead. You know what this chick had the NERVE to do?!? She responds with "you're welcome sir!". My god man. I almost crashed into the barriers I was so shocked!
  8. Didn't matter either way.. the weather was too crappy to go out in the limited time I was there.
  9. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that there will be no nativity scene in Ottawa this year. This has nothing to do with religion. It seems they simply could not find 3 wise men and a virgin in the nations capital. There was, however, no problem finding enough asses to fill the stable.
  10. Just realized I posted this in the "not fishing related" section.. hmm, must've been half asleep. Crappy weather out here anyway. "Ice Pellets" forecasted for pretty much the whole time we're here.
  11. Hoping I can get out ridiculously early once or twice this weekend when I'm there. Thinking the Columbia might be tough this time of year.. seeing as the "wintering holes" are probably a hundred feet deep or something.. Smaller streams.. they've got the Salmo and Slocan rivers. I'm thinking nymphing in the deep holes are stripping a small streamer really slowly. Any thoughts?
  12. Definitely time again... .... ....
  13. Yes, yes it does. And for the record.. yes, I did deliberately type that in the best "maritimer" accent I could. ... If you can type an accent..
  14. Hmmm.. I wonder if that's what caused my pituitary tumor!
  15. When I was a kid, I used to go to my uncles place all the time to hang out with my cousins. My uncle had a cool older house that had a laundry chute between the upstairs bathroom, and the downstairs hallway by the laundry room. One day during summer break we decided it'd be fun to slide down the laundry chute! After a few successful slides down feet first, I get the bright idea.. hey, i'm going to try it head first! You see.. the downstairs wasn't 'finished' yet, so the 2x4 wall studs were still exposed. I thought.. "hey, I'll just slide down slowly, grip the studs with my hands really hard, and then when i'm close, I'll flip over and on to my feet." So I give it a try.. and wouldn't you believe it? .... It goes exactly as I had planned.. slid down, gripped the studs.. slid down slowly some more, and then flipped over on to my feet and off I went! Well.. now i'm getting really cocky! Gotta do that again.. except, this time I know what I'm doing, so I'm going to do it faster. yeah.. Slide down head first.. grip the studs.. but this time i'm rushing.. and I lose my grip. Well.. from about 4 feet in the air, didn't even have time to get my hands out to break my fall, KER SMASH!! RIGHT STRAIGHT ON THE TOP OF MY HEAD!! I landed so straight on the top of my head that my cousin said my whole body (spine) kind of compressed, and then decompressed, before I fell over on to my back in front of him. Well of course.. he is laughing his freakin arse off at me!! In tears and everything.. meanwhile, i'm laying there.. "Travis.. stop laughing! I can't feel my legs!! SERIOUSLY, STOP LAUGHING!! I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS!!!" Yeah.. he couldn't stop laughing. Laid there for about 2-3 minutes, not able to move my lower half, and then finally things started getting tingly and shortly thereafter I was able to get up and go on my way. Probably one of the scariest things that ever happened to me.. and at the same time, one of the funniest to watch for those present!
  16. Yeah.. I know. It was a bloody mess! I'll post up a picture when I get home tonight from about a week afterwards.. FNG - hilarious!!
  17. In hindsight.. I wish someone could have video taped me when I wasn't paying attention and ran my face smack into one of those upside down L shaped bike racks on the back of my neighbors SUV. Broke the nose and dropped me on my ass pretty quick lemme tell ya! *on a tough guy note* It did not knock me out!
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