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Everything posted by Lundvike

  1. Max is probably right about the ice but it is probably a good idea for everyone even if they are not fishing to get outside. Check the view from Tuscany this morning.
  2. Wasn't the greatest year for me on the Bow simply because of fewer days fished. But I did manage a few firsts: -first sea run cutthroat -first steelhead -first spring creek Met some good people, thoroughly enjoyed my limited time spent fishing.
  3. Hope for you boys yet., environment Canada says high of +3 on Saturday
  4. Its a pattern from the fly tying bible and I just watched Leroy Hyatt tie a "Stayner Duck" which is identical except the color of chenille used, so hardly original. But thank you.
  5. So this is the first one of this particular fly I have tried it is the second fly that I mentioned above. It is very rough but I hope it shows the concept.
  6. The Missionary: Hook: #8 Streamer Thread: Black 6/0 Uni Body: White Chenille Rib: Silver Tinsel Tail: Red cock Hackle Beard: Red Cock Hackle Wing: Mallard Flank Not the greatest photo
  7. flyon I would love to see a higher resolution image of that fly it looks cool.
  8. Ok it took me a long time to find my peacock herl but here is the first of the two flies I had thought of. Here is the second attempt of this pattern for me I hope it shows the concept. The Suspending buzzer (a variation of the Suspender Buzzer, pg 106-107, the fly-tying bible, Peter Gathercole): I tied the in the pearl ice dub like you might tie crystal flash on a streamer fy forming a "V" around the thread. The ice dub becomes becomes gills and a little extra shine on the head. The ribbing doesn't add much but hopefully it will help keep the butt down. and yes I crowded the hook but I tried it and I can still get 4x through the eye, from the bottom up
  9. I had a couple of ideas which I might try to tie when i get back home. The first was a foam suspending buzzer tied on a scud hook, with peacock herl abdomen, gold wire rib, a dark (brown?) foam "bubble", and white ice dub tied over the bubble. The other was something I have tried to tie several times with limited success a caddis dry with peacock body, dubbing for an under wing, foam cut into the shape of a single wing then split most of the way through to create a wing case, hackle to match casing.
  10. I know exactly what I would do if I wasn't away from my vise until the 8th. maybe I will post it afterwards anyways.
  11. Funny how similar the ideas have been for this. Damselfly was a pattern I had considered. Good ties all.
  12. So after playing with the feathers a bit I figured they would work for a leech pattern so I came up with this. It is pretty rough cause I ran out of material. Hook: Nymph 2x #14 Bead: Gold 1/8" Thread: Tan uni 6/0 Tail: philoplume tips Body: Natural deer dubbing, palmered philoplume Dry Wet It has an action similar to marabou when stripped.
  13. I fully intend to build my own boxes once I have somewhere to set up a work shop. Once I get a garage, but that might not be till my kids move out and the first is 14 months today and the next isn't even cooking yet. I would love to see what you come up with. I suggest starting at Lee Valley.
  14. Ok I would like to play but I am still a little confused by that feather. Is it a specific species pheasant, duck, etc.? or is it common on all species? What type of feather is that one LK?
  15. Found the little guy in my avatar while rolling rocks downstream of fishcreek.
  16. Anyone wishing to post exact locations should pm me with the coordinates first and I will let you know if you should post them or not.
  17. Wow shack nasty thread number 2 forming. But looks like the voter turn out from canada may be higher for this one than the canadian election.
  18. Most Common: Styrofoam Oddest: hub for a bicycle wheel, an ice cube tray. Most of the people I talked to were from FFC.
  19. Thanks Matt for organizing everything this was amazing good turn out and the sponsors for the prizes and the food were excellent look forward to doing it again next year.
  20. Congratulations. I was wondering how I missed you.
  21. I went this week and really enjoyed myself. I am looking forward to the next meeting.
  22. So can i just show up or do I need to be invited? how does one become a member?
  23. how big is that toque? my head is disproportionately large.
  24. So its seems like forever since I sat down and just tied for myself. So I decided to play some impulse buy materials that I hadn't really played with. I had bought some icelandic sheep and some salt water yak and this is what happened. Just screams for a stinger hook I think.
  25. I am pretty sure you need to know at least one more angle or are we assuming the top angle is 90 as well?
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