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Everything posted by Lundvike

  1. I went and inquired about the Maui Jims and they don't make lenses in my perscription. I am going to try sending my perscription to Ocean waves and see what they say but I am not holding my breath. I think it will be back to polarized perscription lenses for me or the over glasses option.
  2. Lundvike

    Bwo Nymph

    Din tied a good baetis pattern located here http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?...9&hl=Baetis Apparently photobucket doesn't love him anymore. Or try this Danica Baetis nymph
  3. for $500-$600 the fishing trip and the fish better come included but yes I have drooled over them before.
  4. I read that review do you know of anywhere locally that sells them? I saw them in cabellas but I would rather try and buy locally.
  5. So I managed to put a big scratch in one of the lenses of clip-on glasses have actually been using them as it only mildly effects my vision but I would really like to replace them. I wear perscription glasses all the time so I am looking at getting either an over glasses solution (typically cheaper but not as good optically) or maybe some perscription sunglasses (much more money but much better optically). I was looking in the Orvis catalog (and thats gonna cost me alot of cash I am sure) and they seem to make perscription lenses for a lot of their frames but they don't ship the prescription ones to canada as far as I can tell. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  6. Fishing really I was. Actually that looks like it was fairly close to where I was fishing.
  7. A question for Silver Doctor or anyone, I just came back from Wisconsin and I cleaned my waders before I left but I would like to disinfect them any recommendation on how to do this. I have had suggestions of bleach or some chemical called 4109?
  8. Silver Doctor wrote an excellent article on the old forums about gear care. I was looking for it too. Thoughts on Equipment Care by Silver Doctor
  9. hmmm perhaps I should get my eyes checked I still don't see any mice.
  10. Where's the terrestrials box? I don't see any mice or frogs, slacker. Nice flies.
  11. can someone explain to me how the tie breaker works in terms of standings? Is it goal differential? Head to head matchup? Seems like the way the races are in both conferences one or the other will come down to a tie breaker.
  12. I agree they should get whatever the maximum is, unfortunately they probably will get off with little jail time.
  13. actually thats pretty much how all my university chem and calculus exams went
  14. Or at least repost that excellent one you wrote before.
  15. Ok that came out wrong, but they have been exceptionally welcoming and were more than willing to share their successful fishing tactics with me. Oh and I went for a nice swim in the Menomenee yesterday afternoon, water was alot deeper and muddier than sunday and I really need to get a wading staff, on a positive note I found a really deep hole
  16. anal chemistry?? I think you probably shouldn't abbreviate it that way. makes it sound like a whole different type of exam.
  17. now if the rest of you guys on my side of the bracket could drop out I might get 2nd
  18. The WI TU guys have been amazing. Very willing to help me out and let me in on all of their secrets. Thank you for introducing me. We are going to try to get out Wednesday evening.
  19. Today the president of the local trout unlimited chapter took me stealheading on the Miliwaukee and Menomonee rivers which are urban rivers flowing throught the heart of Milwaukee. This chrome bullet was caught within a block of Miller Park where the Brewers play.
  20. As some of you may know I am on a training course in Wisconsin for a couple of weeks and as the course doesn't run on the weekends I needed to find something to occupy my time. So today I hired a guide to fish the small spring fed creeks of SW wisconsin. These are narrow meandering limestone bottomed creeks that are supposed to be similar to chalk streams. Well it snowed about a foot here yesterday so I almost didn't go luckily i did. it was a couple degrees below freezing in the morning so we started out nymphing and were into some 8 to 12" browns almost immediately. Then at the top of a run where water from two troughs converged I hooked into this beauty great fight especially on a 3wt. After lunch it warmed up considerably and the BWO hatch was on with lots (after it gets past counting using both hands I lost track) of eager browns taking parachute adams. The biggest being a 14" brown that I caught in this pool. Truly an amazing day and if anyone is heading to this area I have a guide that I would highly recommend.
  21. Lundvike


    only had 2 vises. I prefer my pedestal vice because i can have it point in any direction which helps some times. don't really have a problem with it moving while tying.
  22. Wii hardly gets any use since ryan arrived, but if you want to get beat at Wii boxing come on over. Ryan watches us when we play he is very fascinated by the remote.
  23. Man makes a guy want to make sure his alarm system is armed. I think someone mentioned that you can negotiate the amount the insurance company will give you, I think it was in the thread on Birchy's stolen vehicle.
  24. That looks really good man. What kind of wire or thread are you using for the brushes?
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