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Everything posted by Lundvike

  1. red rims, red tires or both?
  2. Congratulations. Man your wife is tough. 2 weeks till my fishing season ends and a brand new adventure starts.
  3. I know the range you mean I have picked up several, let me know if the are willing to give you anything cause I doubt it. Otherwise bring your clubs and then just walk out and hit them. Or drive by and dump in the parking lot.
  4. That should be criminal
  5. Ok so I "borrowed" an image of SJW's fly and made this. Not meant for a T-Shirt/hat more likely a sticker.
  6. Lundvike


    Those foam hoppers that I tied a few weeks back floated really well without any floatant. Except when I oversized the dropper. And SD is right change them occasionally cause they will get water logged but they dry fast even on the patch of your vest.
  7. Wasn't an easy decision had to stare at it for awhile. Decision came down to thinking of the subject matter for me. Can someone post that picture here?
  8. Coming from the NW that diverting around to the boatlaunch via Lake Sikome was a major pain probably added 15minutes to my trip, very cool that the bow bottom entrance has reopened, but it did seem to limit the amount of pressure in that area of fish creek.
  9. I agree I have the handle up and it is very easy to get at. Also gives you a couple of feet (depending on the size of your net) of cord length, and an added bonus your wet net rubs against your waders not your back. Also I would think you would be more likely to bash your magnet on a rock with it on the other end of your net.
  10. A crude represntation of the concept for a fly fish clagary logo. because I can't draw if someone likes please feel free to make it look good. I was think clean lines, with little detail so that it can be made into shirts/hats easily maybe color for decals/stickers. Supposed to be a brown turning to take a caddis. Again crudely drawn with MS Paint. BTW how long has this site been around for?
  11. Ok back at it with the foam again mostly trying to work on my fly photography. This is a triple foam hopper I tied.
  12. Man and i thought my 7 1/4 was large. And I will take a sticker if not bumper stickers are being made.
  13. 1 Hoodie size XL 1 Hat (or a Patch for my existing hat) 1 Bumper Sticker
  14. I agree with leaving the www .com off. how about just FFC at least all of us would know what it meant?
  15. How about a patch so I (or more likely my wife) can sew it on to my hat or vest? Or I will take a hat if you have them made. Or maybe a bumper sticker for the car so we can recognize eachother. That may lead to problems if the poachers see their pictures posted here.
  16. 30 and 4 weeks away from my first child
  17. Congratulations! A far better reason for going to the hospital than the last time you went. Five weeks early thats crazy, my wife and I are due in 4 weeks and in no way are we ready yet. Gonna get prepared quickly now.
  18. CAUTION: Krazy Glue and some foam may release a rather nasty gas. I was making a three layer body for a hopper pattern and when I put the crazy glue on the orange foam I got from wally world and this little puff of white smoke comes off the foam accompanied by some bubbling of the glue. Tried very hard not to sample the gas so I don't really know how toxic it would be but with the chemicals involved it can't be good. The problem may have been excess glue.
  19. I was in wally world the other day shopping for the wife's birthday present and I found the foam. Ok so it was more like I was supposed to be shopping for the wife when really I wanted to be shopping for fly stuff. I bought a few sheets and I have found a really simple hopper pattern and here are the results. gonna work on the legs and the head a bit. Does not having eyes really make any difference? The site I found this on indicated the eyes were important. Base on a recipe found here: Global Fly Fisher-Summer Hopper
  20. For me it is different between work and home. At home it allows me to save my username and password and just select login, but at work I have to enter both each time I log in. I think it is a browser function. Different from the last forum which would keep me logged in for 6 hrs at a time can we do that with the new forum?
  21. Lundvike

    2 Fly's

    Not to mention the fortune you must spend on new waders. But more to the point why bother with 2 when you are allowed to fish 3.
  22. Lundvike

    To Big

    You can open any jpeg, which I assume is what your are using, using Paint and use the skew function to reduce the size of the picture. Its cheap and dirty... but it works.
  23. It is lead wrapped and the hackle is fairly soft every time I grap the thing I stab myself. I got some new Hackle last night so I will try that. You can't tell from the picture but I used red wire trying to get a little flash of blood into the fly. Now if I just could manage to try streamer fishing occasionly.
  24. I think that was what I was trying to say in my response to the first topic. For me 6 yrs roughly 25>30 days per 2-4 still water the rest on the bow. So basically some guys pretty much get as many days as I have had total in one year. But this would be really tough to calculate someone start a spreadsheet
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