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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. sweet. Im gonna have to sign up. we should do fishing reports for a day out like this! LOL
  2. lmao I can just picture it... a HAWT cowgirl sihlouetted against the pink evening sky, with her cowboy hat on, hair gently blowing in the breeze, and a fly rod in one hand and a smoke in the other.....
  3. LOL... You know what? I'm not even that upset. I'd be more upset if the team gave 100% all game and got screwed by the refs, but this was total domination by one team over another. Period. Time to dismantle the flames. Keep the core, Iggy, Dion, Kipper, and I'd like to see Nolan, and Regehr back. Guys I'd have back Lombardi Yelle Tanguay Nystrom Vanermeer Sarich Langkow Guy's I'd dump: Huselius, Erikson, Conroy That's my 2 cents
  4. Bro, it was Gelinas, in game 6. I hear what your saying about the refs, but c'mon, the flames don't even deserve to share the same ice with the sharks tonight... so far. They are getting owned, period. If it came down to reffing I *WOULD* be pissed, but.... it's not the refs...
  5. Lets face it. The Flames are getting their asses kicked. Period. Don't blame the refs too much on this one. The flames are getting owned at 5 on 5 too, and the best they can do is trip, hook, and hold to try and slow the sharks down. The refs can't NOT call that *hit all game now can they? The flames aren't skating, and look bad. Period. They didn't come to play. outshot 35-13 after 2 period??? better luxk next year. Man I am so pissed off. I expected a damn effort outta them. I still do. but this third period is gonna be hard to watch.
  6. If it goes to double O.T. I will need a defibrillator.......
  7. Wow. I don't like that at all. Unless we were gonna lose wholesale in some other way we didn't see coming.... I can't say I like this and have to side with ADC here. It'll be a sad day when all you can find is a big ol' BASS pro shop..... ina province that has no bass...
  8. I try and leave a "bump" when piching my barbless hooks. I think it does make a big diff, this is a good idea. It's been out there for a while though, this isn't the first time I've seen a similar hook. Hope they get it up and running tho... so we can buy our flies barbless at the shop.
  9. This has GOTTA be the best pic of the year so far , in my opinion. I love it, it just says.....
  10. Ok here we go.... 7 hours till game time. I can't hardly breathe!!!! Before Game Checklist: drinks: 2 x 2L root beer in fridge, cooling perfectly. ice: two trays, full mugs: being chilled as we speak popcorn : check - 4 bags butter lovers ready to go TV Tray: in position and locked Flames gear: ON Flag and horn: In position for use Parade route: Planned for about 11pm with flag, , horn, and the minivan GO FLAMES GO!
  11. I think there waiting for mother nature's plow (aka +10C)...
  12. I just can't see this going down as big as they think it will. Still, it won't be good. What can ya do? People are greedy and want "the best" of everything, including lifestyles where they live in a place like that. If we all go back to living in grass huts, this wouldn't be an issue. But if we keep having children and living in comfortable housing, they gotta build 'em somewhere.
  13. Right on man nice fish! I gotta say, that guides website is terrific. I remember a site that USED to be updated that often... hmm... dang I just can't think of the name of it now
  14. Must be tough getting a suntan and drinking booze while we all freeze
  15. That's awesome. Yeah... I used to catch a brown at a certain place for a long time. Called him "jaws"...
  16. Fine... no pics of the crow huh? Fish werent big enough for yah? Nice shots mang...........
  17. and no, I don't know the actual name of the birds... wether they be "white breasted with a red beak" terns, or "blue winged olive muchin terns" or "annoying loudmouthed sqauwky terns" . or so on....
  18. There actually called "terns" they have red beaks, they look a lot like a seagull though. And yes, with the arrival of them you can be sure the BWO hatches are gonna start to get pretty good. It's kinda hard to fish a strecth with the birds on it, but if you can find some fishy water they've left alone, and there is a good hatch on, you can usually find a few trout sticking there noses up.
  19. I'm gonna hit the Bow All you guys will be somewhere else, I'll probably have the whole dang river to myself
  20. Sorry Andy... lol... the flames still gotta win game 7 now, so I could be in the same boat.
  21. Right on. I hooked one of them buggers of the coast of Hawaii a long time ago and it schooled me. The guide said mine woulda gone 300-400lbs how big was this one?
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