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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Yeah. Last two games have been pretty good effeorts by ALL players. Good to see. Going to be one hell of a game 7. GO FLAMES GO!
  2. DBT, what else is bugging you? THE DALLAS STARS?
  3. Yup. Same as mine then. I just hope they can have a good "back nine" here
  4. Haha you think people can't guess the length of fish? Go around to various "bow river" websites out there, and have a laugh at what there calling an 8 pounder, etc. I think the stories would be even funnier if people guessed weight of fish. An honest 5lb trout from the bow... I bet most people would guess... what 21-22 inches? Try about 26-27..... maybe even more if it's thin.
  5. Haha I hear ya bro. You shoulda seen the 29 inch hawg that jumped off my line last trip
  6. The Flames played a very solid, defensive game, and showed some real grit and hustle. I love the way they played tonight that's how they win games. There not gonna win fancy, there gonna have to win by playing tough. That's what they did. Great game. Kipper didn't HAVE to be great. Even he said post game interview, "it was easy to be the goalie behind that team tonight".
  7. If the Flames can win tonight, it might stop LOCAL whining though
  8. Sorry BBB... The trend towards global whining shows that is has gone too far and is now non-reversible.
  9. LOL. Hey... I'll burn some real nasty crap I got laying around the house in my burning pit, while idling my car, and using an aerosol spray to light the fire, how bout that? Come on, we ALL gotta pitch in to make a difference. STOP GLOBAL COOLING!
  10. Well when people claim fish to be clearly larger than the pictures prove or show, and post such on a forum, they start to lose credibility, wouldn't you agree? I wasn't trying to start anything on this forum, but... c'mon guys. Get a tape, you'd be suprised.... there not that big Having said that, there all damn nice fish. The only reason I started this post was to make people think a bit about what there claiming to have landed... without a real factual tape measured fish. Here's a 30 incher...... it was accurately taped (to the fork, not pinched). Now take 4 - 5 inches off that.. well, you be the judge
  11. 100 footer. Good man Weedy! Gonna hit the ocean soon? Looking for the elusive Bow river Blue Whale?
  13. Can I come? Look forward to the writings, bud...
  14. Ya same. I dont measure it unless I figure it'll go 25+... then sometimes I get shot down. Ha... and she's 23.5 or 24. Sometimes a fish that looks 26 will tape at 24. or 23. I'm pretty good at eyeballing fish, and a lot of 25+ getting posted I don't think ever saw a tape measure
  15. No offense to anyone, but that's kinda why I feel this topic needed to start up. Hehe
  16. I gotta admit. I am having a good laugh at a lot of pics lately. Not a certain one in particular, but it seems a lot of fish are either looking a lot smaller than what people are saying, or the camera angles are bad. But it makes me wonder, how many of you actually USE a tape measure? I mean ACTUAL tape, not measured on your rod, or in a net that the "opening is XX inches" etc, etc etc. but I mean using an actual tape measure.
  17. There's some cheaper motels in cardston..... if ya want some phone numbers ask. I hope I get a break from work, would love to attend this. Prob be stuck on shore, but will have fun anyways.
  18. I think that it's fine. If you had a product fall to crap on yah, I want to know about it! On the other side, if something works GREAT I want to know about it. Same with an experience with a guide / shop / online retailer,,, whatever! That's my 2 cents
  19. Ya I've actually fished in a lot worse than this. I remember one time I was fishing with 2 buddies, it was kinda nice when the day started but by noon it was heavy snow, hard north wind, and about -15C. We had a big bonfire going on that island with pine tress down from cranston about a mile, and were getting a fish every time we were brave enough to go fish the run. Got too cold and came back to the fire to warm up before heading out for another try every about 5 minutes, but it sure was some awesome fishing and good times.
  20. Anyone brave enough to fish in this crap? C'mon, let's see some pics and reports you wimps! *as I sit on my computer in front of a space heater*
  21. San Juan and a prince #16-18. Should tear 'em up right now. Golden stone #8-12 is good too, or try caddis larvae size #8-14. That's usually all I use this time of year for nymphing. For streamers, bow river bugger in black/brown sizes about 4-8 and black egg sucking leech.
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