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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Driven all over north america for years. While Calgary doesn't have the worst traffic problems of major cities, it DOES have some of the worst drivers. Put Calgary and edmonton drivers together and give them a freeway between the two cities and it's no wonder people can't stay on the road. Been to Denver in a blizzard, been through 75 MILE an hour crosswinds and snow covered icy freewys in wyoming, been through ice storm in N dakota, and never have I ever seen as many people in the ditch as on highway 2 between calgary and edmonton.... EVERY single time it snows. Brutal.
  2. DBT your a ducks fan I know, so in order to get favouritism from the refs you need to play a canadian based team. Now that your playing another US based team (Dallas) your teams elbows, cross checks, high sticks, and all other crap they normally would get away with, are being called. GOOD! I'll meet you on the golf course in a week or so..... *sigh*
  3. You know what. I wont say that any of the calls were bad calls. There was a lot of NON calls... going the sharks way all game. It's obvious that more of the same BS will happen every game till the flames and any other canadian based teams get eliminated from the USA hockey league finals. Err I mean NHL.
  4. Ha same. The farther the flames go the louder I am gonna get. I hope my renter downstairs doesn't move out
  5. BCMI has a restuarant right in it, which makes grabbing breakfast before hitting the water quite easy Tecumseh ranch is awesome, and not quite as expensive as you would think. They have a little trout pond right on site as well, with brookies/ rainbows/cutts
  6. cool. There was a huge herd on highway 501 all winter too, every time I went over the milk river valley there'd be about as many deer as your pics. Early on I noticed a lot of 'em had headgear.... what time of year do they lose it?
  7. Have XM and sirius both in the truck. Sirius has a stronger siginal for sure, but XM for my money has what I want on it... every single NHL game... and all day NHL talk.
  8. Geez man, you gotta get out of town a bit more eh??? Quit fishin my spot at hulls wood! That's the panty hole...
  9. I think it *IS* neccessary for people to have the balls to speak up when they see a fish being mistreated. I don't know what else was said before... but c'mon.... thats a damn bull trout... provincial fish, endangered, etc... being abused.... glad they took down the pic... sad they decided to share it with us.
  10. Dammit. Your already on to round two. I never even got a chance to tie in round one. Damn 2 week truckin trips. Best of luck to those who go on!
  11. He was healthy enough to be eating and Brad caught it on sunday. He should be fine, but thats gonna be one hell of a bruise.
  12. Here's hoping your either out fishing, or taking the picture of your career, or better yet, doing both at the same time. Best wishes!
  13. Thanks guys. Yeah I was out fishing with Bhurt and troutslayer. Had a total blast. Thanks for all the Bday wishes guys.
  14. Nice pics and fish boys, except one of the pics of course. *the rest of my comments edited out, the guys did the right thing and took the pic down*
  15. Jarome Iginla 50 goals! Jarome Iginla , Jaaaroooome iginla , jarome iginla FIFTY GOALS! (anyone who listens to the fan960 will get that )
  16. I've studied baro pressure ( on www.wx.ca there's a graph) for 10 + years of bow river fishing. The best conditions for catching numbers of fish come when the pressure *IS* on the rise. However, the best conditions for catching monsters is when it's falling. You'll catch a lot fewer fish normally on a day when you land a absolute hawg, I find. (hawg being 27-28 or better). Now, do I think fishing is directly related to baro pressure... no. Do I think success rates on the river are... yes. Seems the fish are more active during certain periods. Perhaps the bugs are more active, or the rise in pressure brings with it some stable weather, etc. Summer observation. On a day when nothing seems to be happening, you can be sure a storm is building... once the big thunderstorm passes and pressure evens out again (it rises drastically when the storm moves through)..... the fishing for the rest of the evening is excellent. Just some unscientific observations based on my days out and looking at the barometric pressure graph on wx.ca. I'll swear on going out in march on a rising pressure day though, you WILL catch fish if your at all proficient with a fly rod
  17. amen. Look at the game summary sheets on NHL.com and try to find me a game that a) the flames took LESS penalties than the opposition OR b ) the refs gave the opposition a 5 on 3 in the 3rd period when calgary was pressing to tie it seems every f***n game the same stuff happens. Starting to actually turn me away from watching. Remember game 7 of the finals??? 5 on 3 for tampa in the 1st, when players from each team were wrestling. How the f**k did that happen eh?
  18. LOL... yup. I agree. Turn your volume up, or else you don't really hear the take..
  19. wow "dope" pics man. I think Im gonna be on the Bow on sunday, which is my b-day.... Look out BOW!
  20. I hate the 'nucks as much as most of you guys hate the oilers. Thank you Edmonton Who watched that? Edmonton won that game despite some SERIOUS hometown reffing .....
  21. Boy this is a pretty quiet thread now that the flames sent the oil to the golf course, now ain't it? Personally, I like both EDM and CGY and would much rather have seen vancouver lose out. How can I cheer for both alberta teams? I don't know... I just do. go ALBERTA go
  22. Was walking ice all weekend. The most dangerous looking stuff was a flat white area. Most of the spots like that were very much like what was described as a trap door. a 2 inch thick ledge of ice over a 4-6 foot deep hole. Just walk slow, stay alert, be carefull, and fish with a friend because if you go in alone and get trapped, you'll be missed by family and friends...
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