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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. And, yeah... Juice needs to either step up and play, or get traded for someone who can this off season. And conroy too, or he needs to be replaced by a good faceoff man with OTHER skills such as physical play, speed, and scoring touch.
  2. This flames team is so Jekyll and Hyde it drives me nuts. I wonder which flames team is gonna show up for game 5. I can't even blame the refs for any of this. Getting outplayed / outshot that bad, they had no right to even be in that game much less have a chance with 5 minutes left to win it.
  3. Probably didn't have to post this same question in 2 places on the same board there onthefly7... Having said that, see reply in the other post.
  4. If you wanna learn to fish the Bow on your own don't wait until summer. Grab one of Maxwell's spring specials (go to the sponsor's section of the forum to find out more)
  5. Good I'd like it to come up about a foot and be about 4 foot clarity. that'd be just FINE in my books
  6. Oh heck I guess I need to learn how to read Maybe make it a BYOE breaky. Bring yer own eggs.
  7. and I am not trying to promote a closure on the crow, I'm trying to point out that a lot of times it's the pot calling the kettle black in these stupid debates every spring. every one of you guys that say it's unethical, has fished the bow during a hot summer afternoon, or in may when all the rainbows are weak and post-spawn. So is it ok then, and not now? This retarded debate makes me sick....
  8. Point is, if your even there, your fishing for fish actually in the river where they are going to be on the spawn, or actually spawning. The redds are there and clearly visible, and that's where they spawn. Above the falls right through the lease right up to Leitch and all the way up to the closed spot above east hillcrest is all full of redds this time of year. Most people that see a bunch of fish sitting on redds will not realize there on the redds and throw a line in at them anyways. I'd guess most people when wading it don't even look for redds (and there at a lot of places you would normally use to cross). But the debate is only about the fishing for staging rainbows at the highwood, that's the BIG problem.... yup...
  9. I am gonna assume we feed ourselves, right?
  10. My wife's HRRRMMPPPHHHH is worse than yours. Nice story, can't wait to see the pics from the old folks home you found there..
  11. Jeez. Next time I get home Im all about the crow again.
  12. again, I dont get it. If you got "morals" or not, it's a question of "do I fish, or take up knitting" not a question of who fishing where and when and trying to make people look bad or feel guilty. There's no need. This is a ridiculous fued brought up every year, and UNPROVEN to harm fish at this location. If you got morals, please by all means do not fish, becuase this time of year in a certain spot, or later in the year in the same river, your playing with the same damn fish. so, please, don't go, as there will be more room for the rest of us who DO go fishing.
  13. Thank you Don. Been trying to point this out for years. People think the mouth fishing is some sort of political front on which to express their opinions, and hop on the bandwagon as "ethical" or "unethical". The only really ethical angler fishes with no hook point, and only on days that end with "Q".
  14. I just don't get it with people who bring up this question, and bring it up specifically about the highwood mouth. I think y'all have some deeper issues you need to deal with instead of slogging people that DO fish the mouth area.. Either you fish, or you don't. If you fish, your hurting fish... wether your catching them staging now, or when they come back, or when it's 30C and the river is 70F and there very stressed, or when theyre "stacked" against a hopper bank in August, or moving into the city in the fall (Browns) or returning from spawn in the city in Nov/Dec... or your fishing coho's at the mouth of a trib or steelhead on a migration (there migrating for one purpose, spring summer or winter, c'mon...), or bulls in the wiggy, or rainbows in the open section of the crow that are actually spawning there, redds and all, and not staged, etc etc, and on and on and on. So basically, if you fish, period, you should consider yourself "unethical" is what your trying to say guys? Puuuuhhhleeeease.... So, either you fish, or you don't. Draw your own lines after that. Period.
  15. floating the highwood section in anything other than a whitewater raft / kayak, would be taking your life in your own hands. I would recommend doing something else, or doing it whitewater style.
  16. Fish were the fish are. Prove there being hurt, prove the SRD study is wrong please. It was less than 1% mort folks... much less. If you wanna close the Highwood you better do it from POLICE to MACKINNONS. There staged all along there. While your at it please close the crowsnest in it's entirety this time of year. Pffssshhh If anything, the real issue is people fishing the Highwood when the spanwed out rainbows return hungry, tired, and beat up in may/early june. That's when I don't go down there as that crosses my personal line. Besides, it's a good time to go hunt rising browns nearer the city.
  17. I think what he's sayin, is that a guy that golfs a 90 aint gonna suddenly shoot in the 70's cuase he goes out and buys ping irons. He's still gonna shoot 90. Gear don't make the man. I probably took more fish on TFO 90 dollar rods and cort 444 and 8lb berkley trilene (no "leader) than any other combination of fancy shmancy I've ever fished with.
  18. Foul hookin just happens sometimes. Most of mine come when they spit fly #1 and end up hooked in the butt on #2. Makes 'em fight a lot harder!!
  19. I kinda wish they'd close the crow there at this time of year, becuase of this. Should be closed from the falls up IMHO... there actually spawning there... it's not like the highwood / bow confluence where it's "staging" fish, but rather actual spawners were allowed to fish for. Having said that, there can be some good fishing to be had when there off the redds and eating, but everyone should be very aware of the redds and not to step on them OR fish for fish on them. Thanks for the report
  20. Get a hold of books like "blue ribbon bow" "the essential guide to fly fishing" and "fly fishing western trout streams" and "fishing the forestry trunk road" you'll be set to get a good start. Don't start on the Bow, start on some smaller rivers unless you got a huge itch right now, and then you could try the bow I guess. It's hard though. Maybe hire someone like max for a day, he's doing spring specials and having someone like him teach you will take a LOT of time off the learning curve and give you a good knowledge base on which to go forward with. Good luck, and ... welcome!
  21. I'd like to be the third strike against Okuma. I had one for all of 2 weeks before it fell apart. Took it back to where I got it and they put up a fuss about returning it (I'll not mention the shop unless someone wants to know PM me). I've never shopped there again tho lol
  22. Bingo. Ya nailed it. Nobody in alberta knows where to find the siginal light lever on a freeway. Nor can they read that thing on the dashboard called a speedometer, let alone the highway signs that refer to a max speed. It's the "who gives a sh*t about the other guy" alberta attitude that makes us the worst place to drive (I'm not kidding) that I have seen in N America.
  23. Yeah cool pix max. Too bad the crow / Oldman confluence isn't there anymore and what river we did waslk today was a sad, sad place. A tiny mud filled river between two dry mud banks. My heart longs to fish the crow pre-damn era again, my spots I cut my teeth on fly fishing are, well, GONE. Fun day, the water's low and very clear, fish are there but tough. You get one in a good run and maybe two, before you see the rest all darting around the pool in a panic to find some shelter and dissapear. We ended up having a pretty good day both in numbers + size anyways, and it was fun to check out what I think I'll now call the "boneyard" stretch
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