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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Bingo. Having guided and taught many folks how to chuck this 2 nymph heavy weight and indicator setup, I'll bet this is exactly what's happening. The fix: just what he said. Literally watch your line behind you and let it straighten out before you forward cast. Cast with your rod held slightly out from your body on an angle (not straight up and down over your head). WAIT UNTIL YOU FEEL THE ROD LOAD.... before each forward cast.... you'll feel a tug .... that's when to go forward. If your not feeling that tug then your actual backcast is not powerfull enough to keep the system airborne, and there falling behind you or into you on the backcast. Hope this helps Never ever try to cast the nymphs with slack in the line, always, ALWAYS strip line until your tight to them before making your next cast.
  2. I got the sockeye on a fly. swinging it in the current, let me line straighten out totally, then at the end you give it a little "pop" and they smack it right then... :) Actually that's how most of mine came, and when it's at that point I am pretty sure there hitting it. Did manage to "floss" a couple too on the swing in. It's legal there, and fish were kept (that got flossed). I don't have an issue with it as long as fish that are landed that way are eaten. Fishing up there is a lot less of a "sport" than it is a way to obtain dinner... if you came in all snobby and started preaching etiquitte up there all you'd get is a bullet in your back... and I am NOT kidding..
  3. I'd rather run into the bears than some of the crackerheads downtown
  4. So, um, you said you changed flies a dozen times. After ya got the fish...Did ya go grab the 11 you stuck into branches in this situation? :):) lol
  5. Holy crap. You ran into a Harvard Cutty then. Upper highwood getting slammed these days too now? I've noticed the harder the fish get "fished" the smarter they become. By the way, that was not intended as a slam in any way. A guy with 18 years of fishing running into a cutty like that, means the cutty is one badass fish and probably is seeing more pressure these days too. How much have things changed out there in the last 3 years? I havent gotten to the small cutt streams for that long, sadly.
  6. Haha well, great... now we'll HELICOPTERS running up and down the bow. This'll make jetboats seem quiet and peacefull... LOL
  7. Nice picture sequence. Enjoy the fact that your GF is willing to try it out, and likes it. Most of us arent so fortunate...
  8. Nice fish congrats on your Personal Best. And yeah climax is shiznit..... at least in my opinion. You could have gotten a bad batch, but when I tried it I had the same thing happen, on at least a few occasions and with different test # line.
  9. Holy crap. either 1 - your on the Livingstone or middle to lower Oldman... or 2 - you need to work on your presentation :) (no offense meant)... 3 - you need to downsize your tippet and lengthen your leader... or 4 - you really need to write down what fly, and what date, and water temp, etc, and that should be the first one you tie on next year when you go and find the same conditions If you were up on one of the smaller tribs... that's nuts if you had to switch flies that many times
  10. slower? maybe. dumber? nope. nothing is dumber than two highly talented players who play like they just don't care... and cant go in the corners and get the puck. Glad there gone. Bye Bye juice and Tang
  11. Quirk Creek = brook trout removal... not many cutts there at this time Crow = Primarily rainbows - not many cutts there... Both offer decent beginner fishing, but not beginner "cutty" fishing, which is what this guys after :) I'd try the oldman river, livingstone river, and tribs. Play around in the smaller tribs I wont mention them here but everyone pretty much knows them all by now anyways. the tribs offer plentifull fish, smallish (4-12 inches) but lots of 'em. Every 2 foot deep slack pocket has a fish or 2 willing to take nearly any dry fly you can get in front of them
  12. and folks... please, please pack in a garbage bag and pack OUT a garbage bag and maybe go over to the guys house and tell him "hey I packed all this trash outta here is there anywhere I can put it here or do you want me to take it into town?" A few things like that go a looooong way becuase I'm sure that we collectively don't want to lose this access do we?
  13. There's always been a lot of bears out there. Just now we seem to have a LOT more eyes out there ..... sigh.... like a few sets of eyes on every pool.
  14. I'm also able to second that position. Had a horrible experience there after spending close to $1000 just a few days prior. Never again.
  15. Fish Tales is my #1. Can't beat the service and advice. Shopped there for at least 8 years now, probably more. Not in there as much as I'd like to be at this point in my life though If you want a bit cheaper, and still good folks, but more of a busy and slightly less "personal" environment, go to wholesale sports.
  16. cuase it was bonked bro. I wouldn't hold something I was trying to release that way
  17. where were you guys? I fished the Klutina for Kings and got mine (By Glenallen and copper center) Then on the Kasilof but fishing was slow and I got blanked, not even a hit (our whole boat did, and of the 20+ boats on the kasilof, only 5 even got a single fish, and one got 3 ... those lucky dawgs) did you hook into any, what river where you guys on?
  18. Yup. It's a moving office, with a nice view
  19. Huselius and tanguay forget how to play when it matters most. Tired of seeing their lacklustre and un spirited play. I'm willing to give Bert a chance... and I am kind of excited to see where the "new" look flames go .... I think there going to be quite a tough team to beat.
  20. and saw a MASSIVE brown bear.... otherwise known as a kodiak but they don't call them kodiak's unless there on kodiak island I guess. Nevertheless, this was the biggest bear I have ever seen. Got a pic from a long ways away. He's muching on a moose carcass.... and I think that was just an appetizer for this monster of a animal.. So after not enjoying the Kasilof (and the lower Kenai famous King Salmon fishing is the same, sit in a boat and wait, with 100 boats per hole)... I decided I'd rather fly fish the upper Kenai, which was a LOT of fun. Pretty much bow river sized fish, with the chance of a massive rainbow mixed in. I didn't get anything huge, but a good bow river average, and lots of fish. 20-23 inchers and on the way home I was blown away by the most amazing sunset I have ever seen. The pics don't really do it enough justice... Watch out for these critters on the drive up. Moose, and Wood Buffalo (Bison) It was an amazing trip Saw more wildlife than I can even recall. Moose, Black Bears and cubs, Grizzlies and cubs, Brown bears, Caribou, Fox, Wolf pup, Bison, Elk, Deer, Bald Eagles, Humpback whale, Orca, dolphins, sea lions, dang the list goes on...... and that doesn't include fish My first King Salmon 47 inches 40 lbs My first "Red" salmon (sockeye) got a bunch this trip... I did catch some of these in BC by mistake fishing for rainbows following them up a small river, but this was the first time I actually targeted them. My first true Dolly Varden (it looked like a rainbow and was tiny) My first Halibut (got 4 lost 2 big ones) My first Ling Cod My first Rock Bass... I can't remember the name of it actually. There was others like it that were black and they were black bass.... and no one caught the really orange you see in lots of pics ... the one they call a yelloweye.... anyways, it was a kickarse trip. If anyone goes up and needs some info / advice on where to stop... just ask Much like alberta, the "best" places are a bit off the beaten path..... and not the really famous spots. The Kenai may hold the biggest fish, but it's also got 700 boats on a 10 mile stretch any given day. If you want to get away and fish with low pressure, head out to an area called "Glenallen" and "Copper center" etc. The Klutina river holds some nice fish, as does the Galkona and the copper river itself (they're all tributaries to the copper, which runs to the sea, and the king salmon in the whole area are known as "copper kings")
  21. Some sort of cool looking rock bass and a halibut. this one's about 40-50lbs. I had one on for about a half hour that was about 200+ pounds, but he spat out the salmon carcass he had taken, right at the end of the fight as the cap't was about to shoot it. Literally 5 more seconds he would have been on the gaff and shot. Oh well, it was fun. My arms are still pretty sore, it was about a half hour scrap with it.... Saw lots of whales, most from quite a distance... I never did get any really good shots, but here's a pics of a humpback that was about a mile away as we headed back in. scenery from the boat A day on the Lower Kasilof (famous King Salmon river)... I was dissapointed with it. You sit in a boat, with a rod in the rod holder, and wait. No fun really, especially when the fishing was dead slow. A few boats hooked up... here's one.
  22. You mighta heard some really loud whoopin and hollerin' on June 29th. It was coming from up north and it was me Klutina River (near copper center, alaska)... King Salmon ... 40 pounds. 47 inches. On my spey. Flesh fly. BEEEEYYYAAAHHHHHH!!!! and one for Max and yes, it was kept, and it was absolutely delicious!!!!!! someone else wanted it too..... he watched the whole show.. some "reds" (sockeye salmon) taken on my 6wt on June 30th, after the work was done (they were also very, very tasty) Getting ready to go out on a halibut charter the harbor in Seward, alaska A true Ling Cod (38 inches and about 25 pounds)
  23. sweet pics looks like fun. I had no idea I was going past a place with similar fishing or I would have stopped and got some of that action too (Teslin Lake, Yukon.... dangit!!)
  24. Maybe I got it wrong what there using. His phone was pretty static-ey - were drifitng and fly rodding, so.... I guess I'll see. 600M runs... and they stop? latch onto a king and it does not stop... apparently...
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