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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. #14 - 18 black ant with a hi-vis post on top of it so u can see it. You'll slam them.
  2. They said a 10wt 15ft Loop Blue (I was gonna steal Greg's LOLOL) would be totally inadequate for the kings they chase ----- 40-60 pounds throw in the odd 80+ I don't care what kinda rodd I gotta use as long as I can fill the air with a huuuuge BEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
  3. If you can chase, do it. I did a bit of an un scientific study while guiding and the people that didn't want to listen to me and chase the fish downstream (don't LEAD it down just stay with it if it goes)... the people that didn't and tried to fight fish up current lost over 90% of their fish big or small if the fish was hooked nymphing and got directly downstream of them. So' stay with the fish keep it 90 degrees out into the river, stey level with it do not let it get down of you. Up is ok, and actually helps ya if it goes that way but don't let it get more than 45 degrees below you. that seems to be the bye bye point. past a 45 degree angle below you your odds of loosing it go up by at least double, and if it gets directly below you, 90% chance it's gone.... disclaimer. Studies done with experienced *AND* rookie level fisherman lumped into one unscientific sample :)
  4. LOL... looks like he's holdin up the stanley cup on that one! :) Cool shots max! Im gonna try and hold up a king salmon like that for teh pose!
  5. My guide for the Kenai on July 2nd/3rd said they use surf rods for the kings. I'm not sure what that means yet but I'm sure there bigazzzzzz rods! I'll let u know when I get back lol
  6. I should also note: Crow or south of it would be about my boundary
  7. LS. If you can convince them to go elsewhere (both in light of better fishing, and easier fishing, and safer wading) I'd be happy to help... if you know right away. I can book weekends off pretty easy with enough advance notice.
  8. He said he was a beginner and needed fish WE would consider very easy. The Bow is not the place. Good campsite though... I'd suggest Lundbreck Falls campground on the Crow. Decent fishing and a good base to 500 miles of trout water within 45 minutes from your camp. Lees Lake, Beauvais, Beaver Mines, Castle, carbondale, Lynx, crow, oldman, racehorse, dutch, etc. another great place for nice camping and farily easy fishing is the Racehorse Creek campsite. Good luck. Make sure you know your regs :-)
  9. Indeed I would, but ... I need not fish chocolate milk at a few select locations
  10. I did tell you about my strugeon didn't i? foul hooked it while nymphing about 6-7 yrs ago fishing the mouth of the 'wood in the spring... the dang thing was about 45 to 50 inches and probably about 20 pounds or more maybe 30. It was the coolest thing. I got an old pic somewhere, but I don't have a scanner (it's a old 35mm film shot...)
  11. LMFAO..... nice.....good to see you practice C&R
  12. Heh.. I love it man... but ... your gonna drive about 13 miles and it'll fall off
  13. Herein Lies The Problem..... Most of our "remote" areas really do not need any ATV's running around. Sorry to sound offensive, but that's how I and a lot of others feel.
  14. I think I'll get it up to fishing shape, and fish with it ONCE.. catch one fish, and then it goes back on the wall So I am gonna chase that big arse crowsnest rainbow I've been trying to catch for 5+ years with it
  15. haha... that's why you REMEMBER the days...... ahh the good ol' days when there were fish in the ocean Thanx for the location the rick... gonna tell my bro to throw his fly rod away and grab a can of bait and a bass pole and head on down I guess :D
  16. haha... I gotta dig up that pic somewhere. and the japanese koi I got .... get a koi Maxwell, and you will have joined the ranks of the mighty multi species, all kinds of weird fish, plus I catch panties and a bra the same spot 15 minutes apart. You'll never attain such glory!
  17. Stuff my way is looking like crap too. Lee creek in cardston... is muck... 5 times it's normal size. Makes it hard to hit the golf ball over it. Lost a few in there lol Waterton / St Mary both high and look like crap. Oldman was muck at ft mcleod on saturday. Yup there nothing down here that's fishable (cough)
  18. Will there be anything in the Prince George area when I'm coming back through? (July 6-10 or so?)
  19. Yup. There already feckkin ruined. Please go there...
  20. The breaking point is already past. Trucks as it stands right now are running down the road losing money. Companies are folding at an alarming rate. My advice is... fill your basement with dry food goods and water people. I'd say this world is headed for some catastrophic food shortages, and economic misery, very soon. I'm actually taking my alaska run for what it is.... what might be my last real chance at fishing such a "far away" place. Gonna hire some guides... and get ' er done right
  21. Holy crap. My wife got me a bamboo rod! I never saw that one coming in a million years. It's got an old antique reel and even the ancient fly line (I think it's a silk line). It's on the way in my den now. It's got no label or line weights or anything, so I am guessing it's home made, but is there any way to put a value on a rod like this?
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