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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. I second that. I've found lots of brooks in the crow, especially the upper sections. Most are small (less than 6 inch) but some are decent sized (14 inches or so)
  2. LOL... burn Nice work guys. *alberta environement* - stay away from the rivers! *you guys* - CHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGE !!!!
  3. I cant pick this one BUT ... I dare say... whoever wins game one... is going to win this series... in my opinion.
  4. Bullshead will be busy for a while
  5. *paints his white truck red* No just kidding. The guy stopped, and then drove off? how long was he stopped for?
  6. Man, I'll tell ya what. Bullshead sure grows 'em purty!
  7. Being a trucker myself, this sounds like the typical "oh I am gonna blow by this trucker before the construction zone" type of accident, which means, the bike was probably trying to zip around the truck, and the truck was moving over becuase his lane was ending in the construction zone. seen this happen on hwy 2 a million times. No one will let the trucks in so they get forced into either hitting pylons, or moving over. GIVE US SOME DAMN ROOM!!!!! if this was NOT what happened, then the driver of the truck is a complete idiot. What's not mentioned is if the truck had his siginal light ON to move over or not. If he DID, then the guy in the bike trying to zip by him probably shouldn't have tried something like that. If the truck driver did NOT have a siginal light on, I'll find the bastard and beat him senseless myself. Too many morons out there who can't be bothered to use the siginal lights these days too.....
  8. Not as thin as the 25" brown I got one night this month. the thing was all of a pound and a half.... MAYBE. This fish looks FAT compared to it Lots of the bulls this time of year from there are a bit on the thin side. Wait till June when they've feasted on suckers for a few months
  9. Those last 3 spey shots, are frikking awesome. Love the angle man. Nice pics as usual
  10. Can't believe I missed this but due to an extremely weak cheque this month I was literally anable to fuel up the van for the trip out to Police. Glad everyone had a good time. One question: Are the fish stats sheets, for ALL of year one, or just this particular weekend. Let's say I have 10 chances to fish Police this year, would / should I run a stats sheet that I can print off the internet?
  11. The monstewr on the cover of flyfisherman mag this month (or was it last month) was from the S Platte.... might want to check into it... I don't know anything about it but.... dang that's a big fish
  12. WesG ... same situation here..... Maybe I can make some "rough" copies...
  13. LOL Nice pics, as usual.
  14. If it's dirty look for slower water with a bit of depth, and cover it well. A lot of times the fish are at your feet, seriously. Good luck!
  15. Drove over it today at Craig area. it is CLEAR and fishable for sure. Saw one fella playing a nice fish... enojy your trip fellas!
  16. Anyone else going that is gonna be on foot? I need someone to document all my catches.. y'know Or just some good company. I'll be there all day saturday I hope, depending on the funbuster
  17. Nice and sunny w/ scattered showers in Cardston. +12C .Perfect fishing weather for Police
  18. That CANT be at Bullshead can it? Where's the whitecaps???? Ha... I saw it like that once, and the fishing actually sucked for us, until it got windy again and the fish started to congragate again in the normal "spots" where the wind current / waves would collect food.
  19. Just bend the hook at a 30 degree or more offset from the shank of the hook. Stabbing fish through the eye / brian problem is gone. Plus... more fish stay on... harder for them to shake it. I tend to use 4-8 most of the time. Like BBB said though, try some other nymphs every now and then.... they DO work... if you know what's in the river and what the fish are likely to be keying on...
  20. Fishing is probably the best possible recovery plan Glad your feeling better...
  21. Fish slower water, closer to shore, with bigger nymphs, or streamers. Bright colors arent neccesary, I usually go with black leeches, big dark stoneflies, etc. Find slow DEEP water next to a bank, and your in the money. I usually fish a slow 4 foot deep bank, and fish it about a rod length or less from shore. Some banks will differ and the best spot will be 10-15 feet out, but as long as it's slow, your in the fish. They won't be in riffle or chop water in dirty conditions (unless YOU can see more than a foot). That's my 2 cents..
  22. Try and find a hatch chart of the river your going to. Start with nymphing the nymph imitations of whats going to be hatching. This is usually bang on, just change up your depth to suit each run. Try to work upstream rather than down, but if your working down walk AROUND a pool out of sight, and then work back up it, when finished walk down to the next pool and do the same thing, don't forget to fish behind boulders and in runs between pools too.
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