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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. First two periods the flames looked great, they did seem to lay off a bit in the third but they still won and they looked good doing it too. Still very early to say much but here is hoping that they have a steller year.
  2. What shop here in town doesn't have TFO, the only one that I can think of is South Bow, but I could be wrong. I see both TFO and Sage in almost 90% of calgary stores, with a wide veraiety of other manufatures. I also know alot of people that will not buy a sage and vise a versa. I do not think Sage is pushing everyone out or brain washing everyone, do you really think WE ARE ALL THAT STUPID.
  3. Just started to learn how to tie intruders, tied my first one last night looked decent and was fun to tie.
  4. True story, when I was a kid growing up I use to make match bombs out of match heads, gasoline, and film contains, well one day one of the bombs I was making decieded to go up in flames, and low and behold there were three other bombs right there. So long story sort, I went up in flames.
  5. There are people that come onto this forum that I wish I could dose in gasoline and set on fire, then they would diffently have something to bitch and complain about.
  6. Where the **** did because come from? and the *hit hawks are out with the shitnaime and the winds of *hit
  7. Actually Fish Tales has this vise there that is $45 soild clamp base vise, I use mine all the time, no rotery but a beginner doesn't need one anyways, that way if he deceides not to tie only really out $45. Mine has lasted me good to and abuse it in ways it wasn;t meant to be. I also had a apex vise that I really like for a long time, but I deceded to pinch big sjw barbs with it and ruined it. I think the apex is like 140
  8. Due to me just plain out right beeing lazy I'll be late by a day or two from when I originally said I would have them finished.
  9. I also hate idoits that deciede to do kick flips on a skate boards the day before they are suppose to go bull trout hunting.
  10. Yeah if you want to change your middle fly cut the tip it off the point and retie both, I useally tie mine a bit longer so when Iwant to retie the middle flie I cut my tippet close to the hook then I have enough tippit to retie my point fly to the new middle hook.
  11. Since this thread hasn't been used since the end of April and it seems like there are alot of complaining I thought I would bring it back. Here is my complaint. To all the whinners and cryers out there, man up and do something other then coming on a internet forum and bitch and complain where people don't really give two shits to what you say.
  12. There is usally some sort of cloud that follows me around when I eat mc craps, does that count?
  13. I would personally use Dreamweaver for PC, the I like about this is if you need the code with a flick of the button it gives you your code.
  14. I will not lie, but I ate 4 double bacon chesseburgers and enjoyed every last bite, will report the aftermath later. Next day, nothing so far so I think I am in the clear, only time will tell now.
  15. Crap I thought it was beginner and advance, but that is okay as I could always use some instruction on my single hand casting.
  16. HEHEHEHE the photo looks like papa brown and his little off spring.
  17. I have taken one of dan's classes in the past and have found it very helpful, I will be taking both Sat and Sun class. Anyone that is wanting to learn spey I highly suggest taking the sat class, and if you think you know what you are doing with the spey then try out the sunday course, I have heard the sunday course will be a very challenging class. Looking forward to it.
  18. I am also off the second week of october and plan on doing alot of fishin that week, so if you wanna hook up with me just shoot me a pm and we will see what we can organized.
  19. Yak, Its not that I think your dimwitted just clarifing things. Midgetwaiter, Can you honestly say you never had a bad day at work? I know it is not a excuse for poor service but do you know exactly why you got the service you got? Making assuptions most of the time is incorrect and it is what it is, if you do not like the service you are getting then do not go there its pretty simple. Often I have found that people come onto this site to complain about one store service vs another, but really does it solve the problem? Not tring to start fights but it does piss me off when I hear people (not saying you) that come on and group ALL BIG BOX stores as the same, and it is obviouse from this thread that it is not the case, and with you beeing in retail then would understand that a stores successes are all based on their staff and the leadership they recieve, if they have poor leadership then usally the outcome to a customer is very poor itself, but then again kids are kids but I have seen poor service not only from kids but from adults too. Also was it the person giving you service in his department? There are lots of things in the store I work at that I do not have the fainest clue, maybe his boss was paging him, or maybe he was the only one in his depertment and got dragged into another department, many reasons could be there, most likely since he was a kid and most kids I have delt with are more a pain in the ass then anything.
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