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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. No its not, I remeber seeing a news story about it, I always forget the name of the disese until I hear it. Basically it affects the birds nervous system and they go all crazy and die, not they do not go rabid but crazy.
  2. Yeah that is exactly what it is, basiaclly its the birds eating their own *hit.
  3. If you put people's pay on a percentage of their sales then it becomes commission thus making the sales people more agrressive in selling you something, thus making you complain that they are beeing too pushy or trying to sell you something you don't want. Personally everytime I have been in WSS here in town I leave with absoultly no problems as I come in their with absoultly no preconcived ideas as to what I should or shouldn't get from going into the store. After beeing in retail for the past 2 decades (20 years) I have come to realize that alot of people that walk into a big box store or any type of store for that fact and expect to get something out of that store, and unforntantly a store can not please everyone the way they want to be pleased, that unforntantly is just the facts of life. I agree that customer service is very valable and I train my staff in giving the best customer service that they are able to but due to company rules or laws they are just not able to help out the customer the way they want to be helped out. Other times I have seen that people say they want attention from the sales people while other say they don't, so what is a sales person suppose to do, be a mind reader, every customer is diffrent, thus making it very difficult for a sale person to be able to help out everyone the exact way they want to be treated. Also with the ression in full swing alot of stores, weather it be a big box or a small shop, are looking at ways to reduce overhead and most of the time it comes down to lower pay or reduce staffing (remeebr the first job of any business is to make money) and when this happens customers tend to complain more loudly about things. Grubas, maybe next time you walk into WSS here in the city don't go in with any preconcived ideas as what you should be recieving and see how your experince is then, if it is the samething, maybe try russels as they are not to far from where WSS is located. West Winds Fly Shop is not to far either and Gord Kenndy diffently knows his *hit when it comes down to the bow, and there is Country Pleasures and Fish Tales located very close by too. Lots to choose from and you don't nessassary have to go to WSS to get good deals, look around and see what you might find, or better yet for the best deals I am finding the internet the best way right now. Got a $500 water proof Loop rain jacket in a 2xl for $180 and only took two weeks to get to me.
  4. Happy birthday dude, hope you are able to get out and slam some fish.
  5. The *hit hole has nothing to do with the dead birds, what happens in the winter time is that alot of birds group togather and end up eatting their own body waste and they get a desise from it that kills them. I forget what it is called but I am sure someone will say it. Another reason why you can find them in these places during these times of year is because the TREATED (I forget where I read it but we have some3 of the best water treatment in N. America, and do you really think that we are dumping raw sewage back into our rivers?) water that is coming out is warmer then the rest of the river thus making it an ideal place for these birds to go to. Personally I have been through out the bow in the city section during these times of year and you find dead birds all over the place, espically if we have very cold tempatures. I have also see frozen gesse (Dead of course) floating down the river during the winter time And to answer your question Sun, yes you are going nuts just like the rest of us, its called old age.
  6. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't china buying up alot of the US debt?
  7. I had a blast there trying out all of the Scott Mckenzine DTX rods, I loved the 12 foot 8weight rod it was a blast, wish gordie had some of the 13 foot 8 weights as they were diffently my fav (Cast them when Scott was in town) The 15 foot 12 weight was also a blast to cast, like gord said sometimes you just want to open up and bomb casts to the other side of the river, how true. I was also good to put a face to Daneil (Wolfie) and to meet Deb (Flyfisherwomen) Hopefully there will be more of these rods avabile soon, that way I can cover up everything with loop stickers (lol, j/k gordie knows what I am talking about) The best part of the day was when Gord was giving max a hard time and kept on telling him to give more power to the cast, then when gordie picked up the rod it was now his turn to give it to gordie, had me in stiches the whole time.
  8. bhurt


    Man I have never come across a moose yet while out fishin and glad I haven't as I do not know what Iwould do if I came across one. Nice pic Terry and glad to hear you had a good time out in "Bring Cash" land.
  9. bhurt

    Pinks Redux

    Jay, You really need to burn that sage hat, lol j/k Good to see you had a good time, and when you have some time we gotta get out and slam some fish on the bow.
  10. I use barrel swivels for weight. I buy them in four diffrent sizes from a tiny small one to a large one for diffrent river currents and depths, then you can just adjust were your strike indicator is on your leader for depth. Another good thing about using barrel swivels is that it also straightens out your leader during your cast reducing greatly the amount of tangles you may get and also it saves your leader too. I always use three nymphs when I nymph fish and almost always use either a worm or a stone fly (depending on the time of the year) and for the other two flies I will either use a larva or pupa and then follow it up with a emerger of some type. I try to keep my hooks about 14 to 18 inches apart to help reduce snagging the trout with a trailing fly. The type of water really depends on the time of the year, sometimes the fish will be holding in the headwaters or the riffles while other times of the year they are holding in the buckets and slack deep water. Here is what I do when I first get to a run in the river, working my way up I will take one or two casts then take a step, always moving my feet and always starting closing and with as little weight as possible, much easier to catch the active fish first then to try and go after the other ones. Usally after a hour I will know where and what the fish are taking. As was taught to me I will pass on to you, if the trout doesn't take the fly after the first three passes whatz to say it will take it after the 100th pass. Another way to get a good idea in what to throw is when you get down to a section of the river you want to fish start flipping rocks in the water and see what you can find, then match up a nymph in your box as close as possible to size and color, sometimes the trout in the bow can get really picky and will pass up stuff that might not be the same size as to what they are seeing. As for tippet I generally only use 3x flurrol as it sinks the the quickest and I only buy Frog Hair as I find it is the best and strongest and I get very little breaks with it espically if my knots are good. I have used maximum and pline in the pass and I do keep some on me for cases of emergeny but have found that with the cheeper stuff you get cheeper product, that is however my own opion. Also do not use mono when nymph fishin as mono with not sick as fast as flourral does, but once again that is just my own opion. Remeber when nymphing you top hook you want close or right on the bottom so if your not bumbing bottom then you are not deep enough. I use floating lines all the time for nymph fishing and the only time I have ever used a sink tip of any kind is either when throwing streamers into fast moving water and want to get it down or while swinning flies that I want to slowly rise to the top during the swing, in this cases I usally use a intermideate sink tip opposed to a fast or super fast sink tip. Hope this helps you out, and if you have any more questions ask away.
  11. Rick is from Texas you expect anything diffrent?
  12. I will be doing something simliar to what Jack did, but my box will contain 6 clousers, 6 leeches, 6 chenillie worms (my special tie, and I haven't deceided what the last 6 will be (thinking of maybe doing some elk hair caddis) but I think I can get 2 dozen by the end of the week, anyready got the first dozen finished. I am then going to look for a nice wood style box that I will purchase and put all the flies in them.
  13. bhurt

    Fish Creek

    Yeah I was throwin a nymph rig today with the GASS 6120
  14. I would have to say the SJ MFW would roughly translate to: San JAun M()therFkr Worm....
  15. bhurt

    Fish Creek

    Got two about 16 or so both bows, put up a good fight and was a way out, thirty feet from bank was weeds so they were laying just on the outside of the weeds or way out there. Both took the chenillie worm. Had another one on but that one got away wasn't paying attention and didn't set the hook quick enogh, so it spat the hook pretty quick. It was weird it would start to rain and all the fish all of a suddenly would start feeding aggresivly on the surface, then it would stop and nothing......... Was only out for a coupe of hours but meuh better then sitting at home with a cast on.
  16. bhurt

    Fish Creek

    Man I forgot how much I enjoy walking through fish creek in a light rain at this time of year. All the colors where alive and saw some wildlife.
  17. At 6am the meal finally moved through my system, now I am ready for a breakfest from Mc Craps.
  18. I have a half dozen finished only another half dozen to go, might go for two dozen but don;t know if I have the time, plan on having mine done by friday, need to go into fish tales to get some material so I'll drop ito ff then. Oh by the way anyone tieing any SJW's, it is after all a good fly to use on the bow.......
  19. I had a double big mac and two double bacon chesse burgers today, man it hit the spot.
  20. I have no problem then ting up a dozen or so of my killer leech patterns.
  21. yikes, my eyes just burned out of my eye sockets, its a good thing I know the lay out of a keyboard so I know where all the keys are.
  22. bhurt


    I like them too but I do find that sometimes they can be a bit heavy at the front end allowing the streamer to go down in a nose dive, which is what I want sometimes, but not always. Tring to get my hands on some that rattle to see if the sonic noise it would make under water would make a diffrence, I don't think so but it is a fun experinment to try.
  23. You know what your probably right but I am too lazy to do that and most of the time its just me bitching at myself for beeing lazy. Also for anyone thinking of tying up some of these little bastards I use the new Mustard Chemical sharpened hooks Streamer #8 1xh 4xL Materials used are as following. Lead Maraboo Red Wire Peacock Hurl Soft Hackle (I use any type I can get my hands on then trim it down to the size I want, when cutting the hackle I kind of do it like a barber cutting hair, that way I try and aviod all the hackle beeing the same length. *Stay tune everyone got the next dozen that I am starting to tie, any guesses to what they could be, note I only tie the things I fish*
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