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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. I think you need to reread her post, I have highlighted three things for you to read and think about most people done think the rules apply to the other guy, not them. while it is commendable that you want to help save the planet and make a better life for all the little fishies out there, perhaps it is the way you deliver the information with immediate confrontation. rather than coming off as the neighbourhood busy-body with nothing better to do but tell people how to use the water they are paying for and then threaten them with bylaw officers and fines, maybe you could do some research on eco-friendly bio-degradible products that are fish friendly while accomplishing the mission of keeping the family stationwagon clean. As I see it there really was nothing wrong with what she said, maybe its just me and I let it roll off my shoulders but I think she was tring to EDUCATE the original poster in a better way to help him educate this person, and I didn't see her bashing him what so ever.
  2. Just to let people know that alot of our city storm drains have been removed, if you have not seen yet the tailing/setelment pounds they are digging in fish creek park is where alot of these water is ggoing to then it is pumped to the treatment planet and then is treated and put back into the river. I also have a client that owns one of the largest carwashes in town and I asked him were it goes and all he could say is, where all water goes, into the sewers. Also I guess we can no longer water our lawns cause how many of us uses fertilizer............
  3. Hoping to catch up on my missed matches but we have all summer and the guys I contacted all understood my problems and I give a big thanks for their understanding. Very happy to see that our little league is going good, and keep those reports coming in, as I am currently stuck at work watching paint dry and the clock go backwards. Oh and to let everyone know I am gone on vacation from July 5th to 15th
  4. Jack, Do you know the length of the head? Right now I use a 300 grain head with three feet cut off to turn it into a 17gram head that is absoultly aswome on my 6wt 9foot 6 loop multi (single Hand) rod, which I do single hand spey casts which absoultly rock, I belive the head is roughly 36 feet after it is chopped and weighted at 17 grams (which is at the top of the grain window for that rod) So in saying that I basically use it like a skagit head but on my single hand rod, but have to watch out for head length cause need to put shooting line and backing on the reel, but with a large arbour Bauer reel it fits nicely.
  5. Dude you don't understand, I'm pretty good at netting fish and that thing jumped right at me in the boat, I was like WTF did that really happen. Couldn't stop laughing for the longest time. Richard, I know where you got that brown, hehehehehehe, looks like its still pretty muddy.
  6. Sorry to everyone, I have a few make-up matches to do. Been working 10 hours a day from Sunday to Friday, plus have some personal issuses I am trying to deal with also. Should be good and back to normal in a week or two, but this saturday doing a float so I can relieve all this anger and stress I have been dealing with the last couple of weeks. Keeping my finger cross I don't lose my mind.
  7. EDIT all this cake talk, I'll take some of mary jane's sweet sweet cheery EDIT Mahahahahahahahahaha MOD EDIT FOR CAKE BASHING BBT
  8. Mike, Sorry for the late reply but happy birthday and when the weather gets better we'll get out and do a fish.
  9. I wish I culd have a snow day, but nope my work is having none of that. Anyways its always nice to watch paint dry.
  10. As a student to one of Brain's classes I highly suggest anyone new or thinking about getting into spey that they attented the class. Brain has a way of presenting the world of spey casting and fishing with a two handed rod that is unigue and easy to understand and learn.
  11. Brad (Bhurt) vs Brad (Rufus) Brad won the match with 1 trout, i'll let you guys figure out which brad won. Photo will come later, with which brad won (Tomorrow I will tell unless the other brad says)
  12. Nope Max does Floats also, check out BowCrow Adventures.
  13. I am susspose to be doing my match on Sunday and am currently secheduling next weeks also.
  14. When we are matched up feel free to bring out the spey rod I have no problem with that as I will probably be hunting for dries.
  15. Rick, If you could care less if you win or not then why disagree with getting zero pts for a skunk cause after all you don't care. And if you don't care that does not mean other share your same opion I say put it to a vote and let the whole group deciede and not just a few.
  16. Rick, How do the rest of the groups know if they got out or not, not saying anyone in this league would stoop to something that low but what about the people that catch one fish and only one fish, they caught a fish and for the match that catches nothing they are still reward for it so then they would be even in pts even though one person catch something and the other group caught nothing? If we are going to reward skunks then I would suggest the first fish be reward two points then every trout after that is reward 1 pt. Once again this is just my opion
  17. My suggestion is zero points, the reason I say that is caue people can then just start skipping rounds and still get a point for it, but whatever the masses want is fine by me.
  18. I say if I don't have to row (trust me you don't want to see me row) I'll pay for the shuttle
  19. If that is what you like then good for you. Oh by the way I heard the type of pirate was the famous Ars Pirate and that you once dressed up as the "Sea"man from the village people.
  20. Don't you mean 'HE' I once heard that chris wanted to be a certain type of pirate.....
  21. First and most important "WHAT MAKES A EXPERINCE FISHER" Before you can answer any other question, that one must be answered first. Second, This is just my opion but if there is a catch limit and no size limit then it is simple tuff luck, if 99% of the community is in favour then there shouldn't be a problem with impossing a size limit, and if there is then not as many people share the same opion as yourself. Last I would just like to point out that but does CTownTBoyz sound like Supremeleader, espically the way he made comments to Sundance (who he always debated with) and his poking at BBT (SL absoultly hated BBT) if I am wrong, my bad.
  22. Better yet just dont use a net and tail the fish.
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