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Everything posted by Brunsie

  1. Uber I have an eze lap as well. Pretty sure I bought it at FishTales BK
  2. There are a lot of good reasons for using a 10 foot rod. I also found that in my pontoon boat the extra foot off the water let me carry more line in the air if I wanted longer casts. When you're a $hitty caster like me it helps.
  3. X2 is right up there with the secret handshake.
  4. Nice looking skiff I've been fishimg out of a home built boat for a while now. Some points to ponder: -anything and everything you drop will go under the floor boards. -In two or three years when the inside needs to be refinished, sanding the ribs and all of the corners they make is a MAJOR pain. -If you don't fiberglass at least the outside, the rocks will eventually get you. -Stitch and glue boats are stronger (Due to flexability) and lighter than ribbed boats. -Having spent the last few winters maintaining our boat, I would paint every thing. The wood looks great but UV and varnish don't get along. My $.02 (for what it's worth) BK
  5. Evening for me please
  6. Hey 420 Bring the reel to the Amundson booth at the FF Expo and we'll have a look at it. BK
  7. It's like everything else, when looking at a pontoon boat, you have to decide what you want to use it for. The 10-IR is a great boat but if you're using it mostly on the river the stand up platform is redundant. On lakes they're great. If you want it mostly for the river, I would stay with a 9 footer. They're easier to control on the water and are lighter and take up less room in/on your vehicle. BK
  8. For me it's more important to fill the reel. I like to have at least 75 yards of backing, but I think it's more important that the reel is almost full. The closer you are to the outside of the reel, the faster you can pick up line. My $.02 BK
  9. Ladystrange (Tiana) has one that you should be able to borrow. She'll be at the Hook and Hackle meeting tonite. If she doesn't see this I'll have her contact you. BK
  10. I use a double surgeon's knot for all of my leader to tippet connections. To make this knot stronger I snug it up pulling on all 4 ends then tighten it using the tags before pulling on the main line. Most knots, includung the cinch knot hold better if tightened using the tag. BK
  11. That would be the Canadian Llama Company www.canadianllama.com
  12. The plans I have for the boat we built are more like instructions with not too many actual dimensions. You're welcome to have a look at them and I'm always willing to sit and BS about building a boat. PM me BK
  13. Depending on water flow it's about a 6 hour float. As Kungfool said You can spend as much time as you want wading. The bottom section has a lot of pasture water. If you go, you will see the " Portage 5 K keep left" sign. Ignore it STAY RIGHT. Have fun BK
  14. Jeez that didn't take long
  15. Taco's right. Force fins are pricey but worth it. BK
  16. I have a home built driftboat that a friend and I built in 2001. Before you start a project like this, ask yourself why you want to do it. If you're thinking it would be a neat winter project, believe me, if you do it right, it's a lot of work. If you're thinking it would be an inexpensive way to have a drift boat, they're like most other things, you get what you pay for. It cost us about $4000.00 without the trailer. All that being said, I'm glad we built ours. If you want to have a look at ours and do a little BS'ing, PM me and we'll hook up. Later BK
  17. We fished there last Saturday. Caught a bunch of little guys 8"-10" a couple in 14" range and lost a couple a bit bigger. Most were caught on Buggers and Micro leaches. Color didn't seem to matter. The water 's warm and getting pretty weedy. BK
  18. Definately going to BC to fish and have fun As Jack says, try the 5 weight lined up a bit. I have a 5wt "Ridge" on mine that weighs in at about 5-3/4 and it casts it well. I have a 5wt Rio GOld that's pretty close to being a true 5wt line that casts quite well on this rod, but not as well as the heavier line. If you want. we'll hook up when I get back. BK
  19. If you would like to have a go at one of the Stillwater series rods, I have both the 5 and 6 weight. You will have to hurry tho as I am off to BC on Sunday for 2 weeks. PM me and we'll set something up BK
  20. Hi Fred Maybe try posting this on a BC board Flybc.ca are a pretty decent bunch and will probably give you some answers. BK
  21. I heard Max doesn't like cake Happy Birthday Max
  22. Most of the lakes around there have fish. Whiteswan, Whitetail and Premier have some pretty decent fish. I don't know about the creeks, but I'd check the regs to make sure they're open. I would think that wherever you go it's going to be busy. BK
  23. Crowsnest A couple of the folks I've fished with, transport their 'toons without removing the pontoons. They just let the air out and fold the deflated pontoons around the frame. It only takes a minimal amount of extra room and once you arrive at the lake, it's 5 minutes to blow up the bladders. BK
  24. Why did the chicken cross the road? . . . . . . . .wait for it . . . . . . .To show the gopher it coild be done
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