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Everything posted by Brunsie

  1. Great shots Max Happy New Year BK
  2. I think somebody has cabin fever and wants to stir the pot
  3. I have a Scientific Anglers System 2/L reel. It shows some wear but works great. Not sure if it's a 5/6L or 6/7L I'll look on the weekend and confirm on Monday. Had a look and it's a 6/7L.
  4. Hey Mike I'd be all over that.
  5. I think it's a great idea. When FlyBC started this last year, it was more of a "pay it forward" thing, not a "trade for equal value" event like it is this year. I think for it to work, participants can't be too worried about getting something back of equal value. That said, if it takes off here, I'm in. :Hi jack: One other thing FlyBC does that could be a lot of fun is they have a Christmas Luncheon get together where people can meet other board members. perhaps we could try something like that as well if anyone is intereted. Later BK
  6. As an Amundson Prostaffer all I can say is "you get what you pay for"
  7. About 2 inches. Our boat is pretty wide so with the 9'6" oars, we didn't have to raise the oarlocks that much. If you want to have a look at it, shoot me a PM. BK
  8. Can't view the clip, but my favorite Normism... Coach: What would say to a pint of beer? Norm: Going down
  9. If I was going to build another one, I think I'd take a long look at a skiff. I've looked at Aaron's a couple of times and was pretty impressed. Gaffer has it right, no bench seats. I would recommend building pedastels rather than a post. We have approx 16" x 16" boxes under our front and rower's seat. Makes it way easier to move around and the added storage is nice as well. When we built our boat, we built the rower's seat 4" higher than the seat in a Clack. I find it a little more comfortable and you can see better. My $.02 BK
  10. Michaels used to have the beads you're looking for. However, they have to be drilled out to allow the hook eye to pass through. I tied a couple several years ago and decided it was easier to buy them. BK
  11. Great photos DD. I was out there two weeks ago and can't wait to go back. We caught a pile of Dino's as well, the biggest being about 6 feet. they sure are strong. It's set the hook and HANG ON. For anyone that's even thinking of trying it, do it, it's an experience you'll never forget. Later BK
  12. As Soggysocks says, fish the water beow the riffle, then move up and fish the riffle as Rickr recommends.
  13. As Beadhead said, He's in B.C. Happy Birthday Brian
  14. Fish Tales usually has a few replacement bags
  15. Rick You only get back what you put in Glad your reunion went well BK
  16. Louise Shotton 403-818-1625
  17. Sorry I took so long getting back. I'm not the brightest bulb on the block. The adress should have been sales\manager@amundson.ca
  18. Beeker I have spoken to our rep and he understands your frustrations in rectifying this situation, and he advises me to have you contact him at "sales/manager@amundson.ca" for your contact info and he will send you, at no cost, a G-2. WSS has not responded to his inquiries regarding a refund. Please note that Amundson does not give refunds as per your request, but will upgrade the reel at no cost. We hope this meets with your approval Brunsie
  19. :Hi jack: It wasn't that hard to figure out
  20. Can't lose what you can't catch
  21. I fill mine at the Centax on Center Street N. Cost: $12.00
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