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Everything posted by Brunsie

  1. The pomtoon/bellyboat market is pretty competitive, so you're pretty much going to "get what you paid for". The biggest problem with inexpensive pontoons are the frames which are light duty and the welds tend to crack and even break. Even on a small pothole, if the wind comes up and you're in a boat without oarsm it's going to be a long kick back to the other end of the lake. If it were me I'd be savong my coin and watching for a deal on a better quality used pontoon.
  2. I also use the watchmakers case. I have the 1"dia and 2"dia which hold all of my hooks. How many of us have an abundance of hooks over 2" long? I prefer these to anything else I've tried. If I had several sizes of hooks over 2" long, I'd put them in a Plano type box. I like the fact that you only have to have 1 small container open on the bench. I also use the 1"dia for my beads. Just my $.02 BK
  3. Rick Streamwatch (and all of us) owes you big for this. What a huge effort. THANK YOU BK
  4. Uber pretty much had the right idea. If you think you need a little fiberglass repair, PM me, as I have tons of cloth and epoxy and will even help you do the job. BK
  5. DD We were on the river yesterday. I have never seen a midge hatch like the one yesterday morning Clouds of bugs that looked like Trico columns.
  6. Nobody's bid on #26 so I'll get it started at $20.00 Come on guys, run it up a bit
  7. You can't really go wrong buying Orvis (or any other big name brand), HOWEVER - if it was me buying a new rod, I'd spend a day or two in the flyshops test casting more than one brand of rod. They all cast a little different and you need to find one that fits your casting style. My $0.02 BK
  8. Mmmmm pie $40.00 on #9 If I win I'll buy the ice cream and share with the cold bidders.
  9. Headscan If you would like to testdrive one of the Wind Warrior (Amundson) rods, I have a limited selection that you are welcome to borrow for a day. PM me if you're interested BK
  10. Well..... Pie is twice as good as cake so how about $12.50 for the cake as well
  11. $25.00 on #7 BUT if someone donates a pie, please change my bid to the pie
  12. Sharing a run when wading can be a tough call. Uber says 50-100 meters apart. There's isn't really that many spots on the river that you can get 100 meters apart and still have decent water. The best thing to do is talk to the other guys and take it from there. Waders definately have the right of way over boaters. That being said however, when drifting, I will fish the outside of a run if I can stay far enough away that we can't into cast each others water. I have had people get upset at me but if they can't reach it why shouldn't I fish it. There are a couple of places on the river where We've come around a corner and a wader was so far out from shore that we actually had to go behind them to avoid going through the middle of the run. River etiquette is a lot of common sense and first come first served. For what it's worth BK
  13. It's the voices in my head telling me...................
  14. Jeez Av That's the first I've ever seen you when it wasn't a blizzard or a thunderstorm. Welcome.
  15. You may want to wait until the put-ins/take-outs are ice free or like Jayhad said, winch your boat up over the ice shelf. Shuttle services don't usually start until around the middle/end of March. BK
  16. Speaking from experience?
  17. Hey Journeymancarpenter... Try unspooling a few feet off the end of your line and hanging it end down in a warm place. let it dry out for a couple of days then coat the tip (whatever knot you use to tie on your leader) with knot sense. if the end of your line is sinking, it's either dirty or wicking water up the inside of the line. BK
  18. I have a couple of the older ones and a couple of the newer ones in 4,5,6 weight. I particularily like how they sit so high on the water when fishing lakes. I'm not sure about the other types but Aaron weighed my 6wt distance taper and it is quite heavy, closer to 7wt than 6. BK
  19. There goes the neighborhood. Welcome aboard
  20. I totally enjoyed this years Expo. I got caught up with some old faces and met a bunch of new ones. Many thanks to all that dropped by and had a look at the Amundson product. BK
  21. PM sent
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