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Everything posted by Brunsie

  1. Jeez that's scary. The young fella's a nice guy but Calgary isn't ready for Jack. Jack- pretty much everything said above (not including noise, drinking and swearing) is pretty sound advice. Traffic here can be a bear, so location can be important. Later BK
  2. Wholesale Sports (Calgary) has a very good selection of Amundson reals priced from $85.00 to about $250.00. Definately worth taking a look.
  3. Harry - the word from Amundson is that the "nominal charge" will be in line with the other rod companies such as Sage and TFO. Jack's comment was that it would be dumb to charge more than everybody else. Nick - I'm heading for Police Outpost this weekend, then BC for 2 weeks to torture test the Amundson rods. When I get back we'll hook up. Monger - I'm leaning more toward the 5wt for lakes. I'll be using them both quite a bit in the next while. These rods were designed for fishing long leaders unded a strike indicator and roll cast really well for that initial "roll cast then pick up". If anyone wants to try these rods, shoot me a PM/Email and we'll set something up BK
  4. They are pretty nice rods. I've been nymphing the river with the 10ft 6wt and am pretty impressed. It casts well and the extra foot makes a big diference when mending.
  5. Two of us, both beginners, took a private Spey lesson from Brian last evening and enjoyed every minute of it. Brian definately knows what it's about and likes what he's doing, making the time on the water very enjoyable. I'm a firm believer that if you want to learn to cast (any discipline) the best way is to have someone teach you the fundamentals and Brian does that very well. Thanks Brian BK
  6. Colin The other thing they didn't tell you is that it's your job to teach Rob how to stay in the boat.
  7. Nice looking 'toons. they will look great when clear coated. If you're going to use it on the river, a layer or two of fiberglass would be a good idea.
  8. Fishing maybe, but catching??????? and he is that old
  9. A fellow on the BC board has a signature that about sums it all up quote- "The Tug Is The Drug". We've all lost big fish in the past and will lose more in the future. The first 10 seconds is where the adrenilin gets pumping. I hate losing fish but even when you lose them, the memory lasts a long time. Headscan is right. it could get boring if it was easy. I bet that all of the posters who described losing a fish in such vivid detail don't remember a landed fish that well. BK
  10. Jeez guys....3 fish sounds like a lot for the two of you :Hi jack:
  11. Had a bud spend around $500 on a decent solar charging system for his boat battery, during extended trips. Battery was flat dead in 3 days. Told him to quit trying to charge it over night !! Had to be Bruce T :
  12. Well done Jack I'm sure the winners will enjoy the rods. I cast the 5wt at the show and thought it worked quite well. Roll casts like a hot damn. BK
  13. Don After reading through the backgrounder, it appears that Rotenone is not 100% successful. Is there a reason for this or just luck of the draw? BK
  14. Not me Harry, I would never let you row a minute more than your share.
  15. Don I'm not nearly as old as you and I remeber the vinyl stuff. Question is, where do we get it? BK
  16. I've had pretty good luck with the anti-static bags and different colors of flashaboo. You can change the color of the anti-static bugs by wrapping the hook with different threads. I coat 95% of my chronnies with brushable loctite. Makes 'em shiny and tough. BK
  17. Jack Pick me I reeeeaaally reeeaaally need a new chronnie rod. BK
  18. After looking at the pics of the chronies, here's a tip When you're tying in the anti static bag, trim the end of the strip at about 30 degrees giving your self a long point on the end. Tie it in at the back of the fly by the very tip. This keeps the body slimmer at the back. Tying the bag in along the whole length of the hook can add too much bulk. BK
  19. :Hi jack: Aw Jeez, Simpson found our sight. Welcome Jack BK
  20. If Brownstone can't help you, shoot me a PM as well
  21. Stop and talk to Rod at the fly shop. Very helpful guy.
  22. I'd catch more if you'd show me your "secret spot" Weedy1 So now it's at 1000+ Is that 4 people looking 250 times or 250 people looking 4 times. BK
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