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Everything posted by Brunsie

  1. I have one for sale. Check the trading post BK
  2. Just so you know....... They're DCD's (Depth Control Devices) BK
  3. Hey Fishy It's too bad this didn't work out. The idea was good, perhaps timing and location weren't. I've been to a couple of these with diferent forums and had a great time. If any one is still interested in something like this, post some ideas here and maybe we can run with it. Later BK
  4. Is this happening?
  5. For beads and hooks (Daiichi) try: Great prices and service from Kamloops. CanadianLlama.com Can't get the link to work. BK
  6. this brings up the age old question............ Are all fisherman liars, or Are all liars fishermen
  7. I thought you were on the other side (Confederates)
  8. Merry Christmas one and all BK
  9. You could try: Bo's Anchor Release (514) 928-8541 (Oregon) I have a very old brochure if you'd like to look at it, send me a PM (work hours) I dealt with them several years ago. Very accomodating. BK
  10. Al Fishtales has the Ghost Net replacement bags. I've strung a couple of nets and it's pretty easy, They're great nets. All of the above plus In the boat, the fish don't seem to shy away from the clear nets as much as the black ones when landing them Bk
  11. Happy Birthday Mr.A
  12. Brunsie

    Fernie Lakes

    Hey Stein From some one who learned the hard way...... get some rod holders on your 'toon. Laying the rod across your lap when landing fish is just scary. Nice fish BK
  13. Been away for a while so haven't responded. Brodin, makers of the ghost nets, use 80# Dacron so it should work.
  14. Thanks Don Problem solved for now. However we'll probably build more nets in the future, so maybe next time we're on the same water, I' get a bit of the 110# from you. BK
  15. Thanks guys As we're using ghost bags, we don't want the string too thin for fear it will cut the rubber. After I posted yesterday, the lights came on and I went to Brodin's web site. They use 80lb Dacron which is available as planer board line. Oncwe again thanks for your posts BK
  16. We built a couple of nets this winter/spring. I bought ghost nets to put on them but the string is too short to go all the way around. Does anybody have an idea as to where to buy string. Kite string is too thin and Michael's doesn't have anything other than hemp or cotton which probably wouldn't last that long. thanks BK
  17. I can't remember exactly, so I'll measure it this weekend and let you know. BK
  18. The stitch and glue on the model is a nice touch. Why dp you want so much rocker in the back? BK
  19. X2 10 ft rods are great for still water from a pontoon or tube Bk
  20. The lights are on but nobody's home
  21. I haven't used that boat launch for a couple of years, but there used to be a lockable gate about 100 feet from the launch, but it didn't restrict foot traffic. Don't remember ever seeing it locked however. If memory seves there used to be a sign that said "emergency boat launch" or something to that effect. BK
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