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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Na, more like f***in' monger pissesmeoff!!
  2. If some didn't like the culling program, wait until the stream poisonings start and it will. Yanks are only 20 yrs ahead of us with 15-20 fish daily limits, requirements to kill any angling caught invasive and stream poisoning in the name of native species restoration.
  3. http://files.ctctcdn.com/c37eef03101/2246ac76-5bed-404c-9570-907ff8e36816.pdf http://www.tucanada.org/index.asp?p=2055&vn=438
  4. That will sure as heck work, thanks for the tips Guys. Now to find the time between fissin and workin'............
  5. do I prepare and preserve pheasant skins? Just got a pair of fairly complete (wingless) fresh frozen pheasant skins. I assume flesh, stretch, rub in borax then air dry.
  6. Backing into a gatepost with the tailgate down should alleviate the tailgate theft problem, done that once or twice. My father's specialty was unhooking a gooseneck horsetrailer and driving off forgetting to open the tailgate. Thieves seldom want a tailgate with a 6" ding or bow..
  7. I've had front driveshafts stolen but never a tailgate..... but then again the tailgates on my trucks are soon beat to bejesus by ricochetin' rocks.
  8. I know a goatherder that dresses in black, has a beard and a germanic accent
  9. No doubt, it's all about balance, political yin yang if you will.
  10. The NDP brain trust does insist on urinating into the breeze doesn't it. Notley best be divorcing her provincial party from the federals quickly if she expects more than 3 votes in the next provincial election
  11. Tis interestin' that they list a portion of Willow Ck as B class bulltrout habitat and if there is any BT genetics left in Willow it's buried deep within most common char species left in the creek
  12. I guess they realized they had forgotten their crayons
  13. Too bad a person could get in trouble with a Henry mare's leg and a nuisance pair of dogs
  14. OK I ****in' giveup I have no idea how to embed anymore
  15. The Epic/Swift glass line is considered strongly progressive fast action glass and is probably one of the better blanks for someone who has cast only faster graphite up to now. You really can't push glass like you can graphite, you have to relax and wait for rod to do the work thus many casters think glass is wimpy in comparison..
  16. Agreed but helluva lot more OHV damage than cattle. Cattle take the easiest path and seldom cause deep gullies running straight up the hill
  17. That one hits close to home. I've been camping, fishing, hunting and ridin' horses in that exact area since 1962 and watched it change over the years. Beaver Creek is where I learned to love tiny creeks and cutthroat trout
  18. Outcast Trinity comes in at 7 lbs http://www.outcastboats.com/float-tubes/trinity-float-tube.asp Don't know about Scadden.
  19. What the hell? What kind of a garage queen is that chebby. My '09 is sitting at 375,000k
  20. Don't mind me BC, Cows and fish does good work in bridging a gap between what is or was seen as 2 different philosophical camps in the environmental spectrum. I'm just being a snarky prick. I've often wondered about the ironically fine line Fitch wanders considering a portion of C&Fs funding come from the Canadian Cattlemen Association and the Alberta Beef Producers
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