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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Yeah I got those in 5 trips, not bad for a stream with a 2 fish limit, killed every one of those finny vermin I sunk a hook into, shootin to kill over 200 next yr BTW those Yukon bears were grizzlies and no shots allowed from over 40 yds.. Oh! and no big old trees to climb either, just 10' tall willows
  2. Hey Grinr... better try guidin' for bears in the Yukon. Guides aren't allowed to carry a backup rifle while with a client. And no garbage can setups.
  3. Outside of the parks that's what tent shotguns are for, habituated bears, they will usually permanently disappear around the third training session. First 2 use rock salt. A bear can hit admirable speeds with his ass loaded up with salt from 10 yds and it's a lesson that makes a deep impression on most persistent bears . In the Parks I seen 1/2" steel ball bearings from wrist slingshots used with success. I look at it this way, pepper spray is a close-in last line of last defense. I'm not deployin' it when the bear is 30 yds away or even 30 ft. Even with a gun I ain't shooting a bear at 30 yds and a bear's charge can be all bluff to 10-15 ft or less and at that point I really don't care what way the wind is blowin', I'm gettin' that bear square in the face somehow. If the winds in my face the bear's gonna hafta get closer and my eyes are gonna water. Plus the fact that if the wind is blowin' that damn hard that pepper spray's ineffective at 3-5 ft, I likely quit fishin' long before. Of course this is all conjecture, I've never had to face a close-in pissed bear and I have no idea if my feet have the courage to hang around to find out for sure. Did kick one in the nads when his head was inside a sweetfeed bag though, never saw him again.
  4. Oh! a different kind of sharing than I had imagined, all I brought was a fork. Carry on...
  5. Yeah I know, in spite of my big interwebs mouth I'm purely a hobbyist. That damn BbT still ain't told us what kinda cake though...
  6. There's a reason for that, bears preferentially come up from behind..................................................
  7. Should be alright, nothing on the can that says protect from freezing. I always keep my stale dated ones in my work truck yr round and let me tell you the damn stuff still burns when you get blowback. I'd contact the manufacturer if you're unsure.
  8. I did have a sow and cub scare me spitless on Mill Ck last summer. Never saw her until she woofed at me, straightened out every hair I own, decided fishin' upstream was probably a better plan than the current one and went with that.
  9. there's always exceptions but it's just that I find any firearm an extreme pain in the ass to carry while fishing. I have enough trustworthy friends who've spent far more time around bears than I have who have compete faith in a big can of pepperspray. Good enough for them, good enough for me. BTW, never said anything about camp guns where legal and high country huntin' with pepperspray is really kinda on the silly side.
  10. I don't know Grinr I've never had too but after 1500 days or so of hangin' in their territory I have made their acquaintance a time or two.
  11. I thought about pointin' that out but I knew all true redneck rambos wouldn't care.
  12. Cool and I've watched shooters who can mark sub 1" groups all day long on the range couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a shovel when it comes to takin' a 150 yd shot at a booner buck or bull, myself included. I used to buy my reloadin' powder by the keg Sunshine and probably worn out more rifles than you own. Been there done that threw away the effin' t-shirt. That is very true but with any pistol except maybe that cannon Grinr purposin' ain't gonna break down much bone to stop or even slow down a pissed big bear. Plus with Grinr's Casulls you're gonna hafta deal with a pistol that pointed at the sky (BIG recoil) after every shot, best be waitin' till that bear gets inside of 15'-20' before shootin'. Ain't many around that got the stones to pull that one off while armed with a handgun and fillin' their shorts. I ain't.
  13. Just don't fish around me, I'm gettin' tried of the bear/cougar paranoid. Last one I spooked 'bout beat himself black and blue with the barrel before he could get his firearm into position.
  14. Yeah right and if you can't hit a target the size of an orange (brain shot) comin' at you at 45kph over rough ground make sure you save the last round and use it to blow your right-side eardrum outta your left ear just before the pissed off bear arrives because you're in for a world of hurt. Majority of people who pack a pistol for bear would have trouble hittin' anything abet accidentally in a pressure situation. Rifle ain't much better except a bear dies or is diein' while still 150 yds away. Be bear aware and pack bear spray is all that's needed. I've used bear spray on aggressive dogs, more than a few herd bulls intent on killing and one assertive little prick of a bear and each and every time it was like they ran into a wall that bit back.
  15. Concernin' most "outdoor" trade shows I've seen in the last 20 yrs or so; used to hit'em every yr.. then every other yr.. lately increased to every 3 yrs but am seriously considerin' every 4 yrs. They all seem to fall into the same stuff different pile category yr after yr.
  16. Pretty well said Dave and pretty much spot on IMO
  17. The local professional streetwalker probably could use them.....
  18. Cry, almost makes me wanna ski again but I know my knees are gonna say naff off buddy......
  19. I find almost any cell phone will make an excellent sinker when fishin' unweighted nymphs in faster runs.. Hope this helps
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