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Everything posted by Taco

  1. If you wade wet, carry your pepper spray in a front pants pocket like I do and happen to take a dozy of a fartknocker into the river and knock the top off a large of can bear repellant please be advised, you are in for some discomfort. Damn stuff doesn't wash off in cold water.. just temporary relief at best. OH! and when you finally make it home to have a shower.... keep switchin' facecloths...damn stuff has at least a 24 hr half-life.... and put your wetwading stuff through the heavy duty wash cycle twice. I now have to get my ass to MEC to buy a large can of Frontiersmen
  2. One more Willow report; 27 brookies 5 cutthroat in 5 hrs, fish ranged from 15 to 30 cms and still all on a muddler. Nice to see a few more cutts. Walked in about 5-6k and fished back. Peter, lookin' forward to it. McLeod, thought about thumpin' it, it was legal size but not quite sure about the legalities or explanations required about possessing 25 any size brook trout and 2 rainbows over 30 cm.
  3. Sneak down to Willow, it needs some help. Caught 24 brookies, 1 cutthroat and 1 rainbow in 3 1/2hrs Friday evening. The brookies ranged between 15 and 25 cm and all on a single muddler minnow.
  4. Neither do I but if I ever get around to cuttin' the quack grass and pig weed around the old double wide I'd probably find a coupla trucks I'd forgot about....
  5. I don't care who you are, that there is funny both ways..comin' and goin'!! LMFAO
  6. Pentax digital lenses if you can afford them, damn local optometrist wants $375 a lens for progressives, otherwise any good digital lens. I prefer a bronze color lens, really helps in flat light.
  7. I just use a denim bag I made out of the leg from an old pair of Wranglers, Jim Stelfox's idea actually. If you keep it wet it will keep fish fresh for 7-8 hrs. Much easier to deal with than a wicker creel but does tend to ruin the Orvis Look if that what you're goin' for.
  8. Jeez Peter,, looks like mrfish4trout/darius has surfaced again....
  9. If you saw his tying room you'd be thinkin' they'd better be......
  10. The Islander IRs flat out rock. Bought my first Islander about 5 yrs ago and now I wouldn't consider anything else as a replacement for my old Lamson LPs
  11. Cool You too bluenose 'cept you can go fishin' on your own.
  12. Not one reply.... interestin'... Hey Uber get one of these and we'll go fishin' on willow
  13. Obstinate little turd ain'tcha bluenose?? You'll do well in Kalgree, fit right in
  14. Park the damn thing on your lawn next time, christ this is wild rose country.....
  15. If your cannabis plants need staking you need to find a sunnier, warmer micro-climate or move indoors
  16. That bike is set up so many racist one liners that I'm gonna stfu and go away
  17. Thanks man, I like that sliding floor idea
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