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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Yeah a regular dunkin' is good for the boys... corrects poor posture too
  2. Yup but we better get a bigger cooler
  3. How many days does it keep your beer cold Snijders?
  4. Whoa organization! Better keep that picture handy for when that room reverts to it's true state Clive
  5. Blunt polysyllabic bastard ain't he but then again I've always liked people who call it as they see it
  6. OhOh big bucks! you're gonna hafta sell some of them grass rods
  7. Whoa!! ........another 60's flashback.... Generation X bitchin' about Generation Y.......
  8. Pretty bad ground shrink for an elk but a piss-cutter of a whitetail congrats
  9. Actually ginger the reality is my job would still exist in one form or another even if energy industry went "away". The only real contact I have with the "Industry"as it were, is at the pumps, the rock chips in my windshield and the elevated prices I get to pay goods and services in Western Canada. BUT it is what it is and life goes on.
  10. Wish I could get some wildly lucky other than me Albertan to pay my 1500 Lt/month diesel fuel bill, $1.30 a litre if you can find a place that has some...
  11. ............ Edited to delete and comment; To the self-righteous pretentious moderator playin' with the censor bot, y'all familiar with how sex and travel works ???
  12. I guess I'll comment, I don't own or handled or ever fished one but if it's anything like it's predecessor the TCR it will be an extremely powerful rod that's an absolute friggin cannon that will handle 90+ feet of line and a weighted bow river bugger with ease. Not a rod for close-in delicate work or a caster who doesn't or can't double haul.
  13. No chain here, just nylon jerk straps. I'm sure MEC will carry something in their environmental protest section.
  14. Better head down and strap yourself to one of those dog-hair jackpine Peter, word is you have till around Xmas
  15. jonesy's got it, lotsa self righteous bullshit in this thread
  16. Jeez Rev ain't y'all the hilarious Newf tonight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10,000 comedians outta work and the damn guy's tryin' to be funny
  17. Funny.. as many hrs days weeks months yrs I've spent in the outdoors, a lot of it in prime tick habitat, I've never found a single tick on me. Found and removed them from other people, dogs and horses but never on me. Lucky I guess
  18. You make the claim that cutty fishing better than it has been in yrs, I'm saying there's less or even no cutthroat left in those particular streams and I know there was at least some cutts 30 yrs ago. I probably could triple the size of that list given time and the inclination.
  19. What about Allison, Drywood, Spionkop, Yarrow, Mill, Gladstone, Willow and Trout?
  20. Works well specially if you stick the nymph in a roebag...
  21. The unknown moderator(s) perhaps, the dweeb(s) likes to rearrange.. Man-made barriers are expensive but workable. So are electrofishing, stream poisoning and ultimately stream closures specifically if the population slide continues it's current trend. Official population assessments are ongoing and there are more pure strain westslopes left than most here seem to be think but they are at the extreme periphery of their range and living conditions. IMO the population has declined for all the traditional reasons, industrial, agricultural and poor fishery mindsets but I believe I've seen an accelerated encroachment in certain waters since the wholesale spread of the catch and release "ethic", the extreme unwillingness of the vast majority of flyfishers to kill any fish what so ever and to hold all trout in equal respect. Hell, I was one of them for a time.
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