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Everything posted by Taco

  1. So has half of Western Canada
  2. Other than from abject stupidity ie; truck doors, bouncin' spare tires and or loading a graphite rod 90 past degrees, the only rods I have ever snapped whilst fishin' were the cheaper off shore rods. By cheap I mean under $300. They better have a good replacement warranty or they're sales life would be short.
  3. One thing about bamboo, it does an excellent job of keeping your tomato plants upright
  4. Ahh dynamite fishin', it can be a bit tricky matchin' the charge to the size of the pool....
  5. Christ Weedy considerin' that 80-90% of this board thinks that anyone with a spinnin' reel and half the fly anglers on the other side of the river are suspect, it would be a friggin' slaughter.
  6. Tyin' flies is like watchin' paint dry...ok if you hafta but I'd rather be doin' damn near anything else
  7. And if they don't release, they can be pretty damn tasty after a trip to the smoker. C&R lake whitefish fishin' is sorta like C&R perch fishin'....no real benefit.
  8. Not quite true Rev...only to people prone to yap on about 454 casulls
  9. Succinct? Not really, just a poor 2 finger typist.
  10. Nice to see ya usin' your head for more than just holdin' your ears apart. Good on ya DoubleDee!!
  11. Verbose Tex verbose but otherwise pretty much right on the money
  12. I used to like fishin' the wake disturbed water, washes all sorts of bug life downstream
  13. Oh well, I'm over in Saskaflats. Takes a day for Alberta related stuff to arrive.
  14. What your rates gonna be like for 1 man poorboy outfits? I'm looking to change the way I do business by setting up more of web presence. Kinda unsure what I need to do. anywho... Good luck Silver
  15. Good boat for the money. I have the slightly bigger Super Fat Cat and have absolutely no complaints about the quality
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