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Everything posted by Taco

  1. I wonder how many Castle protestors that summbitch can eat and how long it would take to get rid of the taste??
  2. Cris got it, marble trout. Salmo trutta marmoratus
  3. What kind of trout is this? And it ain't a hybrid, it's a subspecies.
  4. If you like to take advice from a pair of weasels go ahead... rest of the board members are pretty good for givin' the straight goods in the advice department but that pair........ not so much. One of them lives in Douglasdale for crys sake Oh! BTW, welcome to the board, tis a dangerous path you have strayed upon
  5. WTTW; watch out for that SJWorm and that BBT feller, they're a known pair of weasels and like to throw their weight around under the guise of forum "administration"
  6. Nope, may head to cast a One, that's about it.
  7. Heads up to all potential protesters; Please be cautious around the Cat trackhoe, the operator has always wanted to see how far he can punt a Prius with a 245CL, it's #3 on his bucket list.
  8. If you need somebody to tell people to naff off I'm your man
  9. Clive the truly ancient mariner.... BTTOQ, buy a jon but not cheap narrow ones that are only 32" wide across the bottom, get at least 36" preferably 40". I'm looking for a 12' Spratley. http://www.spratleyboats.com/index.htm
  10. A high mileage well maintained truck wouldn't scare me much, I've gone as high as 400,000k on some of mine with no major trouble and I worked the hell outta them
  11. Get tired of kissin' Steve Jobs dead gluteus maximus??
  12. Yo Sundance!! Don't feel bad, he can be even blunter in person.
  13. I have a copy of the column as a Word file on my 'puter, not sure if I know how to post it. I believe it was originally published in the Red Deer Advocate
  14. SJW granted me special powers. Pinky ain't a bad guy for a moderator type
  15. Truth in advertisin' I'd guess, mine's pretty close
  16. I've had little trouble believing anything Scammell says or writes since his "Native Fish Coddling An Insult" column of some yrs back. I'm sure he means well.
  17. I can remember doin' some of that stuff ........................................................................... but never on purpose
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