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Everything posted by jimbow

  1. Sad to see it happen not from a fishing perspective but from a hunting, outdoor clothing, guns, ammo, optics, camping, etc. Haven't set foot in Bass Pro for a few years and never in Cabelas. Unless an independent shop opens i suspect i'll have no choice.
  2. floated the bow on June 30 and waded wet. water temp was no issue at all if it had been just a bit warmer i would have also gone swimming. seemed pretty early to me for the water to be warm enough to wade wet all day without any issues. i said that day water temps this year are going to be an issue this year.
  3. if a certain hoof trimmer offers up a trip I'll be bidding on that.
  4. fly rod with line fully out and when i reeled up the line there was a smallish very tired rainbow which i released. was a low end no name korean made fly rod. nonetheless i did call the fly shops to say i found it. had one call from someone looking for a sage that had fallen in the river.
  5. pretty sure i saw otters downstream of mac in prior years. I've seen mink too, actually been very close to mink.
  6. Since it's in the Bow does that mean there's no doubt that it's well downstream of BNP at that point? Are any tests going on outside BNP?
  7. is there a reason that no one has suggested buying the wasp killing spray? usually can spray the nest from quite a distance. I've used it in the past and it works. a wasps nest can be pretty nasty to have in your yard. damn things continually bother your food if you're outside and when they bite it hurts. although I've never heard of soap and water so that would most likely be more enviro friendly.
  8. I'm old school. train her to be obedient on every command. say the command once. if not obeyed you have to say it again and enforce it. sit means sit until you say your release word. tell her to sit on the bank while you cast a run. Command to get in the boat or get out but only when you say. I did it with my dawg (RIP) and she was great to fish with. Book I used was The 10 Minute Retriever (and others). Highly recommend it. Admittedly the one thing I could not train of her was trying to retrieve jumping fish. From the boat she was solid but on shore nope she's gone at first jump. I'd say you have your work cut out for you with a 3 year old. I've heard people say good things re training retrievers by Ringneck Kennels in Strathmore if you want to pay to get it done.
  9. There's no reason not to negotiate on almost any big (a relative term) ticket item you buy - it takes a certain amount of intestinal fortitude to do so. My father (RIP) always did this. Some businesses may negotiate some may not. This would be especially true in the current economic climate. If you need the item presumably you won't negotiate as hard. If it's a want go for it and be prepared to walk away.
  10. FWIW I hired a guide from the Boca Paila Lodge. Guide was good and enjoyable trip - caught bonefish but no big ones. Had shots at Permit but all refused. Forget what it cost but was in USD. Actually shared a guide with a person from this board one day and went back myself another day - called ahead and negotiated a reduced rate as there were a LOT of boats that didn't leave the dock on the first day. I believe you need to call and discuss rates as it being a lodge all the published rates are for accommodations and fishing. BTW the road to the lodge was awful but that's going back to oh *hit 2004 now that I think about it. perhaps my post should be ignored.
  11. Pieroway Rods in Calgary perhaps? Friend of mine has built a few Pieroway rods and they seem very nice quality.
  12. FYI, Fishman's various dry cleaning locations are drop points for a shoe maker that does not have a store front and does not deal directly with customers. I had some business shoes that needed repair and with Gary @ Alpine not available, was told by O'Connors Shoes that you cannot talk to the shoemaker but can drop at O'Connors or Fishmans and the shoes will get to him. So could be difficult to make that work for felt soles assuming he would even do that work.
  13. that is a dandy alright. and would be tough to repeat. congrats on fulfilling your quest. reminds me of years ago when we took a complete newbie floating on the red deer river. browns were on stoneflies. the newbie landed 3 browns over 20" one likely in 23/24" range. we told him for his own piece of mind it's best he never fly fishes again - different but the same.
  14. I mostly gave up on baseball about 2 player strikes ago ($5mm a year to hit .227?!?!) but will watch playoffs. In July that bat flip is bush league. In Oct, bottom of 7th of deciding 5th game in a wild inning, upper deck homer - that's just pure emotion. Gotta like Jose's reply to the reporter whether he had any comment about what Dyson said after the game - casual "No." It's the fans who were bush league not Jose.
  15. Wow that is quite the thread about APOS. As a hunter I'm disgusted by the actions of Glen Brown and even more so by an organization with a mandate to monitor and discipline its members for that type of activity but would allow him to not only continue to guide by to lead the organization itself. Unbelievable.
  16. of course if something is posted in the comments section on the internet it must be true.
  17. very tricky of them to throw in the field house and poof it's project that has public benefit so why wouldn't some public money be used. or so one would assume. a field house is sorely needed in Calgary. Every time I went to the Go Centre in Edmonton I was envious. but cfl football inside - no that is just wrong. still pretty hard to imagine public money being used - not to mention the unexplained and unbudgeted cost of remediation and required road construction. Seems like a non-starter. if the flames really want a new hockey venue then just build it. the team/owners could finance it themselves although I imagine their "portfolios" have taken a bit of a hit.
  18. Let's hope the municipality has some stringent rules for development on the river.......
  19. The Oldman is closed downstream of Hwy 22 to SR 510 effective Aug 14.
  20. Does it make sense that the Oldman is closed, the Waterton is closed, Castle is closed but not the Crowsnest? Seems odd but presumably based on actual temp readings.
  21. and foreign too based on its range in my bird app. would be cool to see one though.
  22. one thing that sticks in my craw about these discussions is throwing around words like "socialist libtards" or "leftards". your position loses a lot of credibility at that point. it's not a simple left vs right and to view it that way is simplistic and hardly looking at the big picture. i would be totally supportive of many "leftard" policies but at the same time supportive of many policies that would be considered on the right. who do people like me (and i think there are a lot of them) support in the current political climate? the federal PC party was a possible choice at one time as was the Lougheed gov't. now that's over. very frequently i have not had a vote counted in a federal or provincial election - i always exercised my right to vote but my ballot would not be counted. but there was not a candidate or party i could stomach to cast a vote for. this past provincial election i was able to cast a countable vote - for the sole Alberta Party MLA. in the upcoming federal election I'm looking pretty hard at Kent Hehr. hard for me to believe i would consider voting liberal but he's a damn good candidate that i believe would actually represent Calgary very well. there is a lot wrong with our political processes starting with the winner take all voting system. i believe we need proportional representation in this country at the federal and provincial level. regardless of whether or not it creates minority gov'ts. hell Canada ran very well recently when there was federal minority gov'ts. ok now I'm rambling so i'll stop there other than to say it's interesting to me that the countries in the world that consistently rank high in standard of living and happiness are the high-taxed, socialist Scandinavian countries. that doesn't seem to reconcile with the general north american mindset.
  23. Shouldn't we give Notley and crew an opportunity to govern for at least a few years if not a full term before they are declared incompetent and self destructive? the PCs did not govern this province effectively or efficiently for a long time. it's shameful that AB's education and medical systems are as in bad a shape as they are for starters. I'm a centrist person (right on economic, left on social) but from the old days of when PCs were actually progressive. I don't like the recent individual tax increases but I sure understand the need for them. I was somewhat shocked by the election results but am certainly willing to giving Notley an opportunity to govern. In the short term it's hard to imagine it could be any worse than what we had and perhaps it will change the way AB is governed in the future.
  24. Glad to see the closures (to protect the resource long term) but at the same time it's probably going result in a lot of pressure on the open areas. As people have pointed out there are a lot of rivers & streams that are low and what water is there is too warm - hard to believe that the Bow would be warmer than the small central AB streams. If gov't is going to do it close almost everywhere from the far south to as far north as is required. But I suppose you have to start somewhere.
  25. Good to hear. I was on the bank downstream of Policemans when the 3 of you came walking back from first try. you were a pretty odd sight - 3 young guys walking with a coil of very heavy rope and large come-a-long. Had a quick chat on the way by as I was too curious as to what the heck was going on. we wondered about all of your fishing gear but it sounds like you may have recovered all that.
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