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  rehsifylf said:
I'll wager he winds the Norris either next year or the year after.



I'll take some of that action. The only Norris Dion will win is the he awards himself. Yes, he is talented but he isn't even a Norris contender in my opinion.


So seriously, what do you want to wager?


I hope this also means we can cancel Cuthbert as the Stampede Parade Marshall...



I'm on the fence on this one, not becuase phanuef was traded, but for who... 4 mediocre (at best) players? I'll stay on the fence until I see what is up with further trades... I cantr see this being the end of the dealing. I think the sutters are going to tear this team up, and I think that's a good thing. Their only win in 10 games was against a hapless Oilers team.

  Hawgstoppah said:
I'm on the fence on this one, not becuase phanuef was traded, but for who... 4 mediocre (at best) players? I'll stay on the fence until I see what is up with further trades... I cantr see this being the end of the dealing. I think the sutters are going to tear this team up, and I think that's a good thing. Their only win in 10 games was against a hapless Oilers team.


6 weeks ago there was nothing wrong with the Flames,they were playing well.Now they suck,same players same coach nothing has changed on the outside anyway.I think something was going on in the locker room.

Guest Sundancefisher

Nice to see the Flames finally play some decent hockey.


The Flames are failing recently attributable to:


50% poor passing

20% failure to attack the boards for the puck

20% for failing to shoot

10% for failing to have someone screening




I just read on TSN that the flames may have just traded Jokinen and Prust to the Rangers for Kotalik and Higgins (If this is true, this is a horrible trade, unless sutter is going to just trade some more)

  Drew said:
I just read on TSN that the flames may have just traded Jokinen and Prust to the Rangers for Kotalik and Higgins (If this is true, this is a horrible trade, unless sutter is going to just trade some more)


Yikes! I don't know why you would want to take on Kotalik's contract for the next few years. Jokinen wasn't doing much but I though that Hagman was brought in to get him going (being a fellow fin). Looks like the Flames are trading former stars for depth players. They need to win this year - too many ufa's at the end of the season. I'm thinking they are hoping addition by subtraction. Get rid of players with doubtful character and hope these new guys gel better with Regerh and Iggy. I don't think Kotalik is the answer though. Saw him float in edmonton last season, not much there besides a slapper.


yea according too tsn thats is the pending trade drew.. kotalik has too waive his no trade clause too 1 of the 3 teams he dosnt want too trade for (guess who is one of the tops 3) time will tell if this goes well but i think sutter is clearing space too sign a few dudes on or off our team at the end of the season... this might jstu be a shake up for the rest of te team.. the toronto deal i like forsure! and olli wanst doing a whole hell of a lot really....... but ultimatly.. lets see what happens with the end result come playoff time... i gots faith in sutter!


I personally think that the trades where a message to the rest of the team, if your not going to produce then your gone regardless to who you are.


With Dion we were already very deep in Defencemen and what we need is more goal scores for Iggy and we got two players that are 20+ goal scores. Even though I liked dion, something had to change with the flames cause what they currently had wasn't getting it done.


Don't know if it is true or not but on the raido this morning on my way to work I heardf they were saying a press conference is going to be announced for sometime today. Olie hasn't done much for us either and we need something to light a fire under the players butt.


I think you might see conray done at the end of the year also.


I trust sutter cause before sutter we could not even get into the playoffs (who remebers the 90's) now we are which is good, but we need to get pass the first round, but as I see it better to make it and be done in the first round then not make it at all.


I don't think the trades are done, only time will tell.


So trading phanuef may have been the best move that darrell sutter has made. The guy was making 6 millin a year!! With the numbers hes putting up this year, i belive toronto got screwed over. Like now we have a whole new forward line and a new defenceman (white) that is making way less then phanuef and is putting twice the numbers! Not to mention his plus minus is even better the Dion Shitnuef. So by trading pahnuef we have an extra 4 millin in cap room and there for could trade these new guys and accuire a new better dion. There best bet would be to trade for a new backup! as kippersof will play 60-75 games this season they should have a good back up who can play 30 games a season so that kipper can rest and is ready to go for the playofs so we dont get kicked out in the first two rounds.


Ya know in the past coupla days I heard opinions of this big Phanuef trade that this is exactly what we need to get better and I thought to myself you know they might be right and then this morning I went into 7-11 to get myself a coffee and a newspaper and when I went to pay the cashier it was still 3 bucks like it always was and I thought to myself "****!!! nothing's changed it's still too gawddamned cold to fish and enjoy myself"


We need prospects! Trade for those! not 2 guys in NY that don't even want to play in Calgary. We don't even have a 1st or 2nd round pick this year.. we always trade them away. In 3 years Calgary is going to be totally screwed with aging veterans.


Have not enjoyed a Flames game more in the past two years. Offensive explosion was impressive.


Get used to it Calgary. No talent and no prospects, most promising young player traded for two rentals, a goon, and a neverwillbe. Egomaniac GM, and a Coach that blames everyone but himself.


Maybe when Kotalik and Higgins get here the goals will start pouring in. LOL



the most promising player recieved a big paycheck, and suddenly got worse and worse.


I'm sorry, but there are a LOT more promising players on the squad then Phanuef. He was very promising at a time, but he fell into laziness and believing his own hype... Not a player lived in fear of him anymore, and he was outplayed at least once every game.


If you think Phaneuf was the way to lead the flames to the cup, obviously you're delusional.


Have you actually watched White? he's playing better D than Dion all year.


ps. they arrived this morning, did you expect them to just fall in line in less then 10 hours?

  Drew said:
In 3 years Calgary is going to be totally screwed with aging veterans.


Um. Knock Knock... who's there... THREE YEARS.


dude... you say they'll be srewed by aging vets in 3 years? theyre screwed NOW!


Iginla - old... cant get away from a check anymore

Langkow - same thing

Conroy - yup same thing.


this team needs a fresh start. I say we go the way of the oilers and trade all these guys away, suck miserably for five or six years get some draft picks and build over again. Obviously the window of opportunity this team HAD, is gone.


  Taco said:
and a bit of WGAF in mine

I find it amusing that for someone WDGaF that you continually post on the all hockey threads. we know were you stand on the flames/pro hockey so its getting kind of redundant

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