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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. O.K. O.K...Here is my Mug shot....LOL... ...
  2. Eat your heart out Max.... ..
  3. Met up with Brian at the Crow Tues for a well deserved outing on Both of our behalf's...Been going stir crazy waiting for a weather window...Well we got it, but it was short lived... ...Or I would still be out there...Tues morning started out slow with a few fish to hand... By mid afternoon the water warmed up and some of the pools that were froze over earlier started to open up...And then the fish started to wake up...Brian Started nailen them hard in the pools with an indicator, so I went to the "Dark Side" with and indicator as well... ...and started to get into them...Never caught up to Brian in numbers, but I wasn't to far off... ..Most fish were caught in the pools, but we did manage to get a few out of some runs and head waters of the pools...Water level was up from last time out...And the water clarity was off just enough to make it an advantage to us...we covered Burmis to Leitch..And hit some of the productive spots on the way back....We fished till damn near dark, they were still hitting and a couple were rising as darkness was upon us...Wed fished about the same as Tues, maybe a little slower. The water had also come up a bit on Wed...Vis was still great...Brian found a net on tues....Anyone loose a net on the Crow by the fallin tree up from Burmis??...It has some white thread were it has been repaired...You will see it in one of the pics...I have the net right now, so just let me know if its yours, and will try to get it to ya...All in all, had a great time..Had a great time fishin with Brian...I met a nice fellow on Wed at Burmis from the board, but cant remember his name, I remember his dogs name was Fisher. Clive and Al were out on Wed, but I never run into them, they did leave me a love letter on my truck mind ya.. ...Here are some pics from the outing... Cheers...Jeff.. Brian on one of his breaks...
  4. OMG...To funny!!!...Thanx... Cheers...Jeff..
  5. In the Past years I have seen Hoards of Pheasants just south of the Hat, say 5-10km (if ya want to come this far)....And have seen Many around Cavin Lake just a little bit west of the #41 South.... Cheers...Jeff...
  6. Ive been out to Red Rock 3 times this winter and havent seen any....I did see one about 20km east of there about a month ago...
  7. Wes...I see what your lookin at, I but have been walking down there on several occasions...Its Not a Cross...(as far as I know)...Not sure what it is...Ill checker out next time out...Good eye mang... .. Cheers...Jeff..
  8. Thanx guys....Jeffro...Im thinkin you have a much better Camera...Im sure your pics will compare... ...And them some... Cheers...Jeff..
  9. Here are some pics of Red Rock Coulee from the summer months...You can see the "Sweet Grass Hills'' in the back ground in a couple of the pics...
  10. Been goin stir CRAZY...So my Bro and I went for a Drive to Red Rock Coulee Natural Area and a little tour of the Cypress Hills...Thought I would Share....Feel free to add some pics...Would love to see some members pics from over the winter.... .. Cheers...Jeff..
  11. Have a good one Terry....To bad its a little chilly to fish the Crow....But its lookin up in the next Couple days... Cheers...Jeff..
  12. When I was young, I once fished for trout with Roe sacks and a fly rod (which was legal at the pond I was fishing) There was a C.O. fishing off duty with his Grand Children just down from me. I was nailen Nice sized trout and he was catching nothing. He asked me what I was using, and I said power bait (not wanting to share my secret) He must have then made a call, and within 20 min a C.O. showed up and came straight over to where I was fishing. He right away noticed I was using Roe sacks and said it was illegal, I argued, knowing it was legal, but that never helped. He then wrote me a ticket and took my gear...Knowing that it was legal to use roe, I talked to some higher authorities (took all afternoon on the phone) and got my gear back and my ticket was thrown out the next day...Sure wrecked my day of fishin and was pain in the ass tryin to talk to the right person to plea my case...I see and talk to The C.O several times a year, when Im out and about, but I dont think he remembers... Cheers...Jeff..
  13. Canmore or Nelson BC. Both are awesome little communities with Cosmic fishing close by....
  14. Very nice...Thanx for sharing.. Cheers...Jeff..
  15. Another great Vid Jay...Mighta bin able to call that one "Raspberry Kokanee"... ...Great stuff... Cheers...Jeff..
  16. Happy B-day!!!...And leave the beer alone... :zip it: ... ... Cheers...Jeff..
  17. I carry a black Sharpie in my vest to blacken the bottom of my indicator when still water fishing so the fish don't come up for it or- it wont spook your elusive picky trout...Seems to work great... Cheers...Jeff..
  18. I really like that last pic....Nice fish...Beats thinkin bout fly fishing... Cheers...Jeff..
  19. Insane in the membrain....Insane in the brain!!!!...Thats about the nutsest thing Ive seen!!!...Guna watch it again.... Thanx Al....Jeff..
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